Count of Wizards

Chapter 966: Christant (2)

"Sir, what would you like to eat? The grilled steak and roast leg of lamb in our shop are all imported from the Odin grassland by train. There are also self-brewed fresh beer. The taste is very refreshing and mellow. will not disappoint you"

A thin and tall waiter in the Durst Tavern did not notice the weirdness between Connor and Kristans. After seeing Connor found a seat to sit down, he thought it was Connor and Kristans. It was together, and immediately put on a standard smiling face, and introduced Connor to the dishes and drinks of their tavern.

   glanced at the enthusiastic waiter, Connor took a one-shilling bill from his wallet and threw it to him, then said faintly: "Give me a glass of lemonade and a grilled steak!"

   "Understood! I will bring it to you immediately!"

   After receiving a shilling bill thrown by Connor, the lanky waiter replied to Connor, and immediately walked to the back kitchen.

  As the lanky waiter left, Connor once again focused his attention on the gluttonous Christant who was eating in front of him.

Christant Edinkamp, ​​or Christant for short, according to the information given by Margaret, this person was born in the family of a Storm Church pastor in Luen and received the most orthodox theological education since he was a child. Possessing a talent for wizards, he joined the church’s arbiter system when he was fourteen years old. It took him less than two decades to change from a junior wizard apprentice to a senior wizard apprentice, and was transferred from the Church of Storms. Arbitrator system.

Christant, who broke away from the arbitrator system, became a church pastor, preaching in the Bent Gordia region in the southwest of the Kaman Empire, and 30 years ago, under the protection of the goddess of the storm, successfully A senior wizard apprentice, broke through to become an official wizard, and was transferred back to the headquarters of the Storm Church in the capital Bernabeu.

This is Christant's resume, and it is also the identity information on the face, but in the private room of the Smith Hotel that day, Margaret not only told Connor this, but also told Connor about her Some other speculations about the identity of the representative of the Storm Church, Mr. Christant, who was sent to meet Connor

Although Margaret did not obtain strong evidence to prove the true identity of Christant due to the limitation of her authority in the church, according to some rumors heard in the church over the years, Margaret Lit guessed that this Mr. Christant, in the true identity of the Storm Church, looked as simple as an ordinary captain and official wizard-level priest.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   According to semi-public information, when Christant became a senior wizard apprentice, he left the arbiter system and was transferred to the church in the southwestern part of the empire. The church in Tegodia became a pastor there, responsible for preaching the morals of the Storm Church to the people there, but Margaret believed that it was just a blindfold, and the Storm Church tried to use that way. Disguise the true identity of Christant.

  Actually, Margaret believes that after leaving the arbitrator system, Christant Edinkamp, ​​with his good performance as the arbitrator of the church, joined the most mysterious intelligence agency of the Church of the Storm-the Black Agency!

Christant developed step by step in the Black Institution, and finally, under the tilt of the training resources of the Storm Church, he broke through and became an official wizard. After so many years of flying, Christant’s current true identity is very likely to be Storm. The intelligence director of the Black Agency, the notorious intelligence agency at the church headquarters.

  Because the Black Institution is not one of the most important departments of the Storm Church, in order to demonstrate its importance, the head of the Black Institution of the Storm Church has always been the pope or the heir of the Pope of the Storm Church.

The current Black Institution is also served by the Red Archbishop Hummels, a strong competitor of the next Pope of the Storm Church, but because Hummels is not familiar with intelligence work, and besides his own practice, there are other things. Some of the internal affairs of the church need to be dealt with. Normally, it is very busy.

Therefore, although Hummels is the head of the Black Organization in name, in fact he is nothing more than a name, making decisions on some important matters. The daily work of the Black Organization is all done by the second person of the Black Organization. , Which is done by the Director of Intelligence!

   In other words, this Mr. Christant sitting in front of Connor is very likely to be the biggest intelligence leader of the Church of the Storm!

Although Margaret did not say what was the basis for her conjecture, and there is no evidence to prove her conjecture, Connor, who is familiar with Margaret’s characteristics, still clearly realizes that Margaret Since Te was able to share this conjecture with herself, it meant that she herself was very confident in this conjecture. If she was ambiguous and not sure, she would never tell her.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   At that time, I got this from and Connor was also shocked when it was only her guess. , But soon Connor realized that if Margaret’s guess was not wrong, Mr. Christant, who was sent by the Storm Church to meet him, was really the intelligence director of the Black Agency, then it would explain one thing. The problem, that is, the other party is not directed at oneself.·········

Although he is an official wizard and inherited the title of Earl Ferguson, he is the backbone of the hereditary aristocratic group of the Kaman Empire. His identity is very sensitive. How to deal with the dark wizard of himself is a very difficult problem for the Church of the Storm, but Obviously, even if I was in trouble, I asked the Storm Church to send the Intelligence Director of the Black Organization. Such an absolute top of the Storm Church came to meet me from the Storm Church headquarters in the Imperial Bernabeu!

   Since it wasn't for himself, what would it be like when Christant came to meet him?

   For this question, Connor has a vague answer in his heart!

While Connor was waiting for a meal, this Mr. Christant finally wiped out all the food on his plate, took a handkerchief from his arms and wiped the oil stains from the corner of his mouth, then looked at Connor and said: "Connor Ferguson, you are more confident than I thought."

   "Really! Then I'm really honored!" Connor was neither humble nor overbearing for the compliment of this big intelligence chief, and said lightly:

   "Unfortunately, sometimes it is not a good thing for people to be too self-confident, and it is easy to change from self-confidence to arrogance!" Christant put away the handkerchief, shook his head and preached to Connor:

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