Count of Wizards

Chapter 845: Connor's choice

If Connor is now leaving the Arshavin optical shop in order to avoid Prince Boateng, then at the coffee shop next door, he can't wait for Prince Boateng in Robery. After his patience is exhausted , It is very likely that he will break into the Arshavin optical shop. At that time, the great opportunity in the basement can be a whole life.········

When I thought of this, Connor couldn’t help feeling a little unwilling, so he gave up the big opportunity that he had basically gotten. In the shop, Connor was thinking painfully, whether to choose safety or opportunity, coffee Prince Boateng in the shop, after a few cups of coffee, saw that Robery never came back, he was a little moved.

Seeing this, Connor knew that he could not continue to struggle, he had to make a choice as soon as possible, otherwise, when Prince Boateng really exhausted his patience and had not made a choice, he just wanted I was crying and couldn’t help going. Prince Boateng caught him upright. Even the secrets of the basement could not be kept.·······

A touch of decisiveness flashed in his eyes, and Connor finally made a decision. Without hesitation, he lightly pressed the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and a secret road suddenly appeared in the front hall of the shop, and Connor took the opportunity to enter the secret road. , Ten minutes later, Connor walked out of the secret road and came to a park outside Zanetti Avenue.

Putting on the black magic robe, Connor looked around for a while, and immediately set up two simple alchemy organs in the park, and then hurried to Zanetti Avenue, in the direction of Arshavin Optical Shop No. 63!

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. Under the temptation of the great opportunity that may exist in that weird basement, Connor finally decided to take a risk, and after a meeting with Prince Boateng, he Lead away from the Arshavin optical shop.

Just as Connor rushed to the Arshavin optical shop again, sitting in the cafe next to the optical shop, he had already drunk eight cups of Black Mountain coffee and ate six small snacks, but he still hadn’t waited for Prince in Robey. Boateng, his patience was finally exhausted, and he felt more and more that Robery's departure was somewhat unusual.

As two veteran first-level wizards, between Robery and Prince Boateng, there are some tools for transmitting information, but the reason why Prince Boateng has not tried to enable this until now The tool was not because he didn't want to use it, but because he had contacted Robelli several times a few days ago to put pressure on him, resulting in the number of times he used this tool, which was temporarily used up and was cooling.

Prince Boateng’s tool for transmitting information has been used up temporarily, but Robery has not been used up. If Robbery is really urgent, things that need to be solved immediately should be the first time. To deal with it, he had to release Prince Boateng's pigeons, so no matter from that aspect, he should use the tool of message transmission to notify Prince Boateng.

During the waiting period, Prince Boateng has checked several times, whether the tool in his hand has received a message from Robery, but unfortunately, the result of each check is It's blank!

In this situation, in Prince Boateng’s eyes, there are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that Robery is dead. It is naturally impossible for the dead to pass on news to him. As for the second possibility , It is that Robery is currently in a lot of trouble and is unable to pass on news to him.

For Prince Boateng, the reason why Robery did not pass on the news to him, whether it is the first possibility or the second possibility, is not good news!

Realizing this, Prince Boateng in a gray robe drank all the coffee in the cup, then took out a one-shilling bill from his pocket, threw it on the table, and looked Stepping out of the coffee shop solemnly, Prince Boateng, who walked out of the coffee shop, only walked a few steps, and he appeared in front of the Arshavin optical shop. Is ready to break in.

At this very moment, Prince Boateng seemed to be feeling something, a look of surprise appeared on his stern face, and he turned around and looked back, only to see the side of the street on Zanetti Avenue in the distance. Above, a black shadow drifts past...

Looking at this, there are some vague dark shadows. Although Prince Boateng is not sure, this person is Connor Ferguson who had a relationship with him in the northeast corner of the Aksa Forest, but he still Without hesitation, he gave up the Arshavin optical shop, which was close at hand, and chased after the dark shadow.

Feeling Prince Boateng chasing him behind him, Connor quietly marched toward the park where he had prepared alchemy as he imagined. Connor knew very well that although he had a black magic robe to help him, However, according to Robery’s description of Prince Boateng’s strength, the boots worn by Prince Boateng are second-order enchanted items made from the fur of Warcraft Ice Sea Demon Wolf, which can be greatly increased. Prince Boateng has his speed, so if you don't get rid of Prince Boateng by some means, you can't get rid of him by speed alone!

Seeing that the black shadow in front of him realized that he was chasing, he also started to run hard. Feeling the familiar breath of the other party, Prince Boateng was not angry and rejoiced. On his cold face, there was a clear color of joy. For him, it was really ups and downs. Originally, he came to Arshavin optical shop, UU reading www. uukanshu. com met with Robelli and put pressure on him to find Connor Ferguson, but he never expected that Robelli released his pigeons, but by mistake, it made him wait until the master Kang Na Ferguson.

Yes, that's right!

Through the breath of the black shadow in front, Prince Boateng, who had a relationship with Connor, can be sure that this black shadow who is being chased by himself and fled to a park in front of him is the one he found. Connor Ferguson, who has not been caught for nearly a month!

Although Connor had predicted that Prince Boateng would be faster than himself, the speed of this guy under the blessing of the enchanted item boots still faintly exceeded Connor’s expectations. In Sane The distance between the two of them was about 500 meters when they were on Dy Street, but now when they came to the park, the distance between the two has been reduced to about 100 meters. This is Connor’s black magic robe. With the help of, as a result of exerting his full strength, if Connor is a little slack, I am afraid that Prince Boateng has already caught up with him at this time!

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