Count of Wizards

Chapter 989: Old priest (2)

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For the old priest beside him, he could see through his true identity at a glance. "Caroline" is Margaret. There was no surprise, and he said lightly: "You remember correctly, the last time I met I’m only eleven years old, and I’m still in the church’s monastery."

"You know? At that time, I believed that you Margaret would become a very good intelligence officer. If you weren't too young at the time and didn't meet the church's regulations, I would definitely let you at that time. Received training from the Black Organization!"

"When you grow up, when I go to the monastery to find you, you have already followed the cardinal Jelena. Time flies so fast. More than 20 years have passed in a flash. The girl has also become an official wizard of the church, and has become the most important partner of Archbishop Jelena." The old pastor turned his head to look at Margaret and preached with some exclamation:

"It seems that I should be very grateful for the church's regulations!" Although the true identity of the other party has been confirmed from the other party's words, Margaret still remained calm and said neither humble nor overbearing:

In response to Marguerite’s statement, the old priest shook his head and continued: “There is never a shortage of beautiful women in this world, but Marguerite, which one of these beautiful women are you special, except He has a beautiful appearance and is also very smart, able to know the purpose of the other person from the words of the other person."

"Your old man really takes me seriously. If I were as smart as you imagined, I wouldn't be here by you now!" After finishing speaking, Marguerite sighed slightly, showing some regret.

Seeing that Margaret was still playing Tai Chi with herself, the old priest looked at Margaret and revealed a little disappointment. A few seconds later, he asked Margaret: "Yes. Tell me, are you working for the Church of the Storm, or are you working for the Cardinal Jelena?"

Although the old priest’s voice was very flat, the question fell to Margaret’s ears, but it was like a bolt from the blue...

After pondering for a few seconds in my heart, Margaret did not directly give the answer, but instead asked, "My Lord Christant, although you are the intelligence director of the Black Organization, you have a high position in the church. It's the right-hand man of Hummels in red, but it's not good to slander a cardinal in this way and tore her apart from the church. If you let the pope know, you will have to be punished?"

"Margaret, you have grown up in the church. Many secret things in the church are not secret to you. You should know my temper. I don’t like going around in circles. There are only two of us here. What can you tell me from the answer in your mind?" The old priest disguised as Christant said in a low voice:

"My Lord Christant, the only thing I can tell you is that I am the pastor of the Church of the Storm, under the command of Archbishop Jelena!" Seeing this guy Christant, setting herself up, Margaret With a sneer, he said without leaking:

Hearing Margaret’s answer to herself, Christant didn’t say anything else, and just continued preaching on her own: "Margaret, I don’t know Archbishop Jelena, I will send you to What is the purpose of Frosinone’s coming here, but you should know the importance of this matter to the church. I advise you, don’t try to interfere or influence this matter, otherwise it will be even if Irina is red. The archbishop can't keep you out!" China Fiction Library

After this passage, Christant didn’t care about Margaret’s reaction. He slowly got up from her position and walked out of the classroom. Looking at the back of her departure, Margaret’s eyes showed a deep The color of fear.



"Connor, what are you going to do next?" In the Ferguson Mansion, after Connor and Varga were lingering to death, when they were warm in bed, Varga asked Connor in a low voice:

Hearing Varga’s question, Connor remembered the troubles again, and sighed slightly and said: "I agree to cooperate with the Storm Church. A few days later, I will meet with Christant and discuss some details. I originally planned to go to the Navas Forest next time to see if I can find anything, and then decide now whether to cooperate with the Storm Church, but now it seems that the Storm Church is very involved in this matter. I have a lot of determination, and I don’t plan to give me too much time to think about it..."

"What can I do for you?" Leaning on Connor's solid chest, Varga asked Connor seriously:

Hearing Varga say this, Connor's heart moved, some hesitating to look at Varga, but there seemed to be some scruples, he finally gave up this plan, just smiled at Varga and said: "Outside It’s me, Varga, you help me guard the Ferguson family, I’m very happy!"

"But when you really encounter something impossible to do, Varga, you must remember not to be swayed by the Ferguson family. When you feel that you should run away, you must not hesitate and leave the mansion according to the secret road I told you. !" At the end, Connor's expression changed very solemnly, and he warned Varga:

For Connor’s warning Varga didn’t seem to listen. She glanced at Connor, and then calmly said: “What you want me to do will not be the same as Margaret’s. Are women related?"

Hearing Varga talked directly about his own thoughts, Connor's expression was startled, but Connor quickly reacted and concealed the surprise on his face, but unfortunately, Connor's expression still changed. Was in full view of Varga, just when Connor was about to say something, but before he had time to open his mouth, Varga’s white and tender fingers were placed on Connor’s lips, and he said seriously to Connor: "Kang Na, I am willing to do anything for you!"

Feeling Varga's sincere emotions for him, a warm current flowed in the heart of Connor, and he kissed Varga again.

Ten seconds later, Connor whispered in Varga's ear: "You know, Varga, Margaret is the pastor of the Storm Church. She has a very deep relationship within the Storm Church. To provide her with these news, and I am working with the Storm Church, it is tantamount to working with a tiger for skin..."

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