Count of Wizards

Chapter 896: untitled

According to the information Rossi gave her, although Connor returned to Frosinone, he never returned to the Ferguson family, so it is almost impossible to contact Connor through the Ferguson family!

And since the last time Connor Ferguson appeared in Frosinone, it was almost a month ago. In a month, a lot of things can happen. Now at this time, Connor is always the same whether or not Ruen. Unknown!

Aware of this problem, Marguerite frowned and began to think. After thinking for a while, Marguerite's brows gradually eased, and she thought of a good way!

If she remembers correctly, Warren Ferguson mentioned in the conversation with Philo that Connor’s father is the old Ferguson, and there will be at most one week left!

So there is no need to go to Connor deliberately at present, as long as he waits until the death of old Ferguson, as the only son of old Ferguson, Connor will definitely return to the family for condolences. I can take this opportunity to meet Connor Ferguson!

Thinking of this, Margaret couldn't help but faintly look forward to the death of old Ferguson, but soon Margaret realized how terrible her thoughts were. After all, she was with Connor, and that old Ferguson was hers. Father-in-law, looking forward to his father-in-law's death, this is definitely not what a daughter-in-law should do!

Thinking of the identity of the "daughter-in-law", Margaret couldn't help showing a blush on her pretty face, and Connor's angular and determined face once again appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help but start looking forward to her relationship with Connor. See you!



A few days later, on the highway outside Frosinone, Conor Ferguson was driving a carriage thinking about the direction of the city, feeling that the carriage was getting closer and closer to the city. The Varga in the carriage seemed to be Thinking of something, some expectantly asked Connor softly: "Connor, are you ready to go home?"

"Yes! Why don't you want to go home with me?" Connor turned to look at Varga in the carriage when he heard Varga's question, and teased with a smile:

Connor remembers very clearly that Varga once told him that her biggest wish now, in addition to breaking through to become a first-class wizard, is to hope that Connor can take her back to the Ferguson family to determine her status in an open manner!

Three days ago, on Mount Hisaya, with the help of a series of auxiliary breakthrough methods such as the Gundogan Demon Crystal Energy Array, Varga finally had a surprise, successfully completed the breakthrough, and became an official wizard!

Because he was grateful to Varga and agreed with him and Margaret, Connor also decided to fulfill his promise to Varga, so after Varga consolidated the realm of a formal wizard, he took her back to the Ferguson family. The purpose is to rush to let the old Ferguson and Varga meet before the death of the old Ferguson!

Last time in the Ferguson Mansion, Varga had met with Old Ferguson, and also checked the old Ferguson again, and successfully extended his life for a period of time, but after all, it was in the old Ferguson's unconscious situation. It's done, so it's not a meeting!

Regarding Margaret’s suggestion to freeze the old Ferguson, although Connor said that it was considered, in fact, this was only a kind of refusal by Connor. Although as a traveler, Connor did not agree with the old Ferguson. The relationship between father and son is very weak, but Connor doesn't want old Ferguson to suffer too much when he comes!

Although Varga didn’t say it clearly, Connor knew very well that in order to freeze an ordinary person’s body through spells, he had to make special modifications to the ordinary person’s body. It is impossible to freeze an ordinary person’s body at all. After all, this It's not as simple as freezing some fish, shrimp, pork, etc. in the freezer!

And this special transformation will inevitably bring unspeakable pain to the old Ferguson who is an ordinary person, and the most important point is that even after the special transformation, the freezing is completed, and the old Ferguson is successfully placed on the ice. It has been alive in China for decades, and when the freeze is unsealed, Varga's level of refining medicine at that time may not be able to make old Ferguson come alive!

In addition, Connor can be sure that if she really freezes the old Ferguson, then with Varga’s personality, in order not to let herself down, she will definitely study the methods assiduously and try to make the old Ferguson come alive after being unblocked, but How could this matter be so simple!

The old Ferguson himself had been hollowed out because of his indulgence, and he was poisoned with chronic toxins. If it weren’t for Connor and Varga’s use of medicine to save him twice, according to the laws of nature, at this time, he, I am afraid that the bones are already cold. If you want to freeze him into ice and wait for a few decades to save him, this is completely against the laws of nature and impossible!

So in order to prevent the old Ferguson from suffering, and not to let Varga bear too much pressure because of the old Ferguson, Connor decided that he should be the villain!

Anyway, old Ferguson has drunk the richest red wine in his life and lived in the most magnificent house in his life. The woman around him has never been missing. He can be regarded as a bridegroom every night, and ninety-nine percent of the world. Compared with ordinary people of Nine, Ferguson has been so happy all his life, even if he is gone now, there must be no regrets!

Hearing in the carriage that Connor was going to take herself The smart Varga also immediately understood Connor’s thoughts, and there was a warm current in her heart, but on the surface, she still gave Connor a big deal. He rolled his eyes, and then snarled: "I hate it!"


Seeing such a small woman like Varga, Connor, who was in a good mood while driving a carriage, burst out laughing. As Varga became a first-class wizard, Connor's sense of security suddenly increased. Previously, he was the only official wizard. In the face of threats from all quarters, Connor had a family and did not dare to return, so he could only take the two of Varga to hide eastward around Frosinone. That feeling can be said to be extremely aggrieved!

But now is different from the past. With the strength of him and Varga, as long as the two people join forces, looking at the entire Frosinone, there is basically no threat. As long as Reyes is not here, Connor and Varga are the same. Safe, this is also a very important reason why Connor dared to show up and return to the Ferguson family!

In addition, Varga's breakthrough into an official wizard has a big advantage for Connor, that is, the cooperation with the king's faction is likely to be negotiated!

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