Count of Wizards

Chapter 816: Suddenly realized

After listening to Bispin’s words, Connor immediately thought of it. A few hours ago, in the Aksa Forest, the man in the Aksa Forest was full of murderous intentions, without his left hand, and wearing the traditional robe of Odin. That man.

Boateng Family, Odin West Ham City, Odin Traditional Robe·········

Reyes asked for an arm. The one-armed man has no left hand. He is a student of Reyes and hates himself...

Thinking about it this way, Connor suddenly realized that if the one-armed man he just saw in the Aksa Forest was Prince Boateng as Bisping said, then everything would be completely clear!

This Prince Boateng had his arm broken by Reyes, so he held a grudge and wanted revenge, but Reyes is a second-level wizard, he is not an opponent at all, so he can only take second place. Make trouble for yourself, but in this way, it seems that it still can't explain why the one-armed man didn't chase himself down and let himself go at the last moment.

And if Prince Boateng is really that one-armed man, and he and Reyes have such a severed revenge, and want to find revenge for himself, then he seems to be more to himself, a student of Reyes. , Chasing hard?

After thinking for a few seconds, even though Bisping had already guessed what he was going to do, Kang An still pretended to be ignorant and said to Bisping: "This Prince Bo What does Ateng have to do with me?"

"He wants to kill you in order to avenge the professor!" Bisping looked at Connor deeply, and said with certainty:

"In the Benitesburg ruins, the professor not only asked Prince Boateng to have an arm, but also told Prince Boateng that if Prince was alive, he would dare to enter the territory of the Kaman Empire. , The professor will pump him out!"

"In recent years, Prince Boateng has been afraid of the authority of the professor, and has never stepped into the territory of the Kaman Empire, but this time he negotiated a deal with the king's faction, but he was determined to ignore the opposition within the Boateng family. As a representative, I asked to come to Frosinone to negotiate with the lord represented by Isabella!" Bispin looked at Connor in a meaningful way, and then continued:

"We have news that in recent years, Prince Boateng, although he has been in retreat in West Ham, south of Odin, he is very concerned about Connor, and he has entrusted a lot of intelligence dealers. To get news from Connor, it cost a lot of money to get a portrait of Connor, and he insisted on coming to Frosino despite the opposition within the Boateng family on this trip, probably because he knew Connor, you are here, and he also knows that the professor can't get out of it in the capital, Bernabeu!"

Listen carefully to every word of Bispin’s words. Even though there are some doubts in his heart, Connor has already determined in his heart that the man with the broken arm is Prince Boateng, but on the surface , Pretending to be disapproving of the clothes, said indifferently: "So Bispin, with these things, you think this Prince Boateng is here to kill me?"

"Connor, you are a smart person, you should understand that I am not lying to you!" Feeling Connor's nonchalant attitude, Bisping frowned slightly and said:

"Nothing else, I'll go first!" A sneer appeared on Connor's face, and then turned to leave. This time Bisping chose to watch Connor, but did not continue to catch up to prevent Connor from leaving.

Half an hour later, Connor, dressed in disguise, arrived at the Messes Hotel at 15 Ramos Avenue in the downtown area of ​​Frosinone. As soon as he arrived at the Meses Hotel, Connor’s powerful mental power I found Varga in Suite 211 on the far left of the second floor of the hotel, pacing back and forth, very anxiously waiting for his turn.

Feeling Varga's anxiety, Connor's heart flashed through. He ordered two steaks and a bottle of wine produced by Magni Winery from the hotel restaurant, pushing the dining cart and walking to Suite 211.

"Da da!"

Because he wanted to give Varga a surprise and create a little romance, Connor did not turn directly with Varga, but pretended to be a waiter, knocked on the door of Suite 211 twice, and replaced it with another one. The voice said: "Hello, miss, do you need steak and red wine?"


As soon as Connor's voice fell, Varga's irritable voice came from the door. This "roll" suddenly made Connor a little bit dumbfounded. He shook his head slightly. Connor was no longer teasing Varga and restored his own voice. Continued: "Miss Varga, are you sure you don't want it? If you don't want it, I will be very sad!"

Listening to Connor’s familiar voice outside the door, Connor, who was originally anxious, was suddenly surprised. He opened the door directly and saw Connor pushing the dining car with a smile on his face. Varga was extremely surprised. Hesitating, he hugged Connor in the hotel corridor.

Although Varga was pleasantly surprised, Connor was still very calm when he was happy, knowing that his and Varga's whereabouts would be kept secret, maybe now the mad woman Isabella and Prince Boateng I am looking for myself.

Connor hugged Varga in one and returned to the room with the dining cart. Connor wanted to eat something first, but Varga saw him return safely. Too happy, so Connor can only half-push half-and-half to follow.···············

An hour later, Connor and Varga, who were in peace of war, had the opportunity to enjoy the steak and red wine in the dining car. Speaking of business, Varga recalled to Connor, Bisping appeared in Ferguson. Always the family safe house.

"Two hours after you left, Connor, I was doing an experiment in my room. During the experiment, I suddenly discovered that Connor's restraint in the room was being triggered by someone. I didn’t wait for my reaction. Bisping, he appeared in front of me!" At this point, Varga sitting in Connor's arms, a little depressed appeared on the pretty face.

"Bispin told me that the enemy of the professor knows that Connor is a student of the professor and also knows that you are in Frosinone, so he wants to kill you in order to avenge the professor, and He came this time with the intention to help Connor solve this trouble. He also said that he has a letter from the professor to you!" Varga continued:

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