Count of Wizards

Chapter 910: Bar (1)

After leaving the Fati Hotel, Connor arrived immediately. At the market in Frosinone, he bought a horse at a high price. Because Ruen is not a train from the small town of Saspede, he wanted to go there. , Connor can only take the road, and even if Connor is an official wizard who can fly, the straight-line distance from Frosinone to Saspede on the map is 130 kilometers, and the actual distance will only be more Many, a conservative estimate is 150 kilometers. If Connor chooses to fly over such a long distance, he will definitely be exhausted!

So in this era of steam before the car was invented, the best option to travel from Frosinone to Sasped Conner is to ride a horse.

After galloping for several hours, Connor finally came to the small town where Philo was hiding in Margaret’s mouth. The scene of Saspede was similar to Connor’s imagination, a standard northern town of Kaman. The infrastructure of the town is very simple. There are very few factories in the town. Only a few large chimneys emit billowing black smoke, which symbolizes that the small town of Saspede has entered the age of industrialization.

Riding a horse and standing on a high place, he looked carefully at the humble urban area of ​​Saspede. Connor will soon fix his eyes on a shop called Uncle Lotito Bar on the east side of the town. If Connor is not mistaken Although the exterior decoration of this bar is not very good, and the style is relatively rough, but the passenger flow of this bar is almost the highest in the entire city of Saspede, and there are people coming in and out almost every minute. This is only in a population. In a small town with tens of thousands of people, it is very difficult!

After pondering for a while, Connor made a disguise for himself, and immediately transformed into a man with a scarred face, and then rode his horse towards the Uncle Lotito bar.

Coming to Sasped Conner, I know two things very clearly! First, because Margaret’s physical condition is deteriorating every day, his time is limited. It is impossible for him to spend a lot of time here looking for Philo. The sooner he can get Philo out of Saspede. Special physical condition is more favorable.

The second place of Saspede covers an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. Philo may be hidden in residential buildings in the town, or in nearby villages, or even in a corner of the surrounding woods and mountains, while Connor It is impossible to find him from door to door!

So if you want to find Philo in Saspede, Connor needs the help of others. Although this other person Connor does not know who it will be at present, Connor knows that this person will definitely be the local snake of Saspede. , Only the Earth Snake can bring Connor what he wants.

Saspede is a small town. In such a small town, it is difficult for you to find private investigators who are professionally inquiring about the news in a big city like Ruen or Frosinone to provide you with information. The most well-informed local snake here is basically the H Gang here!

Based on past experience in the Kaman Empire, Connor is very clear that a mixed place like a bar is an important source of funds for the H Gang. They are using the bar as a cover. In fact, they are engaged in the D, S love industry here. , The gambling industry, the private sale of guns and ammunition, and many other unseen, but very profitable businesses!

So if you want to find the H gang in Saspede, this seems to be the most frequented one in Saspede, and Lotito Bar is definitely the best choice! 100%

"Take care of my horse!"

Riding a horse to the gate of Lotito's bar, Connor got off his horse, took out two one-pence coins from his arms and threw them to the messenger waiting at the entrance of the bar, and then said to the messenger: "Take care of me. horse!"

The messenger who received a twopenny tip was naturally respectful, and he did not hesitate to agree to Kang An's request, led the horse into Ma Peng, and fed the horse with fodder and water. Connor was disguised as a knife. The scarred man walked into Uncle Lotito's bar in a stride.

As soon as he opened the door of the bar, Connor had not had time to look at everything in the bar. He already smelled a strange smell that seemed to be a mixture of inferior alcohol and sweat.

Although this smell is easy to make people who smell this smell for the first time feel sick, but in order to maintain his current personality of a scared man, Connor still walks through the crowded crowd in the bar and sees the corner of the bar. There was an empty position, and without much thought, Da Ma Jindao sat on it!

But when he was waiting for Connor, he was about to reach out to the bartender to order a glass of beer. When he was going to find the H-gang here while drinking, what made him a little puzzled was that the customers around him saw Connor sitting in this corner. When they were in the empty position, although they didn’t say anything about flowers, their eyes were full of surprises, surprises, and a little admiration...

Just when Connor was a little puzzled as to why this group of people looked at him with such eyes, a scene he never expected appeared. A drunk, chubby middle-aged man walked out of the bar toilet and went straight to Connor came over here, and when he saw Connor sitting in this seat, he suddenly became yelled at Connor who was sitting in the seat: "Which are you? Bastard, dare to sit in my place?"

The cursing of this short and fat middle-aged man immediately attracted the attention of all kinds of guests in the bar. Everyone’s eyes focused on Connor, who was disguised as a scar-faced man, and the short and fat middle-aged man. The young man seemed to be some kind of character. Many gloating spectators looked at Connor sitting in their seats with a hint of pity.

Hearing this short, fat middle-aged man yelling at himself, Connor’s eyes flashed a cold light. He had been in the wizarding world for many years. He had never been scolded like this before, and he immediately planned to kill the mouthful of dung. The guy, but just a second before the shot, Connor thought of his purpose of coming here, and couldn’t help calming down. He suppressed the anger in his heart, stopped the action in his hand, didn’t say anything but just watched coldly. That pudgy middle-aged man!

And this pudgy middle-aged man didn’t realize that he had already walked behind the ghost gate, and now his life and death were still between the thoughts of the scar-faced man in front of him, and he saw Connor and heard her. He didn’t rush out to give him his seat, he suddenly became even more furious, and continued to curse at Connor: "You **** bastard, you dare to sit in my position as the tiger Kornet, I told You, you are dead! I will stabb you a few times!"

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