Count of Wizards

Chapter 890: Mysterious man

When Connor returned to Frosinone by train, in Frosinone train station, a woman in a gray trench coat and a lilac veil quietly walked out carrying a suitcase, looking at the stranger in front of her. In all of this, the woman wearing a purple veil was silent for a while. A few minutes later, she reached out and stopped a rickshaw, and said faintly, "Sayns Medical School?"

The middle-aged rickshaw driver was stopped. Although he could not see the mysterious woman in front of him through the purple veil, his instinct as a man made him realize that this woman wearing a purple veil might be him. I have seen the most beautiful woman in my life, so I was stunned for a while. I don’t know what to say about this mysterious woman’s inquiry...

Facing the picture of this middle-aged rickshaw driver who was drooling, the mysterious woman seemed to have taken offense. She stretched out her slender and white finger like mutton fat and white jade and tapped it at the driver. The young rickshaw driver, as if he had been wicked, his eyes were very hollow, but he directly put the suitcase of the mysterious woman on the car, then turned around and pulled the rickshaw, waiting for the mysterious woman to get on the car.

Sitting elegantly on the rickshaw, the mysterious woman said faintly: "Go to Sainz Medical School!"

As if he had been ordered, the middle-aged rickshaw driver immediately picked up the rickshaw and moved in the direction of Sainz Medical School in his memory.

Sitting on a moving rickshaw, looking at the scenery in the city of Frosinone passing by, this mysterious woman wearing a purple veil frowned slightly, seeming to dislike the inland Frosinone. The backwardness of urban development and construction.

Ten minutes later, the middle-aged rickshaw driver parked the car steadily in front of a white building. The mysterious woman sitting in the car looked at the white building plaque that read "Sears Medical School". He nodded immediately, then took out two one-shilling bills from his pocket and threw them on the rickshaw, then walked off the rickshaw with the suitcase, and walked towards Sainz Hospital.

When the mysterious woman wearing a purple veil completely walked into Sainz Medical School, the middle-aged rickshaw driver, with hollow eyes, gradually returned to normal.

"Sainz Medical School, why am I here?" Looking at the white building in front of him, the driver's eyes were a little confused, and he muttered to himself in a low voice. Before the voice completely fell, he saw the car thrown in. Two one-shilling banknotes, the doubts in his eyes were immediately replaced by surprises. He picked up the banknotes with an open eyebrow, and put the banknotes in his arms carefully, while muttering to himself:

"My head is really stupid. It must be me who brought the customer here. This customer is really generous, giving two shillings at a time. If there are such customers every day!"

Under the joy of the huge sum of two shillings, the middle-aged rickshaw driver only remembered that he sent his guests to this Sainz Medical School. As for who the guests were and what they looked like, he was thrown away by him. In the back of his head, of course he can’t remember these things in his life.··········

At this time, carrying a suitcase and walking in, the mysterious woman at Sainz Medical School found Ms. Sophie, the dean of the medical school.

"Excuse me, do you have anything to do with me?"

Although I don't know who the sudden mysterious woman in front of me is, it can be seen from the other party's dress that Ms. Sophie, who is both rich and expensive, speaks a lot more politely.

"My name is Caroline and I come from Hull. Someone recommended me to come here to study medicine. This is my letter of recommendation!" The mysterious woman took off her face and wore a purple veil. I saw that Caroline was A blonde woman was younger in her early twenties. Although she was not very beautiful, she was more attractive. Caroline took out a white letter from her body and handed it to Ms. Sophie.

Looking at the letter from the woman who called herself Caroline, Ms. Sophie picked up some of the suspicious letters, then opened the letter, took out the letter paper and read the content on the letter paper.

Ms. Sophie, who read the contents of the letter paper two minutes later, put down the letter paper and looked at Caroline before her eyes, and then smiled and said, "It turns out that President Carter, the relative mentioned is you, Caroline welcomes you. Study at our Sainz Medical School!"

After talking about Ms. Sophie, she smiled and stretched out her hand at Caroline very friendly, but to her surprise, Ms. Sophie looked at her outstretched hand, the young woman named Caroline swept her eyes. After a glance, she ignored her, turned around and picked up her luggage, as if waiting for Ms. Sophie to arrange a dormitory for her.

This scene immediately made Ms. Sophie, who was the only one in Sainz Medical School, furious, but when she was about to scream out, she thought of the recommender Carter in the letter of recommendation from Caroline, who was the board of directors of this medical school. The executive director is also the largest shareholder! And President Carter specially emphasized to her that she should take care of this Caroline. Ms. Sophie immediately suppressed her anger and led Caroline to the dormitory of the medical school.

Although she was very angry at Caroline, who rejected her kindness, under the deterrence of the executive director and major shareholders, Ms. Sophie did not dare to neglect Caroline and arranged Caroline at Sainz Medical The best-paying single dormitory in the dormitory of the and after helping Caroline receive the books, the enraged Ms. Sophie ignored Caroline. Caroline left alone in the dormitory.

After seeing Ms. Sophie's departure, the blond girl named Caroline actually observed the corners of the dormitory everywhere. From his posture, it seemed that she was checking something... ···

A few minutes later Caroline found nothing, nodded in satisfaction, then sat on the chair in front of the vanity mirror in the dormitory, and looked at the face of the strange blonde girl in the mirror. Caroline closed her eyes. A strange wave of mana appeared on her body immediately. After a few seconds, when the mana wave dissipated, Caroline opened her eyes again, but at this time, she in the mirror had restored her original appearance.

White and delicate skin, bright and delicate face, tall and **** figure with bumps, long red hair that is as bright as flames, and deep and charming blue pupils·······


Do not! It should be Margaret!

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