Count of Wizards

Chapter 880: Golden Head Eagle (1)

Driving a carriage out of the Kuyt Gorge, where Muzhai is located, within ten miles, I felt that the wizard of the Golovin tribe could not be chasing Connor. His expression was a little relaxed, and his big hand touched his arms, where Hidden more than fifty spatial rings he brought out of Muzhai.

Connor, who was in a fiery mood, was hesitating whether he was on the carriage at this time, and when he counted his harvest, his keen inspiration suddenly discovered that a black spot appeared above the altitude of a kilometer away from him!

Connor, who had just relaxed a little, suddenly became nervous again because of the appearance of the black spot. He sat on the carriage and looked up to the sky to observe.

Even though the black spot was conservatively estimated to be thousands of meters away from the ground at this time, and it was still blocked by clouds, with the help of Connor's alchemy telescope, Connor still saw the black spot clearly.

It was a stunning and mighty monster eagle over two meters in length. It was flying freely in the sky at this time, with cold eyes looking down on the ground from time to time, seeming to be looking for its prey, and Odin. The common white-headed giant eagle of the overlord on the ice field is different. At this time, the giant eagle above Connor's head is a golden-headed giant eagle. It looks more powerful and terrifying than those giant white-headed eagles!

"Level 4 monster, golden eagle!"

Using the telescope to observe the golden-headed giant eagle at a kilometer above his head for a while, Connor's heart sank, put down the telescope, and murmured:

That’s right, at this moment, the golden-headed giant eagle above his head is a monster equivalent to a human first-level wizard. As the overlord on the Odin Icefield, the bald-headed giant eagle is originally an extremely powerful existence. When the breakthrough is reached, the fourth-level beast-like realm equivalent to a formal human wizard, the color of the feathers on the head of the bald eagle will change from white to golden, and the strength will be greatly enhanced.

At this time, this golden-headed giant eagle appeared in the sky above him and followed him all the time. Connor would not simply think that this was a coincidence or an accident!

In all likelihood, this fourth-level beast, the golden-headed giant eagle, is the helper summoned by the bronze whistle of the dog Zivkovich.

When he thought of this, Connor felt a little regretful in his heart. Although he didn't know Zhivkovich, how did this guy let a arrogant golden-headed eagle be his helper, but he had to know that Zhivkovich had this. Ability, he should have beaten the drowning dog, took advantage of his illness to kill him, and tried to get rid of some injuries to kill Zivkovic, not to give him the opportunity to blow the bronze whistle, and summon the golden-headed giant eagle!

Although I regret very much in my heart, there is no regret medicine in this world after all. Now Connor must face the pursuit of the golden-headed giant eagle, the overlord of the Odin Hospital!

Taking a deep breath, Connor forced himself to throw away the anger in his mind, and let his mentality regain his composure. While he began to be cautious about the golden-headed eagle that might rush in the sky at any time, he quickly thought about what to do next. Connor’s strategy, although Connor had not played with the golden-headed giant eagle before, Connor still knew the strength of the golden-headed giant eagle as a beast based on the records of ancient books! Oou eBook

The fourth-level warcraft golden eagle, as the overlord-level warcraft on Odin Icefield, is by no means an ordinary first-level wizard can fight against. Once it encounters death or injury, it is even a second-level wizard and encounters it on Odin icefield. The golden-headed giant eagle, the best result, is only to repel it, unable to kill!

The golden-headed giant eagle is not only extremely intelligent, but not as fast as human wizards. The body is very powerful. A feather is its natural defensive demonized item. Below the second-order top demonized items, it is difficult to fight the golden-headed giant eagle. Cause harm.

In addition, the speed of the golden-headed giant eagle can also be ranked in the top ten of the known warcraft speeds in the wizarding world, only slightly worse than the speed of sound. Its most powerful attack method is to dive at high speed from the sky and use its own speed. Forming an extremely terrifying huge impact, and then applying the impact to its eagle claws and eagle beak, there used to be a first-level wizard who died tragically on the golden-headed giant eagle.

For Connor, on the Odin Icefield, facing the golden-headed giant eagle's pursuit and killing, head-on is the most stupid way. Getting rid of its pursuit is the only viable option, but the golden-headed giant eagle's speed is so fast. Come on, let alone this carriage, even if Connor flies with the help of the black magic robe, he will definitely not be able to fly the golden eagle...

Just as Connor racked his brains and recalled the classics he had read, how did the wizards who encountered the golden-headed giant eagle deal with the chase of the golden-headed giant eagle. At this dangerous time, always The golden-headed giant eagle flying over Connor finally gave Connor no chance to think, and let out a loud eagle cry, and then from above the height of kilometers, dived into the carriage where Connor was.

Although Connor had been wary of the golden-headed giant eagle's ultimate move, but the speed of the golden-headed giant eagle was too fast. Connor had just reacted, and the golden-headed giant eagle was already from a kilometer high. Killed a distance of 100 meters from Connor's body!

Before he could think about it, the only thing Connor could do was to save the handsome man in the car. With a flash of black magic robe on his body, the whole person jumped out of the carriage that was galloping into the distance. Although Connor's actions were very decisive, there was no trace of muddy. But unfortunately, it is a bit late at this time. The huge body of the golden-headed giant eagle, wrapped in an unimaginable huge impact, has hit the carriage! "

Under such a violent impact, Connor’s poor carriage was directly torn apart and shattered into scum, but the steed pulling the carriage had not uttered a wailing, and its body was completely scattered and bloody, look. Going up is terrible!

Both the carriage and the steed are like this. Connor who jumped ahead of time was not easy. Although he was not as miserable as the carriage and steed because of the early jumping, it was also because of the huge impact of the golden head dived down when jumping. After rubbing it, his body was out of balance and fell directly to the ground. After rolling five times on the ground, he barely stopped on the ground.


Connor's blood was mixed with internal organ fragments, and his blood was vomited on the ground. Although the pain was unbearable all over his body, there was no place that was not painful. The internal organs also received a lot of shock, but under the threat of the golden-headed giant eagle, Connor Still overcame the pain in the body, stood up quickly, and ran towards the forest 300 meters away. It is recorded in those ancient books that the best way for a wizard to encounter a golden eagle is to hide in the forest. Use the forest to offset the dive of the golden eagle. Fortunately, there is such a forest beside Connor!

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