Count of Wizards

Chapter 960: Appeasement policy

Although Connor had no interest in the appeasement policy proposed by Martínez's chief butler to tolerate and raise rapes, Connor did not speak directly in respect of the old butler who had served the Ferguson family for decades. He denied his plan, and instead practised Tai Chi and said: "Martinez Butler, I just returned to the family and I am not familiar with the internal affairs of the family, so I don't think I am in a hurry to make a decision on this matter. I still need some time to think about it!"

Although Connor’s words were very polite, Martinez saw Connor’s advice to him, and he was a little careless, and immediately said with all his heart: "Master Connor, I know that young people like you are young and vigorous, facing serious problems like this. The armed rebellion of China is unacceptable. If the family is normal now, I will definitely not forgive these rebels."

"Master Connor, you have just returned to the family. You should not be clear about the situation in the family. The financial situation of our family is very unoptimistic. There are also many forces outside. They are also eyeing the existence of the family and want to take it from the family at any time. After cutting the meat, the four words of internal and external troubles can describe the current situation of the family. It can be said that the current situation of the family is not excessive at all. Let alone say it, but within Frosinone, the status of the family is also precarious."

"Now this is the time to unite everyone in the family together. Now the group of people who followed Domenech, Jack Ferguson, and Bernardo launched the rebellion, I'm sure they are absolutely in fear now. , Afraid that the family will start to relax them"

"If this time, Master Connor, you can be magnanimous and forgive their crimes, then there is no doubt that you will win their loyalty, and you will win the support of the entire Ferguson family!" At this point, Martinez's butler paused. , Looked at Connor, as if wanting to see something from Connor’s face, but what disappointed them was that Connor, who had heard such a long talk about him at this time, looked as calm as water, without the slightest emotional change. .

Seeing Connor's noncommittal attitude, Martinez hesitated a bit, but gritted his teeth and said, "On the other hand, Master Connor, when the hearts of this family are floating, you choose to kill and pursue it to the end. The misty family is in danger of falling apart..."

Hearing such exaggeration by Martinez butler, although Connor was still expressionless on his face, he still felt a little disgusted with the behavior of Martinez butler.

As Martinez’s chief butler said, if Connor chooses to do it at this time, the Ferguson family is indeed in danger under his iron-blooded wrists. After all, those insurgents will certainly not stand by their necks and wait for death. They must give it a go. But the danger of falling apart is undoubtedly nonsense!

If you want the Ferguson family to fall apart, the first requirement is the Ferguson Family Cavaliers. This Ferguson family is a hereditary aristocracy and legal armed forces no longer exist. From this time Domenech, Jack Ferguson, Bernardo and others are in Ferguson. Before the armed rebellion launched by the manor, the main force of the family Cavaliers had to be transferred away. It can be seen that although these rebels have many supporters in the family, they have not yet received the family Cavaliers. support!

If the Family Cavaliers support Domenech’s armed rebellion, then Domenech does not need to deceive Martinez’s butler through Bernardo and transfer the Family Cavaliers out of the manor. Domenech does not need to recruit the gang. Yiren comes to help him!

As long as the legal armed force of the Family Cavaliers still exists, the Ferguson family's situation is still very bad, but it will definitely not collapse all at once and completely fall apart.

The Martínez Butler, as the actual controller of the family, would never fail to understand, but he still said that there is only one possibility, that is, the Martinez Butler, who is deliberately exaggerating and frightening himself. , Trying to get himself out of trouble and agree to his policy of appeasement.

Although it is clear that Martinez’s butler made this decision not because of his personal interests, but because of his family’s future, but Connor, who has always been dictatorial, is still slightly unhappy in his heart, but he did not These dissatisfaction manifested, but once again very solemnly expressed to Martinez butler: "Martinez butler, I understand what you mean, I will make the right choice for the future of the family, but now I Need to think about it!"

Seeing that Connor still insisted, Martinez’s butler, hesitated to say something, trying to say but in the end he just sighed slightly, not admonishing Connor, although he was When Connor was away, his family butler was the actual controller of the Ferguson family, but now that Connor, the rightful first heir to the Patriarch, is back, it’s now Connor’s turn to make the final decision. The housekeeper should return to the job of assisting the family owner to manage the family, and then make a decision for Connor, that is to go beyond his authority!

Seeing Martínez's butler, finally stopped speaking. To prevent the atmosphere from being embarrassed, Connor took the initiative to change the topic and preached: "Old butler, how long will it take for me to succeed the Patriarch and the Earl's title?"

"According to the empire’s "Inheritance Law" and "Knighthood Succession Law", Connor, as the rightful first heir to the earl's position, you only need to send an official letter to the empire in the name of your family when you inherit."

"After getting the official letter and being approved by the Empire, Master Connor, you are the Earl of Ferguson. At that time, according to custom, the family will hold a ceremony to celebrate Master Connor as the new Earl of Ferguson, and at the ceremony, Master Connor, you I will get blessings from the imperial royal family, the Church of the Earth, and the Church of the Storm...!" The Martinez Butler introduced Connor to the entire process of inheriting the title.

"Leave these things to the butler for you to handle!" Connor said with a smile:

"No problem, Master Connor!" Martinez's butler nodded. For him, this kind of family affairs is what he is best at.

After talking about other things with Martinez’s butler, Connor and Martinez ended today’s meeting and personally delivered Martinez’s butler to the door. Connor watched the old man leave. The rickety back, a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes·········

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