Count of Wizards

Chapter 843: Explore (two)

In the wizarding world, it is nothing new that alchemists use blood to draw alchemy runes, and especially in areas of the Odin Empire, which are relatively backward, it is very unusual for alchemists to use blood to draw alchemy runes. Basically every alchemist in the Odin Empire did this when they practiced alchemy runes.

Even so, there are two types of blood that can be used to draw alchemy runes. The first is the blood of beasts, and the blood of beasts, because it has energy, is a natural material for drawing alchemy runes, and because of Odin There are many types of imperial warcrafts, and the reason why the price of warcraft materials is not high.

So ninety-nine percent of alchemists, when choosing blood to draw alchemy runes, will choose to use the blood of monsters. Connor himself and some alchemists he has contacted, when practicing drawing alchemy runes, They also used the blood of Warcraft as the material.

However, compared with the extensive use of Warcraft blood, there are very few alchemists. In order to achieve special alchemy effects, they do not use Warcraft blood when drawing alchemy runes, but use wizard blood or ordinary human blood. !

If Connor is not mistaken, the weird runes painted on the wall now belong to the latter, which was painted by the blood of a wizard mixed with the blood of ordinary people!

In the "Reyes Alchemy" taught by Reyes to Connor, there was a case in which the blood of wizards and ordinary people were mixed to draw alchemical runes. About sixty years ago, the Odin Empire had An alchemist did just that. He blended wizard blood and ordinary human blood in a ratio of three to seven, and then added several things to make it a new liquid, and used this liquid to paint alchemy. Rune.

The purpose of this alchemist is to take advantage of the spirituality of human blood to gather pure energy so that he can practice a spell.

Although the goal of this Odin alchemist has been achieved, he has overlooked one point. Although the spirituality of human blood can help gather pure energy, part of human emotions are also integrated into the blood. Many of them were negative emotions before the blood was taken away, so this Odin alchemist, although he practiced the secret technique as he wished, but also inhaled too many negative emotions, which caused the whole person to lose control and become only knowing Killing monsters, and finally being strangled by a number of Odin wizards!

And his deeds, as a very classic alchemist's rationale for using human blood to paint alchemy runes, have been taken by many alchemists as a warning.

Connor is now very sure that the Odin runes on the walls are painted by a mixture of the blood of wizards and ordinary people, because of the negative emotions that are now faintly felt from the runes... ··

Wall Odin runes, negative emotions...

Corner skull candle holder, hallucinogenic effect·········

Connor’s eyes were Wei Mi, thinking carefully about the two clues he found from this strange basement. After a long time, Connor seemed to figure out something from it. There was a flash of light in his eyes, and his gaze immediately shifted to. Located in the center of the basement, the thirteen bronze coffins of different shapes and sizes were placed on them.

In this basement, whether it is the Odin rune on the wall, or the skull candlestick or white candle in the corner, Connor can be sure that they will not exist for more than fifty years. In other words, These things were probably arranged by the fellow Robelli looking for an alchemist.

As for the timing of the thirteen bronze coffins in the center of the basement, Connor is a little confused. Although the thirteen bronze coffins are different in size and shape, they are also placed in irregular locations, like They were placed casually, but in Connor's eyes, these things were patchy, very cleverly forming an array that seemed to be an altar-like circle.

Of the thirteen bronze coffins, ten are on the periphery of the altar, guarding the three bronze coffins at the core. According to Connor’s experience, five of the ten bronze coffins on the periphery are in the past twenty years. Inside, as for the other five bronze coffins, although they are old, there are obviously traces of repairs in recent years.

The ten bronze coffins on the periphery of the altar are both new and old, but at the core of the altar, there are also three bronze coffins that make up the altar. There is no spectrum in Conner's heart for the time of their existence. It is only certain that their existence time, at least Go up in a hundred years!

Although Connor is still not sure what role this weird basement of Robelli has, in his mind he has a faint guess. In the three bronze coffins at the center of the altar, it seems that there is something buried in it. As for the other things in this basement, it seems to be related to the guard and the opening of the three bronze coffins.

Just as he was preparing to do something in this basement to practice his guess, the Rubik's Cube in Connor's hand suddenly buzzed, as if to remind Connor of something.

Connor, who was reminded, instantly changed his face. He left the basement without hesitation and closed the secret passage leading to this basement. Returned to the Arshavin optical shop, and then lightly tapped the Rubik's Cube in his hand. The overcoat mirror in the optical shop immediately revealed the situation outside the shop. A man with a gray robe concealed his figure and face was observing After going through the situation on Zanetti Avenue, he quietly walked towards the Arshavin optical shop.

Although Connor could not see clearly the face and figure of this man under the cover of the gray robe, but only after observing this man for a few seconds, I felt the breath of this man again, this The gray-robed man's figure coincides with the image of a one-armed man with a spiteful look in Conner's heart!

"Prince Boateng!"

Connor's eyes were dignified, and a person's name was slowly spit out in his mouth. Although it is not clear, why this guy found this

Come here, but now that he is here, if the closing sign hung in the Arshavin optical shop can't force him back, Connor can only stop him, cover the scalp, and go up!

Under Connor’s observation through the full-length mirror, the gray-robed man incarnate by Prince Boateng walked into the Arshavin optical shop step by step, seeming to have noticed the closed sign hanging on the eye shop, and the shop With the lock on the door, Prince Boateng walked up to him. Ten meters in front of the shop, he was not advancing!

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