Count of Wizards

Chapter 857: Goodbye Isabella (2)

At Connor’s threat, Isabella smiled slightly, stroked her hair scattered between her forehead, and spoke to Connor lightly: "Connor Ferguson, do you think I made a two-hour carriage and walked." After hundreds of miles of road, will you leave in a desperate manner because of a threat from you?"

"Connor Ferguson, if you want, I don't mind talking about things with you here, but I think you, you are hiding in such a place, you should not want to be discovered by others!" Sweeping around, Isabella said slowly:

"Are you threatening me?" Feeling the threat in Isabella's words, Connor's eyes flashed coldly and said coldly:

Glancing at Connor, it seemed that Connor was very hostile to him, and Isabella did not say anything to irritate him. Instead, she squeezed directly into the yard from the slit in the door, and Varga was standing in the yard. , Slapped a face and looked up.

Seeing Isabella daring to ignore herself and forcibly break into her yard, Connor was furious and prepared to force Isabella out of the yard with a wave of his hand, but what he never expected was , Varga, who was looking at Isabella, suddenly asked Connor, "Who is she?"

Although Varga's question is only three words and his tone is not emotional, Connor, who is familiar with Varga's character, can clearly feel the soaring jealousy contained in these three words... ·This immediately made Connor a headache. He knew Varga must have misunderstood and thought he had a leg with Isabella!

"Are you the genius pharmacist Varga? My name is Isabella. You should have heard my name in the secret society?" Isabella raised her eyebrows slightly without waiting for Connor to open her mouth. Take the initiative to introduce her to Varga.

"Connor Ferguson, who is she?"

Although Isabella had already introduced herself, Varga did not buy her account. He still stared at Isabella and asked Connor without emotion:

"Isabella, the one from the Prince's group!"

Feeling that Varga was on the verge of breaking out, Connor hurriedly said:

It seems that I also felt the unusual in Varga's words. Isabella looked at Varga with interest, and then said with a chuckle: "Miss Varga, I know the relationship between you and Connor. Don't worry. Yes, although Mr. Connor is very good, but he is too deep in his mind, he is not my type, so you may have misunderstood!"

Upon hearing Isabella's words, Varga took a deep look at her, and then said softly: "Whoever likes it, take it, I don't want it anyway!"

After finishing talking, Varga ignored Connor and Isabella and went straight back to her own room, closing the door.

"It looks like Mr. Connor, you have encountered some emotional problems?" After watching Varga return to her room, Isabella teased Connor:

Feeling the ridicule in Isabella’s mouth, Kang An can’t wait to kick her out of the yard immediately, but Connor, who knows Varga’s character well, knows that if he really drives Isabella out of the yard at this time Go, then Varga, who doesn't have much trust in him, will definitely think that he is a guilty conscience, it is really very bad.

So there is no way, Connor glared at the innocent Isabella, then closed the door, and then to prove his innocence, he walked to Varga's room, and then Varga in the house passed Yin said: "Varga, I know you may not believe it, but I don't know why she found here, she will talk to me later, if you agree with Varga, I want to meet in front of you She have a talk!"

At this time, Varga, who was in the room wishing to slash Connor with a thousand swords, heard Connor say so, and immediately moved in his heart that he wanted to adopt Connor’s suggestion. However, he just finished his cruel words, so it took a short time. Is caught in a tangled.

Although Varga did not express his position, he knew that Varga did not object to his suggestion, and he did not hesitate to ask Isabella standing in the yard in a deep voice, "Speak, you come to find me what's the matter? ?"

Hearing that Connor seemed to be in this yard and had to talk to herself, Isabella frowned slightly and did not answer Connor's question.

Seeing Isabella not speaking, Connor said again: "Isabella, you figure it out, now it's you who come on the door to find me, not me looking for you, I only give you this opportunity, and things are right here. Say, you can go if you don't say it!"

"Well, let's talk about it here!"

Realizing that Connor’s attitude was so determined, Isabé sighed helplessly, then took out a crystal ball from the space ring, and showed it to Connor while saying: “Connor, I’m this time I came to you because this crystal ball, in this crystal ball, there is a spell called Alberto Ice Energy, but in this crystal ball, in addition to recording that technique, there are many more Useless things, so I need Connor, you help me with this skill, collect it from this crystal ball!"

Hearing Isabella’s description, and looking at it a few more times, Isabella was showing the crystal ball in her hand. Connor immediately understood what was going on, and looked at Isabella and said with a smile. : "You searched for people's soul, and then stripped the memory into this crystal ball?"

Knowing that Connor can't hide things from Isabella, she nodded and said, "That's right!"

"You are many wizards who are good at using mental powers, why are you coming to me for this kind of thing?" Connor said with a sneer looking at Isabella's facial expression:

It seemed that Connor had already expected this problem. Isabella didn’t hesitate and said directly: “Connor, you’re right. There are indeed a few spiritual wizards in the Lord’s faction who can accomplish this. , But we are looking for you for two reasons!"

"The first reason, this Alberto ice energy technique, is very important to me, I want to get it as soon as possible!"

"Second, this crystal ball was made by Teacher Adolf, and Teacher Adolf is not an alchemist, so the memory in this crystal ball was barely refined by him, but it was very dissipated, and the memory in the crystal ball lasted a week at most. The time has changed back and disappeared. One week is too urgent. In such a short time, even if we can find a wizard who can collect kung fu from the crystal ball, he does not have time to collect the kung fu from the crystal ball. Up!"

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