Count of Wizards

Chapter 950: untitled

In order to keep these secret passages confidential and ensure that these secret passages are not known to outsiders, Del Ferguson, the then head of the Ferguson family, decided on the suggestion of the then family senator that these secret passages are not used in common, but are based on different family status Use separately.

Family elders have secret paths of family elders, core members of family members have secret paths of core members, and family patriarchs and their heirs and relatives also have other secret paths. These secret paths are not connected, and the secret path leads to They are also different, so that both the maximum confidentiality can be maximized, and the family can be ensured to the maximum extent that they will not be dealt with by others!

Hundreds of years have passed since the secret road was built. Coupled with the stability of the imperial rule and the establishment of a legal society, the role of the secret road in Ferguson Manor is getting smaller and smaller than the original expectations. But at this moment of crisis, the secret path is the greatest hope of Martine's butler and the entire Ferguson family!

As the chief steward of the family and the elder in the family, Martinez can only leave through the elder secret road according to the rules, but he does not intend to do so. The reason is very simple. In his eyes, the organizer of the manor conspiracy carried out. Bernardo and Domenech are both elders of the Ferguson family. They also know the location and route of the Secret Path of the Elders. Then the people in black did not find themselves in the manor, so they are very It is possible that under the instructions of the two of them, they will go to the secret path of the veteran to intercept themselves.

After leaving the grass, the butler of Martinez did not rush to find the secret passage. He quietly came to a small bungalow where the handyman lived in the manor, took off his clothes and put them in the stove to burn them, and put on a new one. I put on a handyman’s clothes, and put a little dust on my face, as much as possible to hide his appearance, so that I look like an old and stupid handyman, not a family elder, with great power. housekeeper.

The disguised identity Martinez butler’s fingers lightly flicked on the black cane. Following the movements of Martinez’s butler, the only weapon in his hand—the mechanical mechanism on the black cane seemed to be turned on. Under the force of the Martínez butler, it became a short and slapped stick, which was hidden in the sleeves by the Martinez butler.

After finishing these Martinez butlers, he left the bungalow where the handyman lived and walked slowly towards the northeast corner of the manor. On the road where the Martinez butler was walking, groups of people in black were rushing. Running, according to Domenech's order, in every corner of the manor, he was searching for the Martinez butler, but these people could not imagine that the target they searched for was by their side at this time.

After walking for about ten minutes, Martinez’s butler, disguised as an old handyman, came to a dump site. Ferguson Manor had two dump sites due to its huge area. Used to gather and transport the garbage generated in the manor, one is located in the southwest corner of the manor, and the other is the garbage dump in the northeast corner where Martinez's butler now arrived.

After arriving at the dump, Martinez’s butler did not act in a hurry. Instead, he looked around and saw that there were no people in black around him. Then he started his action. According to his memory, he came to the workers’ toilet at the dump. Looking at the smelly toilet, Martinez's butler did not show any disgusting expression. On the contrary, there was a touch of joy in his eyes.···········

Coming to the door of the tightly locked tool room in the toilet, Martinez's butler, a great knight, broke the door lock and walked in with a clean hand knife, looking at the tool room. , A dazzling array of toilet tools such as mops and brooms, Martinez recalled his memories while searching for something in these tools.

Soon the Martínez butler found what he was looking for. It was a rough, but still sturdy hammer. After getting this hammer, the Martinez butler did not hesitate. The wall on the right side was smashed, and I don’t know what is magical about this ordinary-looking hammer. The side of the tool room is made of steel and cement. The wall is very strong, and it seems to be covered with tofu. Just like scum, a big gap was broken by this hammer a few times, and through this big gap, you can vaguely see that behind this wall, there is a large black paint. iron gate!

After a few more hammers came down, the Martínez butler directly stripped off the wall, so that all the big iron doors behind the wall were exposed. This big iron door is about two meters high and one meter wide, except for the iron door. Right in the center, there is a keyhole outside, and there is no mark on the iron Seeing the iron door appear, Martinez’s chief steward, the old man is still aside with the hammer in his hand. There is a complex color in his eyes. The Ferguson family’s collection of classics is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, but without exception, no classics have recorded any form of this iron door. And this position only exists in the word of mouth of the patriarchs of the Ferguson family in the past!

This iron door is forged from stainless steel. As long as the door is locked, unless there is an exclusive method to open the door, it is difficult to explode the iron door even with tons of black powder. After the iron gate, there is Ferguson Manor, where the most secret secret path of the Patriarch is located. According to the secret path of the Ferguson family belonging to the Patriarch and the first heir, it can only be known by the Patriarch himself, and then the first number heir will become an adult At that time, the parents gave to the first in line heir.

Although he is the chief steward of the family and a member of the family senator, Martinez did not know the secret path before according to the rules, but more than a year ago, Connor’s father was Alfredo, Earl of Ferguson. Ferguson, when he was seriously ill, knew that he had no time, and saw that Connor had not returned to the family, so he was desperate, afraid that he would not see Connor's return while he was alive.

Therefore, in order to prevent the secret path of the Patriarch of Ferguson Manor from being lost, Alfredo Ferguson made a bold decision. He broke the secret path of the Patriarch of the Ferguson family, and the Patriarch at the time informed the first heir. In his tradition, he made an exception and told him the position of the Patriarch’s secret path, and told him that he was the most trusted, dedicated and dedicated butler Martinez who had worked for the Ferguson family for a lifetime. He hoped that after his death, the Martinez butler would replace him with Ferguson. Tell Connor the secret of the Patriarch's secret path in the manor.

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