Count of Wizards

Chapter 867: Confuse

When she heard Connor’s words, Isabella seemed to be a little mad. She gave Connor a bitter look, and then said: "Yes, I said these things, but Connor Ferguson, don’t look at it. What do you want?"

"Light and magic stones, you need fifteen thousand! There are also mithril, glazed sapphire, dark cage sand... these precious materials, you are an alchemist, the value of these things, you Isn't it clearer than me?"

Even though he knew that he was asking too much, and the value of what he wanted far exceeded the value of Alberto's ice energy technique, in order for Varga to break through and become a first-class wizard, Connor still brazenly said: "You prince have a family. Great cause, this thing is nothing to you!"

Hearing Connor’s idiotic remarks, Isabella’s feelings can be described as furious, but she hasn’t had time to say anything. She has been sitting on the sofa next to her, saying nothing. Connor After reading the list, he said in a deep voice to Connor: "Connor Ferguson, you have eleven materials on the list. You know very well that even Isabella has promised you, we It's impossible. I will give you all these materials, so I am the master. You can choose five materials from this list!"

After Adolf’s words, although the expression on Connor’s face remained unchanged, his heart sank. Adolf was right. He listed eleven materials in the list, and every material was very cherished. Of course he didn’t. It is hoped that Isabella and Adolf, the young and old, will hand over these eleven materials to him because of a promise made by Isabella.

Since Adolf was not counted on, Isabella put together these eleven materials and gave them to herself, and also listed these eleven materials in the list. Connor's purpose was to confuse the audience. After all, he asked them so much cherished materials. Whether it was Adolf or Isabella, he would definitely be curious about what he wanted these materials for.

Connor can tell Adolf and Isabella the truth, his own woman Varga wants to break through to become a first-class wizard, but he is now shy in his pocket and has no breakthrough resources, so he has come to ask for resources from them?

Whether it is from the perspective of protecting Varga or personal face, Connor could not say that to Adolf and Isabella.

Therefore, Connor needed several breakthrough resources that Varga needed, and added some other cherished resources to form this list of eleven materials.

And now that the old fox, Adolf, is doing this, it's obviously Connor's trick that he didn't hide it from him. He is testing what Connor is going to do with these materials!

Seeing that Connor was silent and didn’t know what he was thinking, Adolf looked at Connor and said lightly: “Connor Ferguson, don’t try to bargain with me. You should know that if we don’t care about Miss Isabella’s reputation, you There are not even five kinds of materials!"

Under Adolf’s gaze, a sneer appeared at the corner of Connor’s mouth, and then without any nonsense, he directly spoke out the five materials in his list: "Dark Cage Sand, Doron Agarwood, Kosado Dragon Core , Dark Star Essence, Kustanaishajin!"

After finishing these things, Connor added: "The weights of the five materials are already marked on the list. Mail them to Ferguson Manor within a week!"

"Okay!" Taking a deep look at Connor, Adolph nodded and agreed to Connor's request.

After talking about the business, Connor was here, and there was nothing to say with Isabella and Adolf. They turned around and left. Although Corresia Manor was like a maze, since Connor had already walked through it again. , Connor is no longer stuck here!

When Connor left the Corresia Manor, Isabella frowned and said to Adolf: "Teacher Adolf, the five materials Connor Ferguson asked for are of great value... ···"

"Is there any news about Connor Ferguson, the pharmacist beside him, Varga?" Adolf did not give it directly, Isabella explained, but asked Isabella back:

It seemed that Adolf would suddenly ask this question. Isabella was taken aback, and then said with some uncertainty: "This woman seems to be by Connor's side all the time, and Connor Ferguson is inseparable. He provides medicine..."

Listening to Isabella’s answer, Adolf sighed slightly, then looked at Connor’s list of materials to grab the list, and said quietly: “If I’m not wrong, this genius pharmacist, Miss Varga and Isha Like you, Bella, you have already broken through the bottleneck of cultivation, and you will soon try to break through the first-level wizard!"

Adolf’s words haven’t completely fallen down yet, Isabella’s face just showed a touch of shock, and she said in disbelief: "Teacher Adolf, you mean to say that these materials Connor Ferguson wanted are Used to give Varga a breakthrough?"

"It seems a little unlikely. According to the information we have obtained, Varga has not been a high-level wizard for a long time. It has only been five or six years. How could she break through the bottleneck of cultivation so quickly and try to break through to become a first-level wizard. Wizard?"

"Varga is a professor Reyes, a genius pharmacist trained, and his training resources have never been cut off, and the most important point is that the relationship between Varga and Connor Ferguson is very Since the cultivation base is advancing rapidly, Varga is not impossible."

After speaking, Adolf handed over the list of materials given by Connor to Isabella, who was full of suspicion, and then continued: "Connor Ferguson, the eleven materials on the list look like a lot. But in fact, there are only Dollong Agarwood, Kosado Dragon Demon Core, Dark Star Essence, and 15,000 Magic Stones. These four things are what he really wants!"

"And among the five materials I gave him, he chose Dark Cage Sand, Doron Agarwood, Kosado Magus Core, Dark Star Essence, Kustanesa Gold with five materials and gave up 15,000 The magic stone, I chose the dark cage sand, Kustanai Shajin, the purpose is to mislead us, let us think that he is going to use this material to refine some kind of magical item!"

"But in fact, Connor Ferguson is going to use Doron Agarwood, Kosado Lizard Core, and Dark Star Essence to build a certain formation to help a certain life energy senior wizard apprentice break through, Kang Na willing to take the risk for this person and come here to find us. This shows that Connor and this person have a very close relationship! Speaking of which, Adolf looked at Isabella.


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