Count of Wizards

Chapter 915: punishment!

As an alchemist, Connor is very curious about how this silver ring can be used to deceive the mental power check he is proud of. However, Connor studied carefully for ten minutes, except for feeling that the silver ring belongs to the demon. In addition to the energy fluctuations of the chemical items, there was no other discovery from this silver ring. This could not help but to a great extent stimulated Connor's interest in this silver ring.

However, it is a pity that Connor’s time is limited now. Handanovic and Anosa lying on the ground are still waiting for his soul search, so Connor can only be reluctant to give up. The silver ring seized from Danovic's body was properly placed in a special box, and then placed in his spatial ring, until he had time for the next step of research.

The silver ring problem was temporarily solved. Connor was not delaying, and directly performed soul-searching on Handanovic and Anosa, because they were just ordinary people. There is no difficulty for Na, so Connor can not only search for the soul of two people at the same time, but also obtain all the memories of the two people in just a few minutes.

With the help of the powerful computing power of the auxiliary chip, Connor quickly got what he was interested in from the memories of the two of them. However, after reading these memories carefully, Connor’s heart was full of disappointment. These disappointments are also mixed with a little hope...

Connor was very excited when he heard the name of Master Tevez from Handanovic’s mouth. He subconsciously thought that Master Tevez was probably the one who came to Saspede. This small town was looking for the "Blood Moon Lord" Philo, so just in the soul search, Connor listed the situation of this master Tevez as the most important thing, looking for them in the memory of these two people. .

Regarding Master Tevez, whether it is Handanovic or Anosa, there are many memories in his mind. Master Tevez came to Saspede three years ago. It is with his help that Handanovic and Anosa have grown from two down-and-out knights to the top of the small town of Saspede!

However, although in the eyes of Handanovic and Anosa, there is no entertainment in a white robe, but the white-bearded old man Tevez, who is immersed in his own experiments, is almost omnipotent. They are based on the roots of Saspede, but after learning about the various realizations of Tevez from the memories of these two people, Connor was disappointed to find that this old guy named Tevez was just an old man who he could easily The intermediate wizard apprentice that can be killed is just not the Philo he came to Saspede and wanted to find!

Although it is certain that Tevez is not Philo, this does not mean that Connor has no gains in the memories of Handanovic and Anosa. On the contrary, Connor learned from these two people’s views on Tevez. In people's memory, he found a lot of things that interest him.

First of all, Tevez’s support for Handanovic to become Sasped’s hegemon is not without conditions, and Tevez’s condition is that after Handanovic succeeds, he must provide him with a monthly A living person conducts an experiment, and when it comes to this, I have to mention another identity of Tevez besides the apprentice of the intermediate wizard-the alchemist!

Although he and Connor are both alchemists, from the memories of Handanovic and Anosa, this Tevez is not like an orthodox alchemist. He likes to study formations, runes, and Or something like demonized objects. Handanovic has never seen Tevez conduct research and experiments in this area, and Tevez’s research is all about the human body, blood, and the like. Very cruel, very bloody.

When Handanovic was transporting materials to Tevez, he accidentally entered Tevez’s laboratory once. The horror of the result made him unforgettable for the rest of his life. For nearly a month, Handanovic Haven't touched any meat system.

If Connor remembers correctly, Philo’s request to his second uncle, Warren Ferguson, who was controlled by Philo’s drugs, was to provide him with some blood, including the human body, every once in a while. It was almost the same as Tevez's request of Handanovic. Through this, Connor felt that she had reason to suspect that there was a certain relationship between Tevez and Philo!

When he thought of this, Connor could not help but intend to leave immediately to go to the place where Handanovic remembered that Tevez was hiding in Saspede, but before that, Connor's eyes swept to the ground lying on the ground. Handanovic and Anosa's body, Connor hasn't forgotten how to deal with the two scum of them, and the Kornet who dared to scold him!

After thinking for a few seconds, Connor made a decision in his mind. He lightly tapped Handanovic and Anosa, and suddenly two small black lights penetrated into these two bodies, and then Connor Quietly left the room and came to the infirmary on the first floor of the bar, where the short and fat fat pig Kornet was lying alone waiting to be awakened from the coma.

Coming to Kornet’s side, Connor showed a cruel smile on his face. As soon as he raised his hand four or five small black lights, he slipped into Kornet’s body silently. Na seemed to have anticipated the ending of these three people, and a touch of pity appeared in her eyes...

Connor has always believed in a word Death is never the most cruel, and even for some people, death is a kind of relief and a kind of luck!

Since Handanovic, Anosa, and Kornet dared to offend him, Connor will surely make them pay the cruelest price. If you know them all, it would be too cheap for them, so Connor He punished them and injected those tiny black lights into their bodies!

Those tiny black lights are a kind of dark attribute energy cultivated by Connor. As a formal wizard, Connor’s body can naturally carry them, but these dark attribute energies are no exaggeration for ordinary people who have no cultivation. That is the beginning of despair,

The black light will not only erase all the memories of Connor in their minds, but will gradually show their power in the next three to five days. At first, the three of them will have their hair, eyebrows, legs and other bodies. Their hair will gradually start to fall under the action of energy radiation, but they will not feel any pain, and there will be no change in their activities...

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