Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1328: many years ago

   Chapter 1328 People from many years ago

  Lin Tian saw that the two were worried and said, "What do you think?"

   After seeing that Lin Tian was back to normal, the two quickly asked about the situation in the cave, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just thought there was something interesting."

   "Interesting?" Su Jing didn't understand, and Bai Jue wanted to know, but Lin Tian didn't tell the two of them, just said, "Okay, go back to the city."

After   , Lin Tian stopped talking and went back to the city.

   When he arrived at the inn, Lin Tian entered the painting himself and took out a pile of ceramics. Zeng Xiaoyao was immediately excited, "So many."

   "Well, you are seated."


   Then Lin Tian began to bless Zeng Xiaoyao, and it was not until a few days later that Lin Tian took out these tens of thousands of the holy spirits painted on the ceramics and gave them to Zeng Xiaoyao.

   There are hundreds of holy spirits on Zeng Xiaoyao's head, and many of them have reached seven stars or more, and even one has eight stars.

   This result made Zeng Xiaoyao very satisfied, and stared at Lin Tiandao, "Thank you sir."

  Lin Tian smiled and didn't say much, but let Zeng Xiaoyao wait while Lin Tian found a quiet place and took out the stone statue.

   There were also some vague images of the Holy Spirit on the stone statue, but Lin Tian put one hand on the stone statue and closed his eyes.

   At this time, there was a layer of seal inside the stone statue, and Lin Tian's strong consciousness passed through the seal and entered it.

   There is a person in here at the moment, and this person seems to be frozen there, motionless, like dead, but like alive.

   "I know you are still alive." Lin Tian's voice echoed in the stone statue, and the man suddenly opened his eyes in the space sealed by the stone statue, and then looked around, "Who are you."

   "You don't have to care who I am, you just need to know that this stone statue is already in my hands, and I can revive you." Lin Tian explained.

   The other party was startled, "Impossible."

  Lin Tian stared at this young man with a puzzled face and asked, "Tell me, who are you and why are you here."

  The other party said after being in a daze for a while, "I am a member of the descendant. It is estimated that it has been 100,000 years from the past to the present."

   "More than ten thousand years ago?"

   "Yes." The other party said kindly, while Lin Tian frowned, but his voice said to him, "Continue."

  The man hesitated and said, "My name is Houyi, I belong to the painters of the latter family, and what we paint is the technique of the Holy Spirit."

   "The technique of the Holy Spirit? Is it the ability to paint the Holy Spirit on ceramics?" Lin Tian asked, and the rear wing said gracefully, "Yes."

  Lin Tian understood and asked, "Then why are you here?"

   "Our family's technique of the Holy Spirit is very advanced. I wanted to paint a high-level Holy Spirit. Only this stone statue has it, so I came in. After I studied for a long time, I wanted to leave, but I found that I couldn't leave." The rear wing sighed.

   "You mean there is a holy spirit in this stone statue?"

   "Yes." The back wing gave a kind voice, and Lin Tian continued to look at the surrounding space, and found that words and pictures were flashing around, it really looked like some kind of painting, but this was a painting of the Holy Spirit.

  The rear wing wondered, "Who are you? Why is there this stone statue?"

  Lin Tian explained what happened, and the rear wing was surprised, "You, did you seal up that crack?"


  The rear wing couldn't believe it and said, "How is this possible."

   "This may not be possible, so don't guess, but you, do you know who sealed you here?"

   "Seal? What seal?" The other party obviously didn't know that he couldn't come out because there was a layer of seal outside.

  Lin Tian explained the situation, and the rear wing was shocked when he heard it, "Who are you, I can't get out because there is an extra layer of seal."


   This frightened the rear wing, "How can this happen."

   "What the **** happened?"

The rear wing hesitated for a long time and became lost, "There were two geniuses in our family who painted the Holy Spirit at that time, I was one of them, and the other one had a bad temperament, so the elders at that time did not allow him to study this stone statue, so it was very interesting. It may be that he manipulated the statue."

  Lin Tian understood and said, "I'll get you out now."

"Really?" The rear wing was surprised, but Lin Tian didn't say much, broke the seal on the stone statue, and the rear wing leaped to Lin Tian, ​​looking around in surprise, "I , I really came out."

   However, after the rear wing realized that there were paintings around, the smile gradually disappeared and said, "This."

   "Don't worry, we are in the painting now, you will be free when you go out later."

   After hearing this, the rear wing immediately said happily, "Thank you."

   "That's your luck." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked out of the painting, and when he came outside the city, he got the rear wing out.

   After the rear wing saw the real forest and the world outside, the whole person was extremely excited, "I thought, I would never get out again."

  Lin Tian could sense his mood at the moment, so he didn't say much, but the rear wing stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Little brother, thank you."

"You are welcome."

   "Your kindness, I will write it down in the rear wing. As long as you have something to do in the future, come to the rear clan to find me at any time, and I will definitely help you."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "That's what you said."

   "Yes." After the rear wing finished speaking, he left Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian also packed up and returned to the inn in the city.

  In the inn, Su Jing asked curiously after seeing Lin Tian gone and returned, "Old Ancestor, where have you been?"

   "Walk around, what? Is there a problem?"

   "Just now, the shopkeeper Tong came to you and said that someone wanted to see you." That Su Jing explained, while Lin Tian asked curiously, "What? Who is the patient?"

   "I don't know, you go ask." Su Jing also didn't understand, and Lin Tian had to go to the first floor of the inn, saw the shopkeeper Tong who was returning from the outside, and asked with a smile, "Manager Tong, what's the matter?"

  Tong shopkeeper saw Lin Tian appear, and said excitedly, "Little brother, it's like this, the owner of our inn wants to see you."


   "Yes, he asked me to invite you over." The shopkeeper Tong said expectantly, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Then you have to tell me the reason."

   "I don't know what to say about this, anyway, my family has ordered me a thousand times, if I don't invite you over, then let me get out." The shopkeeper Tong said pitifully.

  Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "Let him come to me by himself, I'll be in the room."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian went back to the room, and the shopkeeper Tong took out the sound transmission stone and communicated respectfully there.

   As for Lin Tian's return to the room, Su Jing asked curiously, "Old Ancestor, who do you think the owner of this shopkeeper Tong's mouth is?"

   "I'll find out later, why bother asking." Lin Tian smiled, then closed his eyes and rested.


   Until half a day later, the voice of shopkeeper Tong came from outside, "Little brother, our adults have already stayed in the secret room of the inn. Please come and talk to avoid crowds here."

   (end of this chapter)

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