Count of Wizards

Chapter 894: Secrets of Blood Witchcraft

Hearing "Master Philo" say this, Warren Ferguson had a look in his eyes, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Master Philo! I know what to do!"

After getting the affirmative answer from Warren Ferguson, Philo changed his voice and said: "What I want you to prepare, how are you preparing?"

"According to your request, Lord Philo, I am currently half of the preparations, and the remaining half should be ready within half a month!" Warren Ferguson replied with a deep thought:

"Get half of what you have prepared, and send me to the old place. When I get the things, you will get the reward you deserve, Warren Ferguson!" Philo's voice came from the **** ball, but It may be the time. After saying this, the light on the ball of light flickered, and after a few seconds, it was completely extinguished and fell to the ground, turning back to the old pocket watch, and at the same time, the box The **** enchantment covered by Lieutenant General Warren Ferguson also quietly disappeared...


Warren Fogg, who was kneeling on the ground, sighed and picked up his pocket watch from the ground, then stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and walked out of Box No. 5, somewhat lonely.

After mentally confirming that Warren Ferguson had left the Ferguson Hotel, Margaret elegantly put away her bronze mirror, walked out of her private room No. 3, and entered private room No. 5.

Seeing the ordinary furnishings in Private Room No. 5, Marguerite stretched out her hand, and in the crystal lamp hanging from the ceiling, a light blue crystal ball the size of a quail egg suddenly fell into her hand.

Stroking the light blue crystal ball in her hand, a faint smile appeared on Margaret’s face. She came to Frosinone this time. In addition to her one-year appointment with Connor, A very important purpose is the blood witchcraft she practiced!

Despite some luck, Margaret couldn't help getting rid of Edel's pursuit in Luen. Not long after that, she successfully broke through from a senior wizard apprentice to a first class wizard.

Margaret is undoubtedly very happy to become a first-class wizard, but as her cultivation level improves, she also feels some of the shortcomings of the blood wizardry she practiced in the realm of formal wizards. In the past three In the month, Margaret traveled through most of the Kaman Empire on a train, trying to find a way to solve the drawbacks of blood witchcraft!

As the so-called hard work pays off, Margaret really asked to find a way by coincidence.·······

It turns out that the blood witchcraft Margaret practiced was blood witchcraft, not blood witchcraft!

The reason for saying this is that blood witchcraft, as a forbidden art in the Kaman Empire and even the whole Byzantine continent, is forbidden to practice in most countries. The practice of this spell cannot help but suffer the endless pursuit of the white wizard students, and the practice itself is even more important. It’s very difficult, so the wizard DeLaurentis who created this spell at the beginning, in order to prevent him from breaking the inheritance of his life’s hard work, he made a big change to the blood witchcraft and divided it into simplified ones. Version and full version!

It has spread in the wizarding world and is considered to be blood witchcraft. In fact, it is a simplified version of blood witchcraft by DeLaurentis in order to confuse the white wizard!

As for the full version of Blood Witchcraft, it was renamed "The Code of Blood Moon" by DeLaurentis, and passed on to his students from generation to generation. There are two versions, the full version and the simplified version. One light and one dark, to ensure that blood witchcraft will not be lost forever because of the pursuit of the white wizard!

What Margaret cultivates is the simplified version of blood witchcraft that is spread outside. In the wizard apprentice stage, she practiced this simplified version of blood witchcraft. There is no problem enough to use it!

But once a practitioner of blood witchcraft breaks through from a wizard apprentice to a formal wizard, then the shortcomings of the simplified version of blood witchcraft will gradually appear, although these shortcomings will not directly kill the cultivator. It does not pose a major threat to the life safety of the cultivator, but if these drawbacks exist for too long, the cultivator's strength will be greatly reduced. For the wizard, such consequences are of course unacceptable!

And the way to solve the shortcomings of this simplified version of blood witchcraft is very simple. The first is to abolish your blood witchcraft practice, but in this case, your vitality is unavoidable, and you even fell from a first-level wizard to a wizard The realm of apprenticeship is also very likely to happen, so this first method is rarely done by wizards!

The second method is to find the full version of Blood Witchcraft. If you switch to the full version of Blood Witchcraft, the "Blood Moon Code", this problem can be solved naturally! Of course, the premise of this method is that you know the existence of the "Blood Moon Code"!

In order to reduce the risk of exposure to himself and the "Blood Moon Code" for so many years, the disciples and grandchildren of DeLaurentis have never been exposed to the eyes of the world, and their whereabouts are very secret. Few people know their relationship with blood witchcraft. , At least Margaret can be sure that the guy who taught her the blood witchcraft had absolutely no idea that the "Blood Moon Code" existed, and Margaret herself, if it weren't a coincidence, it would be difficult to know this. The secrets of the After learning about the existence of the "Blood Moon Code", what Margaret had to do was to find the disciples and grandchildren of the old Lentino from their hands. Get the "Blood Moon Code"!

This idea is of course good, but the Byzantium continent is so big and in the vast crowd, how easy is it to find one or two wizards who deliberately hid?

If this matter is changed to someone else, maybe it will be blown up, maybe you have to find a ten or eight years, but fortunately Margaret was born in the Storm Church and has a lot of contacts in the white wizard camp, so she is in the white wizard camp. With the help of the intelligence network, within a few weeks, Margaret locked in the "Blood Moon Code" generation inheritor, that is, just Warren Ferguson, the supreme Blood Moon Lord-Philo. !

According to the intelligence in Margaret’s hands, although Philo does not know his specific location, it is certain that he is currently hiding in the northeast of the Kaman Empire, the Kaman Empire and Odin for some reasons. This area of ​​the empire!

The news that Margaret’s good friend, Miss Rosie, a genius wizard of the Earth Gods, provided to Margaret a few days ago helped Margaret directly identify, Connor’s second uncle, Warrent. · There is absolutely a relationship between Ferguson and Philo!

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