Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1313: collide on purpose

   Chapter 1313 Deliberately colliding together

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "I learned it a long time ago."

   Gongyin did not dare to believe, "Could it be that you are also from the secret door?"

  Lin Tian smiled and asked, "If I were, why would I have to go to so much trouble? Just find them directly, do I need to find you?"

   Gongyin embarrassed, "That's true."

"Okay, bring the token, and leave the rest to me." Lin Tian said, and that Gong Yin Ensheng gave the token to Lin Tian. In this way, Lin Tian was completely replaced in the secret door. Bow silver.

  Lin Tianze said with a smile, "You stay in the city. If you need anything, I will find you."


   Then the two left one after another, while Lin Tian came to Nanyun Inn and stayed in the lobby.

   There are many people in the hall at the moment, and the people here do not know each other.

  Lin Tian glanced at these people. After he didn't notice anything in particular, he continued to wait until night fell. When it was almost midnight, Lin Tian saw a lot of dark shadows outside 301.

  Lin Tian smiled, then found a guest room to stay, and when he got inside, he also turned into a black shadow, left directly from the window, and entered through the window of 301.

   There are seven people in here at the moment, including Lin Tian, ​​there are eight, and when these people see Lin Tian, ​​there is no resistance, but it is like seeing acquaintances.

   These people greeted them one by one, and then waited there quietly.

   After about a while, the ninth person appeared, and as soon as this person appeared, he was the captain of this place. I saw him take out a token and say, "Everyone take out the token."

  Everyone took out the tokens, and then checked one by one. After confirming that everyone was all right, the man said, "It's the same as before, everyone report their situation."

   At this time, the others reported one by one in order, and they all reported some trivial matters and how the people they were monitoring were doing.

   None of these matters until Lin Tian said, "What I am in charge of has already been completed."

   The captain said strangely, "Done?"

   "Yes, General Zhang, I have taken it, as long as I order, he will obey me." Lin Tian said simply.

   The captain didn't believe it, and still stared at Lin Tiandao, "Gong Yin, do you know what the responsibility for false information is?"

   "I didn't tell a lie." Lin Tian believed in himself, and the man had to say, "That's fine, you invite this General Zhang outside the city, and we'll take a look."

  Lin Tianen sounded, but he said again, "In order to prevent the spies from the Water Kingdom from discovering that he has betrayed, so I have to prepare. Tomorrow night, I will go with everyone."

   Everyone nodded, and the captain responded, "Okay, no problem."

   So the captain ordered everyone again, "Tomorrow night, at the same time, change to the south cliff outside the city to gather."


   Everyone evacuated one by one, and the captain turned and left.

  Lin Tian also left, but Lin Tian followed the captain. The captain was like a dark shadow, quickly rushed out of the inn, entered an alley, and then climbed to an ordinary house, and finally disappeared.

  Lin Tian watched his every move in the dark until the shadow man disappeared, and then a drunken man walked out of the house.

   The drunk man staggered, as if he was going somewhere else, and Lin Tian also recovered, and then Lin Tian stepped forward and bumped the man.

   At this moment, the drunk man didn't know Lin Tian at all, because Lin Tian was not under the shadow at the moment, and he didn't show his token, so the drunk man pretended to be confused, "Who are you? Don't you have eyes?"

  Lin Tian smiled at him, "I think you are drunk."

   "I'm drunk? Where did you see me being drunk?" The drunk man glared, and Lin Tian quietly posted a tracking sign behind him, hid it, and said with a smile, "Okay, you're not drunk."

   After saying that, Lin Tian shook his head helplessly, then pretended to leave, and the drunk man cursed, "I'm sick."

   Then the other party stumbled and spent half an hour returning to a tavern. Then, after the drunk man entered, he shouted to the inside, "Give me more wine."

  The people in the tavern, one by one, complained, "It's the alcoholic again."

   "There's no way, people are rich and specialize in drinking good wine."

  Everyone was talking about it, and after the young man here prepared a drink for the alcoholic, the alcoholic drank there, and then fell into a coma.

  Lin Tian came in from outside at this time, sat on the edge, smiled and asked the other drinkers, "Who is this? Why are you sleeping here?"

   "This person is an alcoholic here, and every time he gets drunk, he lies here, but he pays, and the people here won't drive him away."

   "Drinker, do you have a name?" Lin Tianxiao asked, those people shook their heads, and some even said, "He's been here for a few years, and no one knows his name."

  Lin Tian snorted, and the drunkard slept there until dawn, then opened his eyes in a daze, "It's dawn again."

  Lin Tian stared at the drunkard and grabbed him, "You stole from me."

   Everyone present was blinded, wondering what was going on, but the alcoholic wondered, "I stole something from you? When did it happen?"

   Lin Tian explained, "I was walking on the street last night, and then you bumped me, and the bag where I put the colorful stones disappeared."

  The alcoholic refused to admit it, and said, "How can I have."

   "You're drunk, of course you don't know." Lin Tian said, and everyone suddenly realized that they all accused the alcoholic, "No wonder he has money, so he stole it."

   Someone even shouted, "Boy, reporter, let him be arrested."

   "That's right, let him go to jail."

   The alcoholic was anxious, "Little brother, I really don't have it, you must be mistaken."

"I can't make a mistake." Lin Tian affirmed, and the drunkard panicked, he knew that if he went to the cell, it would be over, so he stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Little brother, tell me, how many things are in your bag, I Just supply you."

   "Supply me?"

   "Yes, private chat, you don't have to go to the government." The drunkard said, and Lin Tian said solemnly, "Ten billion."

   Everyone exclaimed, after all, a young man has 10 billion, it is impossible, and that drunkard knows that Lin Tian is blackmailing himself, but at this moment he can only accept his fate, "In this way, 10 billion is 10 billion."

After   , the other party took out a bag to Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Thank you."

   Then Lin Tian walked out of the tavern happily, and then hummed a ditty. As for the drunkard, he stared at Lin Tian coldly.

   It wasn't until Lin Tian walked out of the southern city that this drunkard suddenly appeared and stood in front of Lin Tian staring at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you dare to blackmail me."

   "Is that you?" Lin Tian said with a smile, and the drunkard hummed, "Return the money to me, I can spare your life, or let you die."

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "Return to you? Aren't you afraid that I will sue you?"

   "Sue me? People in the government will believe you?" The alcoholic grunted, while Lin Tian muttered, "Even if you don't believe me, at least I will take you to question me. It's a waste of your time, isn't it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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