Count of Wizards

Chapter 838: "Dekola" Living Corpse (1)

Although he had made up his mind to let Robery die here, in order to weaken Robery's strength as much as possible and reduce the resistance to doing it himself for a while, Connor slowly said to Robery: " Mr. Robelli, there is no deep hatred between you and me. It stands to reason that I shouldn’t put you to death, but in this situation, since you have fallen into my hands, shouldn’t you want to survive? What's the price?"

Hearing Connor Ferguson’s words, Robelli, who had only held a fixed point of hope, suddenly flashed a pair of small eyes called "Hope". Without a word, he was very bachelor under Connor’s gaze. The space ring containing all his belongings was taken off from his hand and threw it directly at Connor Ferguson.

Looking at the space ring flying towards him, Connor seemed to have noticed something. He did not choose to take the space ring. Instead, he reached out his hand and tapped it lightly. A black streamer flashed suddenly, turning Robelli's space ring. Shot down to the ground.


The space ring was shot down and fell on the grass. There was a muffled noise, and a small dirt hole was thrown out of the grass.

Seeing that his conspiracy was seen through by Connor, the hope in Robelli's eyes disappeared immediately. He gave Connor a bitter look, and then he gave up resisting magic gold radiation. The dense red pustules on his body were no longer suppressed. They ruptured one after another, forming a large area of ​​ulcers. Under such circumstances, Connor could not see clearly, Robelli's facial features and face.

Just when Connor thought that Robelli was about to end his life, a very obscure, weird Odin spell sounded in Robelli's mouth.

"Duwan Passatata·········Gasperini······Maurizio······Kevin····Gondo Ann..."

Connor's face changed slightly as he listened to Robelli's rapid spells, and he immediately displayed it, and the Spear of Hades shot towards Robelli's heart.

As soon as the Spear of the Hades was shot, Robelli burst into a strong corpse aura. Robelli, who had been eroded by magic gold radiation and could not see the human form, looked at Connor, and a touch appeared in his eyes. With a mockingly weird smile, the next moment this smile appeared, the Spear of Hades penetrated his heart.

However, at this time, Robelli's physical condition seems to have undergone some unknown change. After losing his heart, he immediately lost his breath and his pupils began to diverge, but a strange scene appeared, Luo without his vital signs. Bailey raised his right hand and patted his forehead, but at this time Robelli's movements looked very stiff and mechanical, it seemed that Robelli was no longer human... ·····


Under Connor’s gaze, Robelli was slapped in the forehead with his own left hand, and he made a crisp sound as if bones were shattered. With this crisp sound, you could see Robelli’s forehead, obviously了沉。 The depression.

Just as Connor was still a little bit puzzled, what exactly was Robbery doing? When he was dead, a large black corpse burst out again on Robelli’s body, and in these corpses There was also a disgusting smell of corpse in his breath, which swept Connor Ferguson almost instantly, covering Connor’s sight and faintly restraining Connor’s mental strength.

As soon as he smelled this odor, Connor immediately felt that this corpse gas, corpse odor, was full of some kind of severe corpse poison, as long as the smell was smelled, the whole person’s sight would immediately appear. A layer of gray illusion.

Although Connor, as a spiritual wizard, possesses strong mental power and has not been affected by the corpse poison much, Connor is still very cautious, taking out the Castilla staff, releasing the defensive enchantment, and destroying the corpse. Poison was blocked outside the barrier.

Although Connor's original intention was this, what he never expected was that his protective barrier had just been established, as if he had been slammed by a huge body!


Under such a violent and violent impact, Connor’s Castilla protected the enchantment. Although it protected Connor’s safety, the entire enchantment trembled violently. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Connor’s spirit The force was immediately locked, what was it that hit the barrier of his own protection.

Although Connor thought that his guts were not enough, when he looked at the object in front of him, he couldn't help taking a breath.

This object can be seen vaguely in the shape of Robelli, but at this time, this humanoid object has a pitch-black skin all over the body. You can vaguely see the terrible appearance of being corroded by magic gold radiation, and the nails have become sharp and long. Shining dark green light, the most unacceptable thing is that every inch of its skin is exuding at this time, a violent corpse smell, making it difficult to breathe.············


Seeing the appearance of Robelli's body at this time, Connor seemed to recognize the monster's heels, with a little annoyance on his face, and some helplessly preached:

There have been records in many classics in the wizarding In the Odin Empire, there is a kind of mysterious wizards called corpse witches. Although they are very mysterious, there is not much information left in the wizarding world, but since they are called As the name suggests, the corpse witch is the content of cultivation and the appearance of the corpse.

According to rumors, every time the corpse witch kills an enemy, according to the secret technique, they will be made into a kind of living corpse called "Dekola" in Odin. Although this kind of living corpse cannot be retained, the magic power in front of the wizard, Spiritual power, but infinite power, steel and iron bones, very strong, and the corpse poison it carries is also very difficult to deal with.

But the most important thing is that this kind of "Dekola" living corpse has a lot of resistance to the magical power and spiritual power cultivated by wizards. For them, the spiritual power attack is basically equivalent to invalid, and the power of the magical attack is at least Reduced by half. In short, this is a very troublesome monster. At this moment, the extremely ugly monster that Robelli has transformed into Conner is very similar to the rumored living corpse "Dekola". .

Although Connor had expected that the old fellow Robelli would not die so easily in the trap he set up, Connor also successfully defended it. If Connor reads the space ring correctly, If so, there is definitely a problem with Robelli's space ring. As long as he tries to use his mental power to open the space ring, the space ring will definitely eat him back.

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