Count of Wizards

Chapter 834: "old place"

Although this weird basement gives people a creepy feeling, Robelli, who came here, seemed to be more relaxed. A smile appeared on his chubby face, and he took a bit intoxicated, the skull candlestick. Above, when the white candle burns, the off-white gas is released, as if the smell of this gas is not nauseating, but a kind of scent that makes people laugh.

Intoxicated for a few seconds, Robery pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and turned his attention to the small package in his hand. He looked very patient and did not rush to open the package and take a look. What is inside it, but carefully checked the outer packaging of this package.

"Sending address: Ndok Town Post Office, sender: Mr. Cook"

Looking at the information displayed on the package, a sneer appeared on Robery’s face. The sender, Mr. Cook, did not know or even heard of the name, but the sender’s address was Endok Little The town, he knew, it was a small town hundreds of kilometers away in Frosinone.

Such a remote area, and a person who has never heard of it, sent him a mysterious package. There is no doubt that there must be something mysterious in this package!

And the most important point is that when he received this mysterious package from the courier a few minutes ago, Robelli used his mental power to treat this package that didn’t seem to be large and the weight was light and light. , Conducted a detection, but unfortunately, the person who sent the package to Robelli also seemed to have expected that Robelli would do so, and placed something in the package that would resist the detection of mental power in advance.

This led to the failure of Robelli’s mental power detection and found nothing. That’s why, facing this mysterious package, Robelli would be so solemn, closing the shop, and coming to the basement for inspection. s reason.

As the saying goes, the older the rivers and lakes, the smaller the courage. Although it is still unclear what is in the package, Robelli was very cautious in the process of opening the package. He couldn't help being on guard throughout the whole process, and even prepared a copper ring. The defensive demonized item, holding it in his hand, is always ready.

It took more than ten seconds to finally open the package, and he saw a small wooden box in the package. It seemed to be this thing, which blocked the detection of his mental power.

Just when Robery hesitated, there was something mysterious about this small wooden box. Under his gaze, the small wooden box opened automatically without any warning. Only a brass key and a note were lying quietly. In the small wooden box.

Robelli's thick fingers pointed at the small wooden box, and saw the brass key in the small wooden box, and the note that seemed to have wings, flew out of the small wooden box and fell into Robelli's hand.

Robelli shifted his gaze to the note, but to his surprise, the note turned out to be a piece of white paper, with nothing written on it. Robelli, who has been in the wizarding world for decades, has nothing to do with it. He was impatient, but carefully checked the note. A minute later, Robery seemed to have discovered the secret of the note. He snapped his finger lightly, and a green flame resembling a ghost fire suddenly appeared on his index finger. .

Robelli carefully controlled the green flame and began to burn the note. A surprising scene happened. Not only did the note not burn to ashes like white paper, but a line of Kaman text slowly emerged. 67

"The things are left in the same place for you!"

The text on the note has no beginning, no end, and no signature, but thinking that today is the thirteenth day of the half-month appointment, and the alchemy method of conveying information in this way, Robelli suddenly thought of it and passed it to him. Who is the owner of this message.

"Connor Ferguson, Connor Ferguson, you really want to follow me, try something later!"

Robelli shook his head and said in a deep voice with emotion. While talking, he pressed his palms, and suddenly the note was turned into ashes and fell on the basement floor.

After destroying the note, Robery turned his attention to the brass key sent in a small wooden box together with the note. Connor did not say in the message, although he did not say what role the brass key did. , But obviously this brass key is definitely not an ordinary thing, otherwise Connor Ferguson would not send it.

After studying the brass key carefully, for half an hour, Robery even got out a large multi-functional alchemy equipment from the basement to help out, but he couldn’t tell from this seemingly normal door key. What a different brass key, find out any secrets to come.

Seeing that he had exhausted his methods, but still found nothing, Robery finally shook his head, chose to give up, put the brass key in his arms, returned to the ground from the basement, and closed the mechanism leading to the basement. Later, Robery quietly left his Arshavin eye shop and flew quietly towards the Baresi Forest on the outskirts of Frosinone.

Conor Ferguson, although the information left on the slip of paper did not hide the place where it was, and used the word "old place" to refer to it, Robery was still able to think of it all at once. Where is this "old place"?

For Robery he and Connor Ferguson are not close, and the relationship is not long. It is only a few months since Connor came to Frosinone, and they met before and after. Adding the number of times together, it was only a trivial three. Of these three times, two were in Robery's Arshavin optical shop, and one was in the Baresi Forest where the Sabitzer brothers fell.

Since Connor did not directly deliver the things to the Arshavin optical shop, it is self-evident that the place referred to by the ‘old place’ on the note is of course self-evident.

It can be seen that Robery still values ​​Connor’s refined Payer magic gold. After realizing the location, he immediately drove out without hesitation, and his speed was not slow at all, only half of it was used. In about an hour, I arrived at Baresi Forest from Zanetti Avenue in the city.

When Robery felt the Baresi Forest, it happened to be six o'clock in the evening local time in Frosinone, and the sky was pressed down. In the lonely Baresi Forest, only the breeze was heard blowing through the woods. The sound of "Sa Sa Sa" brought by...

After entering the Baresy Forest, Robelli moved toward the place where he met Connor last time, and at the same time released his mental energy, checking everything around him.

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