Count of Wizards

Chapter 549: Alex Sandro (1)

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Although Varga is good as a helper, Connor also has his own concerns. He is a little worried that after this time, Varga will even more want to help him join forces to kill old Victor, and this is why Connor cannot Promise Varga! Varga had previously suspected that Connor had a woman outside, and he had suddenly attacked Connor’s apartment, although for now, Connor did not actually have anything to do with Margaret. ···

But for both Connor and Margaret, if you said that you never had feelings for the other party, then you obviously lied to yourself. So sometimes when facing Varga, although Connor appears to be indifferent on the surface, he still has a guilty conscience in his heart, and there is always a sense of guilt of mental derailment towards Varga.

Compared to Varga, Martina has a lot of worries. First ask her for help. Connor will inevitably bleed severely. In addition, with Martina’s personality, she will inevitably seek Searle from Connor. The reason why the tower teaches trouble with Connor. Martina is a very shrewd woman. If Connor makes up a lie, it is difficult to fool her, and Connor can hardly tell Martina the truth.

In addition, Martina may not be able to help him. Judging from Martina’s trajectory, she has always been under the eyes of the old Victor. She came to help herself. The possibility of being discovered by the old Victor is not small. ······Once the old Victor finds out, the consequences are completely unimaginable. Both Martina and Connor are at great risk.

As for letting Varga and Martina to be his helper, Connor just thought about it and dispelled the idea. Let Varga see that he asked Martina out, she would be jealous, she would be even more jealous. It is easy to be suspicious, wondering if he has a leg with Martina. After all, Martina's cold temperament and glamorous face are completely a kind of temptation for a physically healthy man.

All in all, it is unlikely that Martina will be her helper. Letting Varga help Connor has concerns, and letting the two help Connor is even more worried.

After careful consideration, Connor sighed silently. In the end, he decided to keep a low profile and consider the long-term plan, not eager to compete with the other party for a short period of time.



In the middle of the night when Connor made his decision, Connor would never have thought that a man wrapped in black, wrapped up in black, with a smiley mask on his face, appeared on the quiet Rand Street. This person looked around and saw that the military police patrolling Rand Street had gone far and there was no one else in the street. His figure immediately moved. When he appeared again, he had already crossed the Ferguson Apartment at No. 16 Rand Street. Mi's wall appeared in front of the apartment door.

The smiling masked man still seemed very vigilant, and looked around again before opening the apartment door and sneaking in silently.

The smiling masked person who entered the apartment immediately checked it carefully in the first floor of the apartment. Judging from his actions, he was a habitual offender who often entered other people's homes to find things. All the movements were very small. Pick it up from wherever it is, and then put it back in and out, so that the object does not move in any way.

In the lobby, kitchen, bathroom, and dining room on the first floor of the apartment, he did not find his target bronze masked man. He quietly touched the second floor of the apartment, but ten minutes later, he was on the second floor of the apartment, the master bedroom, the study room, and the utility room. , And the smiling masked man who didn't find any clues in the last guest room, the brown pupils exposed behind the mask showed a touch of disappointment.

However, when the smiling mask man was about to leave, suddenly the rough and simple style of the small bronze mirror on the guest room desk attracted his attention. Holding the small bronze mirror in his hand, the smiling mask man’s eyes revealed a touch of doubt. After hesitating, he stuffed the small bronze mirror into his space ring, and then turned and slipped away from the apartment.

However, at this moment, Palin, who was manipulating the token in the Osasuna Hotel, changed his expression and quickly asked Wanda beside him; "Do you know, what is that baby of the Ferguson family?" "

"I don't know, what's the matter?" Although I don't know why Palin asked this question, Wanda said without thinking:

"Sandro seems to have taken a small mirror from the Ferguson apartment guest room. After taking the small mirror, he didn't stay in the apartment anymore and left the apartment immediately!" Palin explained immediately, and looked at him after speaking. Transferred to Wanda, now is the time for Wanda to make a decision!

"Follow up!" Upon hearing the message given by Palin, although some did not believe that Sandro could find the thing in Ferguson's apartment so easily, but just in case, let the baby get rid of him under his nose. Dro was taken away, Wanda silver teeth bite, and made a decisive decision.

Wanda and Palin, who made the decision, moved quickly without any delay. They each put on a mask to cover their faces, and then quietly left the hotel, facing the smiling masked person. That is the direction where Celta taught senior wizard apprentice Alex Sandro left quietly chased out.

Because they were worried about being discovered by Sandro, Palin and Wanda had a tacit understanding and did not get too close to Sandro. They dangled Sandro from a distance in the dark. What surprised Palin and Wanda was that, Ah Lais Sandro didn’t seem to notice the two of them, and was always heading towards the southern area of ​​Ruen. That place was the worst covered place in the city of Ruen by the eye of the storm in the entire Ruen church. In other words Where is the most suitable place for wizards to fight in the city of Luen!

Seeing that the smiling mask man played by Sandro entered a simple villa surrounded by no one, Wanda and Palin looked at each other, and both of them could see a touch of excitement in each other's pupils!

After an eye contact, Wanda and Palin, one from the left and the other, sneaked towards the villa.

And Sandro, who returned to his foothold here, didn’t even realize that Wanda and Palin, their two co-organizing partners, came into the villa and just took off their faces. The smiling mask he was wearing was put back in the space ring, revealing his true face. It was a very vicious middle-aged man with red hair, a beard and triangular eyes.

Count of Wizards

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