Count of Wizards

Chapter 919: Philo (3)

With the protection of Dark Armor, Connor, holding the Staff of Castilla, changed his way of avoiding just now, and rushed into the big **** net that Philo had woven in the air without fear, and wanted to break through the blood. Blocked by the big net, rushed in front of Philo.

Connor’s idea of ​​doing this is obvious. He broke through the big scarlet net, narrowed the distance between himself and Philo, and then used the newly successfully cultivated abyss barrier to trap Philo, and see if there is a chance. Philo was trapped in the abyss barrier. This was the only way Connor could think of to kill Philo.

This thought after careful consideration by Connor sounds good, but the reality is that as soon as Connor rushed in, Philo over there also cast the spell again, and the big scarlet net suddenly shrank and was attached to Connor's body. , Although Connor was trying to tear the big scarlet net with the help of Castilla’s Staff, trying to get rid of its adsorption, the net’s tenacity was very strong. Connor tried several times to get out of it, but he still managed to get rid of it. did not succeed!

After several unsuccessful attempts to break free, Connor could still feel that his body temperature began to rise under the adsorption of the big scarlet net, and the blood flow rate in his body also began to increase. People were enveloped in irritable emotions, which made Connor's heart suddenly startled, knowing that he underestimated the power of the big scarlet net, and now he must get rid of the adsorption of the big scarlet net, or else this situation will continue for a period of time. , Let alone killing Philo, he himself is likely to be life-threatening...

Connor, who was aware of the danger, didn’t hesitate immediately. He was silently thinking of Fa Jue in his heart. The black armor formed by the Dark Armor on his body suddenly rose, and suddenly it suppressed the red of the big blood net. Shining, seeing Connor's heart was overjoyed, knowing that it was the best time for him to get out of the big scarlet net, and his figure immediately shot back.

At this moment, Philo, who released the big bleeding net, seemed to see Connor's plan, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. From the space ring, he took out a small, but it was full of various runes. The mouth organ, then put it to your mouth and began to blow.

"Dingling! Dingling! Dingling!········"

Although it looks like a mouth organ, it is surprising that under the blow of Philo, this mouth organ actually rang a string of crisp and sweet bells, and under the effect of these bells, Connor was surprised to find that those The big scarlet net that was originally attached to his dark armor technique began to melt very strangely, and quickly formed a cloud of extremely corrosive blood mist.

In the blood mist with such a strong corrosion, Connor could not bear the painful growl even though he was protected by the dark armor technique. Although the pain was abnormal, Connor was under the pain, and Without losing his calmness, he resisted the pain of body corrosion, gritted his teeth to support the dark armor technique, and quickly withdrew from the blood mist.

Seeing Connor's embarrassed figure, Philo, who was standing by and blowing his mouth organ, showed a little disappointment and contempt in his eyes, but in the next second, the red and black metal bracelet on his wrist appeared again. , But this time Connor’s mental storm power is obviously stronger than the last time, even if there is a light curtain to offset most of the power, but the remaining power acts on Philo’s body, and he can’t help it. , Trembling all over, faint blood flowing out of nostrils and ears!

Holding a silver pendant that was blooming with brilliant light, Connor, whose expression on his face was still painful, saw Philo look so miserable under his mental storm, his eyes also showed the pleasure of revenge. Fighting back is not his Connor Ferguson style!

Connor did not waste time. Taking advantage of the gap where Philo was in a mental storm and was unable to pursue him, he quickly took out a bottle of recovery potion from the space ring and recovered from drinking. As the potion entered his body, Kang The energy in the body becomes full again,

Seeing this, Connor’s gaze immediately shifted to Philo’s body again, and at this time Philo also eased from the attack of Connor’s mental storm, his whole body no longer trembling, seeing Connor looking at him, Philo swinging After waving his hand, it seemed that he didn’t want to continue fighting with Connor, but planned to say when, but Connor didn’t pay attention to his actions, and was still preparing for the next round of attack in his heart. Since Philo has chosen When the battle started, Connor would no longer give him the opportunity to end the battle.

Without talking nonsense with Philo, when ready, Connor quickly chanted a spell, and a group of extremely dark energy suddenly appeared in the air in front of Connor. Connor did not hesitate to open his mouth and swallow it in one mouthful. Connor suddenly felt that his whole body was enveloped by dark energy. At this moment, Connor flipped his hands, and a spear of Pluto appeared naturally in his hand. Then Connor's thoughts moved, and the spear of Pluto was immediately released. Go out and go straight to the door of Philo to kill!

Philo, who was about to make peace with Connor, saw that Connor was going to fight again. A hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes, but he was still moving quickly, meditating on the tactics in his mouth, and at the same time, he gently pressed his feet. In an instant, five thick soil walls appeared in the ground in front of him, blocking him.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Even though Connor’s Spear of the Hades is extremely sharp, the light after passing through the five thick earthen walls is also very dim, and the power has dropped by more than half. It hit the front and back of Philo, with a serious face. Luo waved his hand, and a blood-red pike smashed it to pieces.

After smashing the Spear of Pluto, Connor didn't make another move, and Philo did not make another move. The two confronted each other like this. After this embarrassing state lasted for about seven or eight minutes, Connor took the lead to break the silence. , Said in a deep voice toward Philo; "Philo, how do you know so much about the secrets of the abyss?"

Hearing Connor's question, Philo raised his eyebrows and did not directly answer Connor's question. Instead, he asked Connor, "Your mentor Reyes, didn't he tell you that this high-level meditation thought "The Abyss" How did he get the Secret Method?"

Philo’s rhetorical question immediately aroused Connor’s interest. The question he intuitively told Philo was probably related to the purpose of Reyes who had always wanted to know that Reyes taught him "The Secret of the Abyss." After pondering for a while, Connor looked at Philo and shook his head and said, "He didn't mention it, nor did I ask!"

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