Count of Wizards

Chapter 841: Prohibition agency of Arshavin Optical Store

With the help of the black magic robe on his body, Connor quickly shuttled on the road from Baresi Forest to Frosinone under the dark moon night like a ghost.

There is one problem with Robery that he did not make a mistake, that is, since he discovered that the Arshavin optical shop had a problem with some kind of alchemy-related secrets, Connor Ferguson, as an alchemist, felt very deep in his heart. Tickle, I want to find out what the secret of Arshavin's optical shop is.

However, compared to the matter of killing Robery, to figure out the secret of the Arshavin optical shop, the priority is obviously lower in Connor's heart, but now that Robery has died in his own hands, there is no After Robery's block, Arshavin Optical Shop, although there are still some restraining agencies.

But for an excellent alchemist like Connor, the Arshavin optical shop at this time is like a beauty with TG clothes without any resistance. Therefore, under the temptation of being such a huge and provocative person, Connor is in In my heart, I became alive again, and I felt that things shouldn't be too late, so I immediately, under the cover of the moonlight, set off toward the Arshavin Optical Shop, at No. 63 Zanetti Avenue.

Connor moved quickly, and it took only a while before he arrived at Zanetti Street. At this time, the blood moon was hanging high. In the dead of night, Zanetti Street was very quiet, with only a few drinks. The drunk big man stumbled on the street.

Looking from a distance, Connor did not venture into the Arsha Optical Shop, which had its door locked. If Connor remembered it correctly, he hadn’t entered the Zanetti Avenue last time. By the time Robelli's mental detection range was reached, Robelli had already discovered his whereabouts. In such a situation, there was only one answer. Robelli made some tricks on this Zanetti street!

Realizing this, Connor's eyes didn't quietly narrowed, and from the space ring, he concealed his compass and began to probe.

Under the operation of Connor’s spell, the compass began to work, and the pointer gradually swayed. After checking for about a minute, the pointer on the compass pointed very steadily. There is a stone chair on Zanetti Avenue for passers-by to rest. on.

Following the pointer, Connor’s gaze was also placed on the stone chair, and he looked at the stone chair slightly. Connor discovered the problem and immediately took out a coin from the space ring. Throw something at the stone chair, and the coin was firmly sucked under the stone chair.

A few seconds later, the pointer of the compass in Connor's hand moved away from the stone chair. After seeing this scene, Connor, who knew that the mechanism on the stone chair failed, dropped his vigilance and appeared in Arshavin in a flash. In front of the optical shop, he opened the door and got into the shop.

Connor entering the shop, looking at the familiar furnishings in the shop, the look on his face gradually became serious. On the surface, the sofas, glasses counters and full-length mirrors of the Arshavin optical shop are now... ·Wait, everything is exactly the same as Connor's two previous visits, there is no difference.

However, Connor’s mental power can be felt. Compared with the previous two visits, the Arshavin Optical Shop has undergone tremendous changes. This change lies not in the appearance but in the inside. In other words, The location of the prohibition agency in the Arshavin optical shop has undergone a huge change.

"It seems that the last time I found out all the agency restrictions in the shop in front of him gave Robelli this old thing a lot of excitement, and this old thing didn't hesitate to spend such a large amount of money to change the shop. I don’t know if the power of the restraining organs has been enhanced after this change!” After checking everything in the shop with his mental power, Connor thought to himself in his heart:

It took a full quarter of an hour before Connor, with the help of various alchemy tools, re-identified every prohibition mechanism in the shop, and his face couldn't help but show a somewhat grateful, somewhat bitter complex smile.

Although Connor was aware of the change in the restraint agency, he had anticipated that Robery's change to the restraint agency in the shop would strengthen the power of the restraint agency, but the increase in power still exceeded that of Connor. It is expected that the power of the restriction organs is at least doubled and more than before!

If Connor was a little bit careless and didn't notice the change in the prohibition mechanism of the Arshavin Optical Shop, thinking that the prohibition mechanism was the same as before, he plunged into the back of the shop and fell into the possibility of Robery's trick Although it is very small, it is estimated that Immortal is also a serious injury. Thinking of this, Connor can not help but feel a trace of fortunate...

Now that the location of the restraining organ has been discovered, the remaining cracking and dismantling work is still very difficult for Connor, but with Connor's alchemy strength, it can still be dealt with.

Five hours later, the night in Frosinone gradually began to dissipate, and when the skyline began to appear white, Connor wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the ground with some relief. Metal Rubik's Cube.

Because the control center of the entire store's prohibition agency was not found, the workload of cracking and demolition was extremely large. So in order to save trouble, Connor took a trick. He changed the operation line of the prohibition agency and re-installed a control center. Although they still exist but they are under Connor's control, and this metal cube is the new control center of Arshavin Optical Store.

Picking up the metal Rubik's Cube, Connor gently turned it. Following his manipulation, several prohibitions including the overcoat mirror and the one in the optical shop were all instructed by him like an arm. Seeing this scene , Kang's angular face showed a satisfied smile.

After solving the problem of the prohibition agency, Connor walked into the back hall of the shop and looked at the chaotic back hall filled with all kinds of things. Connor looked around and then turned the Rubik's Cube in his hand again. In the corner, the big iron box with various degrees and styles of glass was cracked into a black hole that was only for one person to pass through.

Seeing the opening of the cave and realizing that he was finally about to uncover it, Connor, the secret of the Arshavin Optical Shop, was undoubtedly very excited, but for safety reasons, Connor calmed down his mood and did not enter the cave right away. Instead, I tried to use my mental power to penetrate in and explore what is under some of the holes!

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