Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1315: prosperous city

   Chapter 1315 Prosperous city

  Lin Tian stepped forward and pointed a finger on his forehead with a wicked smile, and the alcoholic said in horror, "What are you doing?"

   "Help you clear the shackles of your soul."

  The alcoholic disbelieved, "Impossible, I can't break the shackles."

  Lin Tian ignored his shock. After a while, the drunkard was dumbfounded. Lin Tian put his hands behind his back and said with a smile, "You are a five-star spy in Hidden Affairs, aren't you."

   "Yes, my lord." The drunkard had no choice but to say when he knew that he was completely under control at this moment.

   Lin Tianen said, "Then you are responsible for the southern border?"

   "Yes, I am responsible for all the spies and everything on the southern border of the Water Country."

  Lin Tian understood with a smile and said, "That's okay, if there is any situation in the future, please report to me."

   "Yes, my lord."

  Lin Tian then went through the drunkard's memory carefully, just like turning a book, and finally found something interesting and asked, "Are you going to gather with the spy captains from other regions every month?"

   "Well, once a month."

   "Then you know what they did?" Lin Tian asked, and the alcoholic shook his head.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Is there anyone else in charge of the capital?"

   "Well, there are people in charge of the various courts in the capital and everywhere." The drunkard explained, and Lin Tian calmed down and said, "Okay, I understand, but you have to lend me your token."

  The drunkard froze for a moment and said, "If the token is given to you, I will meet every month, and I will not be able to meet."

   "Don't worry, I just copied one piece." Lin Tian explained, while the drunkard widened his eyes, "Copy one piece?"

  Lin Tian can even make a magic weapon exactly the same, let alone a token, so he let the other party take the token, and after imitating the breath, he took out the token that the bow and silver gave him before.

   "In the future, this bow silver will no longer be there, and you don't need to care where he goes." Lin Tian said to the drunkard.

  The drunkard replied, "Yes, my lord."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Now, I copied it as yours. In the future, you will be me and I will be you. If there is any special situation, please report it to me at any time."

   "Understood." The alcoholic dared not refuse, but Lin Tian cleaned up his mood and let the alcoholic go.

  After the alcoholic left Happy Valley, the whole person was frightened, "What a terrible guy."

  Lin Tian was holding a token with a five-star token on it and a name, "Old Wine."

   This old wine is the code name of that drunkard, and Lin Tian smiled, "With this, you can have a party with those people."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian told the drunkard not to go for a while this month, but when the drunkard heard that Lin Tian was going, he was startled, "He wouldn't plan to take down the intelligence envoy, would he?"

   The intelligence envoy is one rank higher than these captains, and he is also a six-star scout from the Secret Service Sect, and he is in charge of many captains like drunkards.

  Lin Tian already knew the memories of drunkards at this moment, so he naturally wanted to take down all the spies network of Shuiguo.

  So Lin Tian packed up his mood, went back to the hall, looked at Su Jing and the others, "I'm going to go far, who of you are going?"

   "I'm going!" The three of them said in unison.

   But everyone was staring at Bai Jue, especially Su Jing said strangely, "You and my ancestor are not related and not related, why did you take you?"

   laughed wildly and said, "That's right, why did I bring you?"

   This Bai Jue hesitated, "I just want to see him being repaired."

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, but at this time Zeng Xiaoyao came from outside the hall, "Take me too."

  Lin Tian looked at everyone and smiled bitterly, "I am alone, taking the four of you, this is too ostentatious."

   The four immediately looked at each other, and then unanimously decided not to bring Bai Jue, and Bai Jue was puzzled, "If you don't take me, I will go by myself."

   Lin Tian smiled at Kuang and said, "I have a mission for you."

   laughed wildly and said excitedly, "Sir, you said it."

   "You go to the Hall of Slaughter and help me collect some killers with the people from the Hall of Slaughter." Lin Tian stared at him and smiled wildly.

   laughed wildly and immediately responded, "Yes."

   After saying that, he smiled wildly and left, while Lin Tian stared at Zeng Xiaoyao, "What about you, enter the painting, I will let you out when you need it."

   "Yes, my lord."

   Zeng Xiaoyao entered the painting, and Su Jing excitedly said, "Old Ancestor, what about me?"

   "Just follow." Lin Tian hesitated and said, while Su Jing was overjoyed and immediately followed Lin Tian.

  Bai Jue followed behind. Although Su Jing and Lin Tian didn't speak to him, he always came over and wanted to say a few words.

  Su Jing was too lazy to pay attention to him, but asked Lin Tian, ​​"Old Ancestor, where are we going?"

   "This southern city is already peaceful, but other places are not peaceful, so now I plan to go to the second largest city in the Water Country, Shuiyun City."

  Su Jing has understood the general layout of the Water Kingdom in the past few days, so she said, "I know that this Water Cloud City is one of the most prosperous cities in the Water Kingdom, and it is second only to the existence of the Water Kingdom Capital."

   Lin Tianen said, "At the same time, it is also the headquarters of the Qin State's spies network."

  Su Jing was surprised when she heard it, "Old Ancestor, are you trying to catch the Qin State's spies all at once?"

   "This net is very big, and it is very difficult to hit it down at once, but in my eyes, nothing is impossible." Lin Tian said with a smile.

  Su Jing immediately said excitedly, "I listen to the ancestors."

   "Listen to me, don't mention Qin's affairs at that time, the people of Qin in the province, knowing our purpose, have already run away."

   "Yes, Patriarch." After Su Jing finished speaking, she stopped talking and went north with Lin Tian.

   Along the way, Su Jing has seen a lot of scenery, as well as many towns and cities.

   Until five days later, when they were standing outside Shuiyun City, that Su Jing wowed, "This city is so prosperous."

  I saw that the city wall is a high wall, and the surface layer is inlaid with colorful stones, and the ground is also full of colorful stones.

   Bai Jue stared at Su Jing and said, "Make a fuss."

  Su Jing returned to the divine way, "Have you ever seen a city made of colorful stones?"

   "I've heard of it, but it's not as exaggerated as you." Bai Jue continued to tease, while Su Jing had never heard of it, but seeing it for the first time was enough to shock her.

  Lin Tian smiled calmly and said, "I've seen cities built by immortal stones."

  Su Jing took a deep breath, "Aren't you afraid that someone will poach it?"

"The stones are specially processed and combined with the surrounding formations. If someone steals, this formation will activate the automatic protection function and punish the thief." Lin Tian explained this very well. .

  Su Jing suddenly realized, "No wonder no one stole these stones, it turned out to be integrated with the formation."

   Bai Jue couldn't help complaining when she saw Su Jing like that, "You hillbilly."

   "You're still a follower, a thick-skinned scumbag!" Su Jing was not to be outdone, but Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "You've been arguing for five days, can you be quiet?"

  Su Jing immediately quieted down, but Bai Jue said proudly, "Anyway, I'm not your disciple, so I don't need to listen to you."

   Lin Tian stared at Bai Jue and smiled, "It seems that if I don't fix you, your skin will be itchy."

   (end of this chapter)

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