Count of Wizards

Chapter 853: Adolf's secret

As for blaming Bispin, Adolf, you know better than me. If you really want me to die in Bispin’s hands, there is no need for such a lot of trouble. Even if you do it yourself, you just need to send me back to the Western Han Dynasty. The train in the city, and then secretly told Bisping the train information, I will also die, and Bisping, who was ordered by Reyes, will not let me go! "

"Adolf, you have done so much, you just want to kill me yourself, Adolf, I'm right?" Looking deeply at Adolf, who looked calm and calm, Prince Boateng said in a low voice:

Although he was in a desperate situation and might die tragically in a few minutes, Prince Boateng was still keen, and he saw through the lie that Adolf had just used to deceive Isabella at a glance.

"Not bad!" The lie was seen through, and Adolf was not at all embarrassed. He nodded directly under Prince Boateng's gaze and admitted it.

"In that case, Adolf, you might as well tell me, where did Prince Boateng offend you? You want to be cruel to me, so as not to become a confused soul... ·"

Although Prince Boateng's emotions were well controlled, when he said this, his true feelings were unavoidable, and there was a little bit of resentment and unwillingness in his words.

In Prince Boateng’s plan, seeking the protection of the king’s faction should have been his best solution in the current situation. He never expected that he took this step by mistakes. , Has fallen into such a must-have situation that cannot be undone now.

"Do you know why I chose to be Isabella's bodyguard to protect her safety?" Faced with Prince Boateng's question, Adolf took a sip of the red wine in his hand, not in the bottle. Too much red wine, under his mouth, directly left only a thin bottom.

"Isn't this arranged by the prince?" Adolf's question caused Prince Boateng to be stunned. After hesitating for a while, he asked Adolf back:

"About protecting Isabella, Lord Lord, asked me, asked Bentankud, asked Vazquez, and asked Wismaren, but all three of them chose to decline, and only I agreed. , Prince Boateng, do you know why I agree?" Adolf gently said, shaking the bottle in his hand:

Hearing what Adolf said, Prince Boateng frowned immediately. He seemed to have thought of something, but he didn't seem to have thought of anything. After thinking about it, Prince Boateng was still clueless. , Looked at Adolf and said in a deep voice: "Adolf, my time is running out, you may as well speak up if you have anything to say!"

Adolf ignored what Prince Boateng said, and continued to ask him: "Three months ago, in West Ham, did you go to the auction of Rondo Manor?"

"Rondo Manor Auction?" Hearing the place name from Adolf's mouth, Prince Boateng seemed to have a meeting. Five seconds later, he seemed to think of something. He looked at Adolf and said directly: "That What's your relationship with Adolf, a handsome black-haired young man?"

"He is called Cohen Trang, my son, now Prince Boateng, what do you want to say?" After speaking, Adolf took out an oil painting scroll from the space ring and threw it into the air. Under the control of his mana, he immediately opened slowly in mid-air.

I saw that the protagonist depicted in this scroll was a handsome man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, with a handsome appearance and a warm smile on his face. Like, but if you look closely, there are indeed some similarities between the eyebrows of the two men...

As the picture scroll opened, Adolf also drank the little remaining wine in the bottle in his hand, and then said in a low voice; "Twenty years ago, my cultivation base was progressing slowly, and I consciously did not become a breakthrough in this life. The possibility of becoming a second-level wizard is to marry a wife and have children and have Cohen Tron, but because I am in the secret society, I have offended too many people. In order to prevent retaliation, I have never dared to take my wife and Cohen. Tron's existence is made public, and it can only be a secret to protect them!"

"For safety's sake, let outsiders know that he is my child. Cohen Trang did not even follow our Adolf family's surname, but followed his mother's surname. Under my guidance, Cohen Trang was repaired as a child. The progress is very rapid. He has become a senior wizard apprentice when he is less than 30 years old, and he has a very high pharmacy talent. At a young age, he became a pharmacist, able to refine the range of wizard apprentices. Common potions!"

"So now Prince Boateng, do you know why I want to be Miss Isabella's bodyguard and protect her, right?" Adolf stared at Prince Boateng and said word by word:

"Understood! Understood, you become Isabella's bodyguard, and you have such a plan..." After understanding Adolf's meaning, Prince Boateng's heart suddenly became ashamed. Knowing that not only will he die today, but he is destined to not have a happy way of death, and his death must be very miserable!

"Originally, after knowing the negotiation between the secret agency and the Boateng family, I planned to let Cohen Trang come to Frosinone from West Ham to create an encounter between him and Miss Isabella. It’s impossible to get to which step...but all this all my painstaking efforts have been ruined by you, Prince Boateng!"

"Prince Boateng, you actually bought an ice lotus because Cohen Trang was at the auction and bid five hundred magic stones higher than you, and you held a grudge and sent your Boateng family men. , Kill him and throw his corpse into the wilderness, Prince Boateng, what would you do if you were me now?" At the end, Adolf, who had always been very calm, showed an extremely cold expression in his words. Killing intent...

Prince Boateng, who has understood the whole story, has nothing to say at this time. He never expected that the difference in his thoughts at the auction three months ago would have caused him to fall into such a fate today. , He thought about the reason why Adolf wanted to kill him, but never thought that the reason was this...

"Prince Boateng, your death today is in the dark. It is already doomed. If you want to blame, if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself!" Seeing Prince Boateng not speaking, Adolf continued Shen Sheng said:

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