Count of Wizards

Chapter 907: Meeting (3)

Feeling the decisive taste in Margaret’s words, he was about to take Margaret to find Connor of Varga, but he was shocked on the spot. He really didn’t expect Margaret’s treatment of Varga. With such a big prejudice, he would rather die than accept Varga's treatment.

Judging from his physical examination of Margaret just now, although Margaret is not in danger of any life in a short time, the mana in her body has begun to show signs of uncontrollable appearance. The energy of blood witchcraft in Grete’s body even began to affect Marguerite’s mind. Although there is no problem in a short period of time, if it continues to be effectively improved, Marguerite will die, even more than death. It can be said that it is a matter of high probability that it is out of control!

"Margaret, I have already negotiated with Varga, we can all live together peacefully!" After being silent for a while, after considering the language, Connor said to Margaret very sincerely:

"Connor Ferguson! I'm telling you one last time, Margaret doesn't need her Varga's help!"

Seeing that Connor had asked Varga's name in front of her, Margaret suddenly became a little excited and gritted her teeth and shouted at Connor. Fortunately, Connor had arranged an enchantment in the box in advance, otherwise At this time, Marguerite’s voice can be heard throughout the cafe

Looking at Margaret, who was very emotional at this time, Connor was not stimulating her, nodded and then said in a deep voice: "I know! I won't find Varga!"

After finishing talking, Connor gently hugged Margaret in her arms and leaned against Connor's solid chest. Margaret's emotions gradually became stable, and she wiped it dozens of seconds later. She wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes and broke free from Connor's arms.

After observing Margaret and seeing her return to a calm state, Connor's heart was relieved. After hesitating, he asked Margaret: "Margaret, you know this Philo, Where are you now?"

Hearing Connor inquiring about Philo’s location, Margaret suddenly realized what Connor wanted to do, glanced at Connor, and then warned Connor: "Connor, I know, your strength as an official wizard increases. Soon, you may even have killed a first-level wizard, but I want to tell you that the strength of Philo who has practiced the "Blood Moon Code" is definitely not comparable to those first-level wizards you have seen!"

Margaret’s voice hadn’t fallen yet, and Connor’s eyes immediately showed a hint of doubt. Margaret’s first arrival in Frosinone shouldn’t be long. How could I hear the meaning of this? Know what these things you did in Frosinone mean?

Seeing the doubt in Connor's eyes, Margaret hesitated for a while, but decided to confess to Connor: "Connor, you wouldn't really treat the two churches as rubbish? You are in Frosinor. The things I did, including the close communication with Wang Jue’s faction, although the two churches have not yet complete evidence, they have all heard of it. Connor, now, whether you are in the Church of the Earth or the Church of Storms, both It has been independently filed and listed as a key object, and investigation and research have begun!"

"The reason why the two major churches don’t move Connor you now is entirely because, Connor, you are now an official wizard. You are not a small character that can be easily manipulated, so given that you already have a strong destructive ability, as long as If you don’t do anything good, the two major churches generally turn a blind eye to your existence. This is also the standard practice of white wizards with black wizards who have become official wizards!"

"As for the reason why I know about Connor you, before I came to Frosinone, I asked a good friend of me to show me the information you collected about Connor in the church!" Ma Gretel explained to Connor:

Hearing Margaret’s explanation, Connor suddenly realized that, no wonder he felt that after coming to Frosinone, he never felt the threat of the two churches. He originally thought it was Frosinone. The forces of Inner Earth Godism overwhelmed the Storm Church, and the doctrine of Earth Godism is relatively mild. That's why!

But now it seems that this is what happened. According to the improvement of your strength, even the strategy of the church that seemed to be superior to you will change, from killing all to acquiescence to your existence!

With emotions over in his heart, Connor smiled at Margaret and said, "Margaret, my current strength may be better than you thought! Tell me where is Philo hidden?"

Although she still hesitated, seeing that Connor was so confident, Margaret made a decision in her heart. She said to Connor, "Connor, I will tell you where Philo can hide, but you must promise me, When you go to find Philo, you must bring me with you, and I will help you secretly!"

"Okay! No problem!" Connor smiled and nodded in agreement:

After receiving Connor’s promise, Margaret was relieved. She took out a map of the surrounding area of ​​Frosinone from the Space Ring, and then pointed to the map at a distance of one hundred and three from Frosinone. The small town of Saspede, ten kilometers away, said: "Conner, do you remember what I told you I monitored, did your second uncle Warren Ferguson and Philo contact? In that contact, By positioning the beads, I confirmed that Philo is hiding here!"

Hearing Margaret's words, Connor's eyes couldn't help but focus on this very inconspicuous town on the map. At this moment, Margaret was a little regretful. Continued: "Although it is certain that Philo is hiding in Saspede, it is a pity that I can't go further and determine that Philo is hiding in the small town of Saspede!"

Margaret's words immediately made Connor aware of how tricky things were. According to Margaret's words, Philo may exist anywhere in the Saaspede area!

Judging from the labels on the map, the small town of Saspede where Philo hides is not only as simple as an urban area, but also includes 15 villages, hundreds of square kilometers, and has a population of tens of thousands. In such a large area, the difficulty of finding Philo in such a large area may be exaggerated, but relatively speaking, it is almost less!

I carefully looked at this Sasped on the map, and combined with the confession of Warren Ferguson about Philo, Connor had his own thoughts on how to find Philo... ·····

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