Count of Wizards

Chapter 917: Philo (1)

As a wizard of the Sacrifice of Living Beings, Cedric Suarez practiced very cruel and **** black magic. Every inch of his cultivation was accompanied by blood and death, which is why he chose to help The reason why Handanovic has become a hegemon in the Saspede underground world. If he takes the captive by himself, he can’t help but waste time, affect the progress of repairs, test efficiency, and because of his wizarding methods, he will inevitably be affected by the two major players. The church is watching, so he needs Handanovic, an agent, to provide him with a steady stream of stable and continuous beings for his research and cultivation!

A week ago, I heard that the Church of the Earth would send a pastor to Saspede to open a church to preach. Cedric Suarez was afraid of being discovered by the church. In addition, although he tried his best to conceal it, there were too many creatures killed here and resentment. It's almost impossible to suppress it, so Cedric Suarez, the dark wizard, intends to leave Saspede and go to a nearby city to continue his cruel and **** experiment.

This is why, in Handanovic’s memory, his laboratory will become an ordinary farmhouse warehouse. Handanovic has cleared the laboratory three days ago and destroyed all traces of his experiments. !

Seeing Cedric Suarez’s mind and memory, it’s completely self-satisfying that Connor has not found any trace of Philo from the incident, and the disappointment in his heart is conceivable, but he has no holes in his life history. He was still a little unwilling, so he waved a black light cut casually, and after solving Cedric Suarez, he began to search in his yard.



Just as Connor was rummaging in Cedric Suarez’s yard, in a cabin in the Van der Sar forest west of Saspede, a middle-aged man was washing his hands by the sink, it seemed After sensing something, Wei Mi turned and walked out of the wooden house and looked into the distance. She didn't know whether it was a coincidence or intentional. The direction this person was looking was exactly in the direction of Hull Village where Connor was.

Under the shining of the sun, the appearance of this middle-aged man appeared incomparably clear. I saw this man with brown hair and blue eyes, high cheekbones, and a very eye-catching hooked nose. Although the middle-aged man is a few and forty years old, it may be because of the well-maintained reason. He is still very handsome. This person is not someone else. It is indeed Connor who came to Saspede after wading through the mountains and rivers this time. Target, Philo who claims to be the "Blood Moon Master"!

Looking at the direction of Hull Village for a while, Philo sighed faintly, and said to himself in a low voice: "Warren Ferguson has just died, and now Cedric Suarez is also dead. It looks like Really, someone who lives and lives is staring at me, but this guy wouldn't be you Connor Ferguson..."

When talking about Connor's name, the expression on Philo's face became a little complicated. It seemed that something was causing him to become very entangled!

After a few minutes of contemplation, Philo returned to the wooden house and began to meditate. As his practice began, a light red mist slowly appeared on Philo's body, and with Philo's breath, these The light red fog gradually began to condense around Filo, forming a very vague blood moon appearance.········

After cultivating for a full five hours, Philo in the wooden house ended the practice with some meaning. He slowly stood up, stretched his waist, and then walked out of the wooden house, looking at a one hundred meters away from the left side of the wooden house. The big oak tree said calmly: "Here, I can have an hour? Doesn't it look like coming out and sitting?"

As Philo spoke, there was no movement behind the big oak tree. It seemed that there was no one behind. Philo smiled when he saw this, and then raised his hand. A very sharp blood-red light blade was immediately removed from his hand. Hit it and head straight to the big oak tree.


Just before the blood-red light blade hit the big oak tree, a gray-haired young man in a black robe flew out from behind the oak tree like a ghost, displaying a black enchantment, and then Lived the blow of this blood red chain.

One blow forced his opponent out from behind the oak tree, and Philo didn't make any more moves. He looked at the gray-haired young man who suddenly appeared in front of him. A few seconds later, he said with emotion: "Connor Ferguson , You really brought me a lot of surprises. Not only did you find this place, but you also cultivated into the abyss barrier. No wonder Reyes was willing to teach you all the "Abyss Secrets" he cultivated!"

Hearing Philo’s words, the gray-haired young man who was performing the enchantment, Connor Ferguson, had the same expression, but his eyes flickered because of shock. Connor Although from the confession of Warren Ferguson he knew that Philo was very interested in him, but he never expected that Philo had such a deep understanding of himself!

In addition to knowing his mentor Reyes, he actually knew that the meditation idea he was practicing was "Abyss Secret Art" and judging from the name he called "Abyss Enchantment", this Philo seemed to be quite familiar with "Abyss Secret Art". In order to understand, this made Connor's intention to kill Philo even more aggravated. Philo Mingming's meditation idea for practicing is the "Blood Moon Code" but he understands the "Abyss Secret Method" he has cultivated so well, then There is only one possibility, and that is that Philo has conducted a lot of detailed investigations on himself.

The enchantment Connor is currently casting is not the Castilla defense enchantment he often uses, but a spell he has successfully practiced in the past few days called the abyss enchantment. From the name of the abyss enchantment If you look at it, you know that this spell is related to Connor's high-level meditation, "The Secret Technique of the Abyss"!

During this period of time, apart from helping Varga to break through to become an official wizard, Connor did not give up in his own practice. Finally, just a few days ago, Connor’s practice went further, starting from his own high-level meditation ideas. "Abyss Secrets" unlocked the abyss enchantment, this spell that has been greedy for a long time.

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