Count of Wizards

Chapter 902: murderer

Although Warren Ferguson is a nobleman with a knighthood and the strength of a great knight, he is still an ordinary person in the wizarding world.

As an ordinary person, after Warren Ferguson learned about the benefits of becoming a wizard from Philo, faced with the temptation of Philo to become a wizard, he was naturally unable to resist and was dazzled by him. I didn’t use my brain to think about why Philo wanted to help him become a wizard, and what good would it do for Philo himself. He didn’t hesitate to give a positive answer to Philo’s question.

And Philo’s method of Philo looks very magical and clever. He just asked Warrent to drink a glass of blood-like liquid on the night of the full moon, and then Warren Ferguson was unconscious and fainted. After waiting for him to wake up after a day and a night, he has become a junior wizard apprentice!

Warren Ferguson, who became a junior wizard apprentice, had a nightmare before he could be happy. Philo, who had always been gentle and friendly to him, immediately showed his fangs, and Philo used a kind of dark Red, I don’t know what the pill is made to control Warren Ferguson becoming a junior wizard apprentice. As long as he doesn’t take this dark red pill within a week, Warren Ferguson will feel itchy all over his body. Shinobu, the whole person seems to be possessed by thousands of ants, it is better to live than to die.

After using this dark red pill to control Warren Ferguson, Philo began to ask Warren Ferguson to provide him with blood food in exchange for this dark red pill. At the beginning, Philo was vigorous. No bogey, he doesn't pick whether it's cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs or other chickens, ducks, fishes, and geese, as long as the amount is large.

Three months later, Warren Ferguson thought that Philo’s needs were only these, and when he could get it done with just a little money and he secretly gave a sigh of relief, Philo’s taste changed, and he actually started. Ask Warren Ferguson to provide him with human flesh and blood!

Warren Ferguson was completely shocked when he first heard that Philo wanted people to eat flesh and blood. For a time, he had the idea of ​​asking the church for help, but soon he knew that he was a dark wizard once let the church know. With his existence, he would definitely die, and it would also affect his family, so the distressed Warren Ferguson, finally chose to compromise with Philo under the pain of the possession of thousands of ants!

In order to meet Philo’s request, Warren Ferguson spent a lot of effort to find some fresh corpses from some funeral homes and mass graves and provide them to Philo. But now What is desperate for Warren Ferguson is that Philo's request has been raised again, and Philo asks Warren Ferguson to provide him with a living person in exchange for the dark red pill.

Although I was desperate and didn’t know how I was able to break free from Philo’s control, in order not to taste the terrible feeling of being possessed by all insects that would be caused by not taking the dark red pill, Warren Ferguson still couldn’t Don’t follow Philo’s request. Until Aveiroa tied him here, Warren Ferguson has been working to fulfill Philo’s request.··········

In addition to allowing Warren Ferguson to provide blood for him, Philo’s real purpose for turning Warren Ferguson from an ordinary person into a junior wizard apprentice was never revealed to Warren Ferguson. , But through the testimony that Aveiroa dug out from Philo’s mouth, Connor can feel that this Philo, who is known as the ruler of the blood moon, is very interested in the Ferguson family and Connor Ferguson. !

In addition to this Warren Ferguson confession, Connor also figured out a question he had always wanted to answer, who gave it to Jon Ferguson, the guardian of the Ferguson Family Library. Chronic poison was given, which caused his death!

Because Jon Ferguson’s death was not caused by Connor, but it was triggered indirectly by Connor, so Connor expressed his apologies to Jon Ferguson, the elder who dedicated his life to the Ferguson family. I've always been brooding about his death, trying to figure out who did it.

Now Connor got his answer from Warren Ferguson's confession, yes! The murderer who killed Jon Ferguson was Warren Ferguson! He took advantage of his position to put a chronic toxin called Coutla in the clothes, food and other daily necessities that the family provided to Jon Ferguson.

Kutra's toxin is colorless, tasteless, and very concealed. The poisoned person will not have any discomfort at the beginning. As time goes by, he will only feel that his body gradually deteriorates, mental fatigue, physical strength, etc. After half a year, the toxin has accumulated in the body to a certain extent, and this toxin will explode. At that time, the gods will descend to the earth, and there is no possibility of being saved!

To die under this toxin, even a professional doctor’s examination can find no clues. He will only think that the deceased died suddenly from a myocardial infarction. According to the confession of Warren Ferguson, he voted for Jon Ferguson in total. Five months and twenty-seven days of poison, which directly led to the death of Jon Ferguson!

As for why Warren Ferguson killed Jon The answer is very simple, that is, as the younger brother of Ferguson, the core member of the current Ferguson family, He knew that the ancestor of the Ferguson family was a wizard, and he didn’t want to be controlled by Philo, with that dark red pill forever, so Warren Ferguson hoped to get rid of Philo’s control. It is pinned in the secrets of the sorcerer's family hidden in the Ferguson family's library!

But unfortunately, the things that Warren Ferguson wants to see, according to the family rules of the Ferguson family, can only be seen by the current patriarch and the heirs of the patriarch. As the current generation masters and keeps the secrets of the family’s secrets, Jon Ferguson, the guardian of the generation family library, is still very principled, so Jon Ferguson categorically refused Warren Ferguson’s request for the family’s secrets about wizards.

So after being rejected many times by Jon Ferguson, Warren Ferguson understood that Jon Ferguson existed. He could not obtain the secrets of the wizards in the family, so even though Jon Ferguson was his Elders, but in order to get rid of the control of the dark red pill, Warren Ferguson still has a murderous heart on Jon Ferguson!

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