Count of Wizards

Chapter 855: Cool X (2)

Taking a look with interest, at this moment Prince Boateng's tight facial expression surrounded by these blue fishes, Adolf smiled slightly and cast a spell at Prince Boateng , Suddenly countless blood blossoms bloomed from Prince Boateng's body, and these blue fish wandering in the container felt the smell of blood from Prince Boateng’s wound, and the spirit came instantly. They swarmed up to bite Prince Boateng's flesh and blood desperately.

Prince Boateng really counted as the last tough guy, in the face of these hundreds of small blue fish biting flesh and blood, he still gritted his teeth and forcibly resisted the inhuman pain, still maintaining his complexion. Tight.

Seeing Prince Boateng so strong, Adolf was not in a hurry, with a retaliatory pleasure, smiling at Prince Boateng’s facial expressions, a few seconds later, meeting Prince Boateng His body was already **** and fleshy under the mad bite of these little blue fishes, Prince Boateng's willpower was gradually unable to support it, and painful expressions began to appear on his face.

As if to listen to Prince Boateng's wailing, in order to get a greater pleasure of revenge, Adolf tapped the brass ring around his neck and suddenly Prince Boateng realized that he could make a sound. , Began to speak.

Just as Prince Boateng's spirits rallied and he was about to curse Adolf with the pain, Adolf severely slashed at his two knees. All of a sudden, he felt cold and his body was like two. The legs were separated. Prince Boateng, who was originally standing in the water, immediately fell into the water, and the blue fish that was biting his body naturally would not let go of his head and swarm. And it started to bite...


Under such pain, Prince Boateng's willpower finally collapsed, his mouth forgot to scold Adolf, and only a painful wailing remained.

I have to say that as a veteran first-level wizard, Prince Boateng’s vitality is really amazing. Even under such inhumane torture, he supported it for a full ten minutes, and the miserable wailing sound gradually began to grow. From big to small, from childhood to nothing.

Just when Prince Boateng lost too much blood and the dead body was floating on the surface of the container, a blood-red mist floated out of his body, and then suddenly fell on On the little blue fish that still bites the **** corpse of Prince Boateng.

This blood-red mist looks very evil, and the blue fishes hit by it are all eroded scum.

Seeing this scene, Adolf, who had been watching from the sidelines, looked at the portrait of his son Cohen Trang in mid-air. Two lines of old tears ran across the corner of his eyes, and he whispered to himself: "My child, look Are you here? Prince Boateng, the murderer who killed you, finally died in my hands, and you can finally rest in peace..."



At the same time Prince Boateng died in Frosinone, the unicorn grocery store.

The southern part of the Odin Empire, West Ham, in a very secret room in Boateng Castle.

Carbio Boateng, who was meditating and practicing, seemed to sense something, his eyes suddenly opened, and an abnormal flushing color appeared on his face.


Kabio Boateng spouted blood, and sorrow immediately appeared on his face. From the contact of the space ring he was wearing on his hand, he took out a small pile of broken wooden blocks. Although these broken wooden blocks are every Each piece is different in size and shape, but if you look at it carefully, the pile of wooden pieces should have been a palm-sized woodcarving, and the figure painted by this woodcarving is indeed the pro-law of Capio Boateng. Brother Prince Boateng!

"Oh... I told you a long time ago that I told you to be careful, if you can't do anything, don't force it, but Prince, you just don't listen!" Looking at the pile of fragments in your hand The grief-stricken Cabio Boateng sighed to the sky before murmured in pain:

Ten seconds later, from the blow of his own brother, Capio Boateng, who cheered up slightly, raised his hand and threw the broken wooden blocks in the palm of his hand into the air. These wooden blocks were immediately in the air. Spontaneous combustion occurred in mid-air, just in the blink of an eye, these broken pieces of wood are burning without a trace, only the unique smell produced by the burning of wood pieces in the secret room can prove that they once existed... ·····

A second later, strange energy fluctuations suddenly appeared in the air in the secret society, and then a light curtain appeared in the air, and the content in the light curtain was a group of blue fish on the water, gnawing a A **** corpse.

Seeing this scene, Kabio Boateng's face, which is very similar to Prince Boateng's face, immediately showed a touch of anger, but a few seconds later, Kabio Boateng's face The anger was transformed into doubt. After a while, the light curtain in the air dissipated, calmness in the secret room was restored, and Kabio Boateng was in doubt and lost in thought.

On the light curtain of the blood soul curse just now, the group of small blue fishes shown are something called the Monza Murder Fish, a kind of species native to the swampland of Hoy, let the wizard talk about it. The gregarious beasts that have changed their colors. Although the Monza Murderer is a beast, its individual power is basically the same as that of ordinary fish, but as long as hundreds of them gather in the, the gregarious effect they produce is officially Under the wizard, there is no need to peel off the skin if you don't die.

Judging from the content displayed on the light curtain, Prince Boateng died under the bite of the Monza Piranha. From the point of view of Cabio Boateng, this only shows one thing. One thing, the murderer who killed his brother knew that Prince Boateng had the blood soul curse of the Boateng family, and the murderer did not want his identity to be known by the Boateng family!

The hatred of Prince Boateng and Reyes, Prince Boateng’s purpose to go to Frosinone, and Bisping’s purpose to go to Frosinone, these are not secrets. I know that once Prince Boateng dies, Bisping is the first murderer, but now Prince Boateng just died in such a covert way. This is really... ···

After a while, the brooding Caprio Boateng said to himself: "Use Monza Piranha to crack the Blood Soul Curse. If Bispin’s suspicion is ruled out, then it seems that killing Prince was another matter. People!"

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