Count of Wizards

Chapter 865: Breakthrough resources (2)

After making a promise to Varga, Connor's actions were also very fast. First, he took Varga and left, the small town of Arjan, which is no longer a secret place, at a distance of 100 northwest of Frosinone. A simple wooden house was built for Varga on the off-traveled Mount Hisaya.

Breaking through the first-level wizard is no better than others. In the process of breaking through, whether it is the means of assisting the breakthrough, or the breakthrough itself, it will cause huge noise and energy fluctuations. Although Connor has constructed a hidden formation to cover these movements, if The risk is still very high when the breakthrough location is selected in a place with people. Therefore, in order to avoid the risk, let Varga have an absolutely safe place where he can devote his energy to the breakthrough. Connor chose Mount Hisaya. , This wilderness area.

After he settled in Varga, Connor returned to the inner city of Frosin according to his plan and visited all the underground black markets he knew. The gains were not unavailable, but compared to what Varga needed to break through, it was true. It's a drop in the bucket...

It's not that Connor had never thought about looting the underground black market to obtain the breakthrough resources needed for Varga's breakthrough, but after thinking about it again and again, Connor chose to give up temporarily.

As for Connor's choice to abandon the looting of the underground black market, it is not that he cannot do it, nor is he unwilling to take the risk of looting the underground black market for Varga.

In fact, Connor knows that these underground black markets, whether they are large or small, have no official wizards, and they are all senior wizard apprentices. The difference lies in the number of people, so only Kang Na is willing, with the cultivation of his first-level wizard, he can sack any underground black market.

If there is something that Varga needs in the underground black market, Connor will definitely get it for Varga at any cost. Although the organizers of these underground black markets have a deep background, Connor will probably be united by this. Hunt him down.

But unfortunately, the things Varga needs are used by senior wizard apprentices to break through the first-level wizards. These things, let alone the black wizard organization, are resourceful white people like the ninth game and the Earth God Church and the Storm Church. The wizarding organization is also very precious. How many senior wizard apprentices in the organization are waiting eagerly.

It is simply unrealistic to collect such precious resources in Frosinone, these underground black markets in a short time, even if there are a few things that may be helpful to Varga breakthrough. Connor's eyes are also very tasteless, and it is not worth his shot.

After thinking about it, Connor had no choice but to bite the bullet and flew towards the western suburbs of Frosinone for Varga.

Half an hour later, Connor, amidst the dust, appeared in front of a huge manor on the outskirts of the western suburbs.

Seeing the words "Corresia House" written in Kaman on the manor plaque, Connor felt a little helpless. He has been in Frosinone for almost a year, and he is naturally not just new. At that time, the news was blocked. After going around in the underground black market, he had heard that there was a problem with this Corresia Manor. Combined with the information about Isabella he was injured, Connor naturally came up with this. Corresia Manor is a stronghold of the Prince's faction in Frosinone.

Seeing Connor standing in front of the manor for a long time and reluctant to leave, the two strong security guards standing guard in front of the manor were a little impatient. One of them raised the stick in his hand at Connor. He said fiercely: "This is a private domain, hurry up and leave!"

Looking at the two people, Connor said lightly: "Go in and report and say Connor Ferguson is here!"

Hearing Connor’s words, and then looking at Connor’s uninhibited attitude, the two strong security guards were really bluffed by Connor. The two looked at each other and nodded, leaving alone at the gate of the manor. Before, continuing to stare at Connor, the other person turned and walked into the manor.

Five minutes later, Isabella, who was chatting with Adolf in the secret room of the manor, suddenly became surprised when she received the news from her men.

Seeing Isabella's face change, Adolf immediately asked her: "What happened?"

"Connor Ferguson, this guy is here, and he's outside the manor right now!" After another glance, he got the news.

After confirming that it was correct, Isabella said to Adolf:

Hearing Isabella's words, Adolf's old face was also a little confused, and he frowned and began to think about it.

"Teacher Adolf, Connor came this time. Was his purpose because we blamed the death of Prince Boateng on Bisping, and let him discover it?" Looking at the thinking. Adolf, Isabella hesitated, but decided to say:

Adolf shook his head slowly and said: "Impossible, Conor Ferguson, like his teacher Reyes, has a very cautious personality. Boateng blamed Bispin, so he came to us!"

"There is also the relationship between Connor and Reyes, which is very delicate. If we let him know that we blame Bispin, maybe he will be happy to see it happen!

Listening to Adolf’s analysis, Isabella nodded in agreement. She and Adolf’s original plan was to kill two birds with one stone and to blame the death of Prince Boateng on Bisping and Connor Ferguson~ instead of just blaming Bisping himself as it is now!

But unfortunately, their plan could not keep up with the changes after all. Although Connor extracted the secret technique of "Alberto Ice Energy" from the crystal ball technique and handed it to Isabella, Connor did not. , As Adolf expected, it was contaminated with the breath of Prince Boateng’s death, so there was no evidence. Besides, if Connor was Bispin’s accomplice in killing Prince Boateng, there would be flaws and it would be easy to be caught. People exposed, so there is no way, Adolf reluctantly decided to release Connor Ferguson, only to release the news, the death of Prince Boateng, blame Bispin alone!

"Let Connor Ferguson come in, since they have come to the door, I always want to see you!" After a while, Adolf said in a deep voice toward Isabella:

Bisping left Frosinone by train. He saw it with his own eyes. Without Bisping's help, Adolf didn't believe that Connor could make any waves this time!

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