Count of Wizards

Chapter 859: Auction surprise

Have you met Prince Boateng? "

Hearing Connor's words, Varga Qiao showed an incredible expression on her face, and asked Connor in surprise:

"Yes, by chance, I ran into Prince Boateng. I was Ji Zhongshengzhi who arranged an alchemy mechanism to insult him. Although he did not kill him, he would no longer be a threat to me. If If he is wise, he'd better take the train now and return to West Ham, where the Boateng family is located. If it is late to let Bisping get the news, he may not be able to leave Frosinone. !" Connor said with a smile, self-confidence in his words.

Seeing that Connor didn’t seem to be joking, Varga looked at Connor for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand and placed it on Connor’s body. The next second Connor only felt that it belonged to Varga’s vibrant mana. , Began to check his body, knowing that Varga was worried about him, a warm current passed through Connor's heart, allowing Varga's mana to check in his body.

Varga's inspection of Connor was still very careful. After a full inspection for ten minutes, Varga was relieved to put his hand on Connor back, and then took out a few bottles of medicine from the space ring. The machine threw it at Connor, then gave Connor a big eye, turned around and walked back to her room, closing the door heavily.

Watching Varga turn around, the graceful and concave back, Connor smiled and shook his head, and then returned to his room.

What Isabella asked for was not a difficult task in terms of Connor's current degree of mental power control, but three days were not very sufficient, and Connor needed to pay close attention to it.



Five days later, in the lobby of the Fonseca Lakeside Manor outside Frosinone.

There are more than 20 people wearing various costumes, but the people wearing masks are sitting very scattered in the hall. Except for a few people who came together, the rest of them stayed at least three meters between them. In the middle of this group of people, in the center of the hall, a tall man wearing a golden mask, holding a cold cross sword, said solemnly to the people sitting around:

"For this Tier 1 Attack Demonized Item Winters Sword, Mr. Three will bid one hundred and twenty magic stones. Is there a higher bid?"

"One hundred and twenty magic stones, the first time!"

"One hundred and twenty magic stones, the second time!"

"Sword of Winters, one hundred and twenty magic stones for the last time! Congratulations to Mr. Three for acquiring this sword of Winters!"

When the voice fell, the host of the auction wearing a golden mask lightly patted the cross sword in his hand. Suddenly, the chilly Winters sword sat in the corner of the hall, wearing The man in the dark red metal mask threw it over.

The man wearing a dark red metal mask, under the gaze of the host of the golden mask, took a simple check after receiving the cross sword. After confirming that there was no problem, he nodded in satisfaction, and then took out one from the space ring. The leather pocket was thrown to the host in the middle of the hall.

After getting the one hundred and twenty magic stones in the small leather bag, the host of money and money threw the small belt back to the man wearing the dark red mask, and then said to the people sitting around:

"The fifteen items in this auction have all been sold. The remaining one and a half hours are free time for everyone to trade. For this one and a half hours, our Anluo Club will only be responsible for maintaining order and will not bear any responsibility for your transactions. Responsibility, please remember!"

After the words came down the auction host wearing a golden mask, he left the center of the hall without looking back, leaving the center of the broad earth to everyone present.

In a corner of the hall, Connor, wearing a bronze mask, pretended to scan the surrounding casually. The auction he is currently participating in was organized by a small wizard organization in Frosinone. Although the auction is not big, there are only more than twenty people.

However, the quality of the goods auctioned at the sales fair is still good, so during this period of time in Frosinone, Connor regards the auction held by the Dark Luo Club irregularly as an important channel for his own purchase of goods. , Hidden identities to participate many times.

Seeing that no one was preparing for the first free transaction, Connor was ready to step forward and purchase some potions for Valga's refining medicine and the alchemy materials he needed. As usual, Connor had the patience to take a look at others. But today is different. Today is the fifth anniversary of the relationship between him and Varga.

Although Varga doesn’t say anything these days, it can be seen that she is still looking forward to it in her heart, so Connor is also very attentive. She plans to arrange a romantic night tonight and give Varga a big deal. Surprise, let him spend a fulfilling night by himself, so now Connor is unwilling to fight, and plans to collect what he wants as quickly as possible, so that he can go home and prepare for a romantic night with Varga tonight... ··

Connor was just about to get up. Not far to his left, a young man wearing a black mask was the first to lose his breath. He strode from the chair to the center of the hall and saw someone leaving, Connor. Although a little anxious, but not in a hurry, he just sat on a chair and looked at the young man wearing a black mask with interest. I don’t know why, Connor always feels that this young man will bring him Here are some interesting Sure enough, under Connor’s gaze, this young man wearing a black mask, with a mouth that was shocked, he said with a little excitement: "Two days ago from the Sauer Swamp Earth, the bone found has been officially confirmed to be the core member of the Prince family, Prince Boateng, do any of you know the details of this matter, I can Twenty magic stones out!"

"Prince Boateng? Bones?"

Hearing the message from this young man, Connor, who was originally self-assured, immediately became serious.

Five days ago, with the help of the alchemy agency, he severely injured Prince Boateng, but at that time Prince Boateng still had a strong ability to resist, so he gave up the beating. The chance of falling into the water dog let Prince Boateng a horse, and if this young man made no mistake, Prince Boateng was dead, then who would kill Prince Boateng? ?

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