Count of Wizards

Chapter 929: information

Isabella hesitated for a few seconds when she heard the words, but in the end she sighed helplessly and said: "If you want to tell Connor Ferguson, forget it. Connor Ferguson is as treacherous as his mentor Reyes. It's very cunning. If I let him know about my affairs, there will be many changes in vain."

Speaking of this, Isabella shook her head again, and said with some regret: "Although this guy Reyes is ambitious and has always wanted to leave the secret society to stand on his own, his vision of people is still as accurate as ever. The Varga trained by him really lives up to the name of a potion genius. It took just over a month to become an official wizard and he was able to refine the Arario potion!"

"What's more rare is that the quality of the potion is still so high. If there is no Arario potion that she refines, I should still be in a coma now...If Connor and her are not that This kind of relationship, we may not have the opportunity to draw her to our side!" As the voice fell, Isabella's pale face revealed a look of regret.

   "Varga is really talented in pharmacy, and I have seen many pharmacists in my life, but in terms of talent, there is no doubt that Varga is the strongest!"

"When I first looked for her, there was really no other way. The entire Frosinone area was just an official wizard-level potion, and Isabella was in a critical condition, so there was not enough time to find Coman. , That's why I thought of asking her to try it. I didn't expect her to make Arario potion!" Adolf nodded, and said with some emotion:

"Teacher Adolf, thank you really this time. Without your help, let alone a successful breakthrough, I'm afraid I'm already dead..." Looking at Adolf, Isabella said very sincerely While she was talking, Isabella seemed to think of something, and her eyes appeared to be afraid of luck.

Hearing Isabella’s gratitude, Adolf just waved his hand and said in a very helpless voice: "This time, I was negligent. I thought Isabella, although you will have some risks in this breakthrough, But the prepared methods are enough, but I did not expect that the sound of the abyss that appeared in your ears would be so powerful... Fortunately Isabella, you are lucky. Varga, a genius pharmacist, happens to be in Losinone, I handed over the refining of Arario's potion to you, so that you can survive this difficult time without any risk!"

   "Well, I was able to get out of danger this time. Varga really contributed to it. After a while, I will thank her face to face!" Isabella nodded and said seriously:

   After talking about Varga, Adolf pondered for a while, and then immediately waved his arm, and a gray barrier covered him and Isabella.

Seeing Adolf's actions, Isabella showed some doubts, but immediately she seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked Adolf who had arranged the barrier in her heart in a low voice: "Teacher Adolf, did your father send me news? ?"

Facing Varga’s question, Adolf nodded, then took out a jade box from the space ring and handed it to Isabella, and then solemnly said; “Isabella, you have been in a coma for the past few days. Here comes the message, because you are in a coma, the things are in my hands! ’

After a few seconds of hesitation, Isabella took the jade box from Adolf’s hand, and the jade box was handed over to Isabella’s hand. Adolf also knew the rules. Before Isabella could speak, she rushed. Isabella nodded, then walked out of the secret room, leaving Isabella alone in the secret room, but although she left the secret room, Adolf did not go far, just standing outside the secret room, looking like him I have understood that after Isabella knows the information in the jade box, she will definitely discuss with him.

Regarding Adolf’s departure, Isabella didn’t say anything to stay. After watching Adolf walk out of the secret room, she seemed to be checking the jade box. The jade hand seemed to flick the jade box lightly at random for dozens of seconds to confirm. After the jade box was not opened by anyone, Isabella nodded slightly, bit her finger and drew a mysterious rune on the jade box with her finger as a pen and her own blood as ink.

As Isabella finished drawing the last stroke of the rune, a faint red light suddenly appeared on the jade box. After a second, the lid on the jade box automatically fell off, and the letter paper lying quietly in the jade box appeared. Isabella's sight.

   Picking up the letter paper, Isabella looked at it, her father’s familiar handwriting gradually revealed a shocked look in her eyes...

Five minutes later, after reading the content of a few hundred words on the letter paper, Varga's eyes flashed a little after reading it several times, and he threw the letter paper into the air. The next second, the letter paper in the air suddenly spontaneously ignited~ It’s just a momentary effort that turns into fly ashes and dissipates in the air. Although the letter paper is processed, the shock that the letter paper brings to Isabella’s heart is long lasting... ·····

   After closing her eyes and thinking for a while, Isabella made a decision in her heart, and said to Adolf outside the secret room: "Teacher Adolf, please come in!"

After receiving Isabella’s call, Adolf returned to the secret room and entered the gray barrier where Isabella was. Seeing Adolf’s return, Isabella sitting on the crystal bed did not hesitate and went straight Asked Adolf: "Teacher Adolf, what news is circulating outside of me during this time of cultivation?"

Hearing Isabella's question, Adolf was silent for a few seconds, and then he asked Isabella back: "Isabella, do you want to ask, is there anything about Reyes in the capital Bernabeu? ?"

Adolf’s words were so direct that Isabella was slightly embarrassed, but she was also not an ordinary person, and she threw the embarrassing thoughts behind her in the next second, and nodded at Adolf with some doubts, indicating that he did not say anything. wrong.

Seeing the doubts in Isabella’s eyes, Adolf smiled and explained: "Isabella, although my news is far less informed than Lord Lord and Reyes, after all, I am confused in the wizarding circle. When I get older, I still have some friends. Through their existence, although I am in Frosinone, I still know more or less external news. Regarding things like Reyes, the Imperial Bernabéu The news has been blocked, but I still heard some things!"

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