Count of Wizards

Chapter 944: untitled

Jack Ferguson’s remarks obviously really touched Eugenia, and her expression couldn’t help changing. When she thought of her son Henry, Eugenia sighed slightly and said to Domenech in her heart. The lover who satisfied her said "sorry"

Then she raised her head and nodded at Jack Ferguson and said; "I know what to do, but only after the death of the old dog Martinez can I do it on Domenech!"

"Of course, we still have to keep Domenech to deal with Martinez!" Jack Ferguson nodded and said very readily.

Although he said that he didn’t care about Eugenia and Domenech’s adultery, Jack Ferguson was actually a very proud person, and he still cared about it in his heart. The secret information was only about him. It’s just an excuse for him. Without the excuse of secret information, he will use other excuses to ask Eugenia to help him kill Domenech.

In short, Domenech's insult to him Jack Ferguson can only be thoroughly washed away with Domenech's blood!

"Master Connor, Jack Ferguson is starting to play tricks. It is said that he could not bear the shock of the family senator meeting. He committed suicide by taking medicine, but did not succeed in suicide. He was rescued by his wife Eugenia, although he was saved. , But he hasn't completely escaped the danger of life, and there are still some toxins in his body, so Jack Ferguson has not regained his consciousness until now."

"At present, the Jack Ferguson people have moved from the Ferguson Mansion to the Ferguson Manor. It is said that the Ferguson Manor is located in the suburbs, with better air and quieter, suitable for Jack Ferguson's cultivation and recovery!"

In the small wooden house on the outskirts of Frosino, Aveiroa was facing respectfully, and Connor, who stood with his hand in front of him and looked at the woods outside the window, told the latest situation in the Ferguson family.

After listening to Aveiroa’s account, Connor didn’t say anything, and asked indifferently: “Is there anything going on in Ferguson Manor right now?”

Although Connor had set up some surveillance agencies in Ferguson Manor when he was visiting Ferguson Manor at night, it was a long time. After several months, the surveillance agencies had stopped functioning because of the loss of energy. Connor wanted to obtain the Ferguson Manor. The news can only go through Aveiroa's channels.

In response to Connor’s question, Aveiroa replied with some trepidation, “I’m sorry, Master Connor, although I have a few informants in the family, Bernardo’s important position in Ferguson Manor When occupied by several family elders, the needles are always impenetrable and the water is impenetrable, so I have no news for the time being, but you can rest assured, Master Connor, I will go all out to explore Ferguson Manor after I go back!"

"Listen to the news of Ferguson Manor as the highest priority! There must be a problem in Ferguson Manor, otherwise Jack Ferguson won't go back somewhere!" Although Connor was a bit dissatisfied with Aveiroa's slow response, it was because of Aveiroa. It was the first offender, so he didn't do more punishment, just emphasized the severity.

Although it is not yet known whether the attempted suicide of Jack Ferguson is true or Jack Ferguson is acting, in Conner's view, Jack Ferguson's choice to go to Ferguson Manor is very abnormal!

Jack Ferguson has been working in the family over the years, and he has made money from his own pockets. The wealth accumulated over the years is also very rich. In the outskirts of Frosinone, he also bought a place called Viditachi. Manor.

Although this Viditaqi Manor cannot be compared with Ferguson Manor, both in terms of area and supporting facilities are insufficient, but at least Jack Ferguson can completely take charge of the Viditaqi Manor, while in Ferguson Manor, there is already Martínez’s butler, Jack Ferguson, who was defeated in the political struggle, is already a horrible character. No one wants to have anything to do with him at this time. So at this time, Jack Ferguson went to Ferguson Manor to cultivate. It's boring to look for yourself, and you might even be put down by those hypocritical and changeable clansmen of the Ferguson family.

Based on Connor’s understanding of his third uncle, Jack Ferguson has a strong self-esteem and is not a person who likes to look at people’s faces. So at this time, he broke out of suicide by taking poison. He had to go to Ferguson Manor to cultivate, which was obviously abnormal. Yes, Connor can feel the taste of conspiracy from this, which can not help but excite Connor, because he knows that his chance to clean up the Ferguson family has finally come

After hearing that Jack Ferguson lost to Martinez butler at the Council of the Elders, Connor knew that Jack Ferguson, or the Ferguson family ambitions behind him and who he represented, would not be so willing to fail, so they would be caught with their hands. Yes, that's why Connor is still standing still and not appearing in the family. The purpose is to give this group of careerists a chance, so that they can't stand it and launch an armed mutiny, so that Connor has a reason to kill them all in one go. , Complete the blood exchange for the Ferguson family!

After instructing Aveiroa to inquire about Ferguson After Connor confessed a few other things, he set up some training resources such as magic stone potions for Aveiroa. Aveiroa watched him and left the cabin where the two of them were joined.

Connor, who left the cabin, did not directly return to the Fati Hotel where he and Varga are currently staying in Frosinone, but came to the Calderon Bell Tower in the downtown area of ​​Frosinone, and stood there. Connor on the clock tower was quietly blowing the evening breeze. Before heading to the chalet and the junction of Aveiroa, Connor received a message from Marguerite to him with a sound transmission jade ring. In the message, Marguerite Although Te did not specify what it was, from Margaret's eager tone, we can see that this matter is very important.

A few minutes after Connor arrived at the Calderon Bell Tower, Margaret also hurried there. After seeing Connor, she did not hesitate. She immediately raised her hand and arranged an invisible soundproof barrier to connect her and Connor. All covered in the enchantment.

Although I don’t know what Margaret is looking for, the first thing Connor sees her is to stretch out her palm, and Margaret, who was planning to discuss things directly with Connor, meets Connor. After the action, she pouted slightly, but honestly placed her jade hand on Connor's big hand.

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