Count of Wizards

Chapter 931: Senate Conference (1)

In the notice sent to the family elders, Jack Ferguson announced to the family elders that in view of the death of the family owner Alfredo Ferguson, his only son is also the first heir of the Ferguson family, under the protection of the "Carman Empire Constitution". Once the Earl of Ferguson, Conor Ferguson did not know his life or death, and he has not returned to the family. Jack Ferguson, as the core member of the family, will hold a Ferguson family veteran meeting in the Ferguson Mansion according to the family regulations, and will discuss this with you family elders. The solution to the situation. "

Although in the notice, Jack Ferguson did not say how to solve Connor Ferguson’s delay in returning, he only said that he invited the family elders to discuss the situation together, but everyone understands that Jack Ferguson sent a message to the family elders. The purpose of this notification is what you want to do...

Although this family elders meeting was proposed by Jack Ferguson, all the family elders sat down and waited for about ten minutes before the energetic Jack Ferguson arrived late and walked into the meeting. hall.

"Uncles, I'm sorry, I'm late!" As soon as he entered the door of the conference hall, Jack Ferguson was guilty of the group of family elders sitting in danger, but although he was embarrassed, Judging from his beaming face, he didn't seem to see any apology at all.

Regarding Jack Ferguson’s conviction, the family elders sitting in the chairs only exchanged their eyes, and no one spoke first. Jack Ferguson didn’t care about this. He walked straight to the main seat of the conference hall without anyone else. Then he stopped half a meter away from the position of the representative of the Patriarch.

Jack Ferguson’s actions immediately attracted the attention of all the elders of the Ferguson family in the living room. Under the gaze of these family elders, Jack Ferguson, who has not yet passed the legal process to become the head of the family, still dare not go too far. Presumptuous, he patted the chair of the main seat with some regret, and then sat down to his position-opposite to the Martinez butler, the first position on the right under the main seat.

When Jack Ferguson took his seat, this family elders meeting was officially held. As the head of the family elders and the current chief steward of Martinez who controls most of the power in the Ferguson family, he gave Jack a cold glance. ·Ferguson then took the lead and said: "Jack, since you have called the family elders meeting according to the family regulations and called our gang of old bones here, why not talk about what a good solution do you have? I miss you. The solution for this shouldn’t be for you, Jack Ferguson, to inherit the family and become the new Earl of Ferguson, right?”

The smile on Jack Ferguson’s face instantly solidified when he saw Martinez’s butler taking the lead. But fortunately, he, who is still a city, knew Martinez’s butler, to deliberately provoke him. He took the bait and quarreled so as to upset the family elders meeting he had finally convened, so he was not fooled. After taking a deep breath, he smiled at the Martinez butler who was looking at him. And said:

"Martinez chief steward, this family veterans conference has just started and there is still plenty of time. Let's follow the process. I don't know the chief steward, you are looking for my nephew, Connor Ferguson, how is the work going on?"

Looking at Jack Ferguson with a smile on his face, Martinez's butler, although his face was expressionless, he still sighed in his heart. He knew that Jack Ferguson had come prepared. Today, the issue of Ferguson's family rights is definitely the one to come. Bad!

In the face of Jack Ferguson’s questioning, the butler of Martinez glanced at him coldly, then looked around, everyone in the discussion hall, and then preached without haste: "The person I sent out has already I saw Connor in Luen, but because of where Connor is now, there are some important things to deal with, and there is no time to come back. I believe it will not be long before Connor will return to the family, inherit the family, and his father. The earl is now!"

When talking about the last words "inherit the family title", Martinez's chief steward seemed to have something to say, and his unhurried tone also deliberately aggravated his voice.

Hearing Martinez’s butler said that he had found Connor, Jack Ferguson, who was sitting across from Martinez’s butler, didn’t seem to have expected the situation at all. His expression was a little panicked. At the same time, the others in the conference hall The elder of the family was shocked when he heard the news from Martinez's chief butler, and then suddenly began to whisper. The originally solemn and quiet conference hall suddenly became a little noisy.

Regarding the current situation, Martinez’s butler did not have any surprises. He still sat comfortably in the But at this time Jack Ferguson, at this time, naturally there is no such thing as Martinez’s butler. With such a leisurely feeling, he thought about it for a few seconds, then turned his head and looked towards him, sitting next to him on a short and fat Mediterranean man in gorgeous clothes.

At first facing Jack Ferguson’s gaze, the short and fat Mediterranean old man bowed his head and turned a blind eye, but couldn’t help Jack Ferguson keep looking at him with such gaze. , The sturdy old man exchanged his eyes, then bit his head and looked at Martinez butler and said: "Martinez butler, you mean your people, have you found Master Connor?"

"Huh! Bernardo, you guy is deaf and can't hear me, or are you doubting what I'm saying?" Faced with the question of the pudgy Mediterranean old man, Martinez's butler, who was just now comfortable, snorted coldly. Once, and then preached in a deep voice:

As Martinez’s butler’s voice was not loud, his voice clearly spread into the conference hall. In the ears of every elder of the family, he saw Martinez’s butler showing his power. Under the power, the meeting room, which was messed up in the last second, suddenly became quiet. Everyone was silent. At this time, it was estimated that a silver needle fell on the marble tile in the hall, and the sound would probably be heard. To.

And the short and fat Mediterranean old man at the center of the storm, Bernardo, the veteran of the Ferguson family, is obviously also a little afraid of Martinez, the old housekeeper who has been in charge of family affairs for decades. He dare not reply and can only look at the person sitting opposite him. The old man in military uniform calls for help.

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