Count of Wizards

Chapter 546: Gems in crystal ball

After handling the wound on his wrist, Connor turned his attention back to the incomparably monster cube crystal that had changed because of his blood. At this time, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. With a pinch in his hand, Connor chanted an ancient obscure spell.

   And with the sound of Connor’s spell, the cube crystal, which was originally indestructible, did not change much after dozens of Connor’s steel hammers, began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Seeing that the spell worked, Connor's expression suddenly became excited. He was right in thinking and operating. The word "blood" in the letter really refers to the blood of the Ferguson family, which is his Kang. The blood of Na Ferguson

   Connor’s eyes were focused on the cube crystal. After so much effort, he must see the hidden seal in this cube crystal in the first place!

After it melted for about ten seconds, a crimson red at the core of the cube crystal appeared in Connor's field of vision. Waiting for surprises, Connor, who was extremely excited, continued to chant the spell, and wanted to see the crimson red. When I was careful, the cube crystal remained motionless no matter how Connor chanted the spell, and it didn't continue to melt.

Seeing that the spell no longer worked, Connor frowned slightly and he hesitated for a while. Then he stopped chanting the spell. At this time, the cube crystal could no longer be called a cube because most of it had melted. A crystal ball about the size of a football.

   And in this crystal ball, you can clearly see a touch of crimson, but when you want to see specifically, what is such a crimson, the naked eye can't do it.

After observing carefully for a while, Connor took out his magnifying glass from the space ring. Since he could not see clearly with the naked eye, he could only use the tools. Soon with the help of his mental power and the magnifying glass, Kang Na sees clearly what the crimson is, it looks like a gem, a crimson, bright as a gem...

  Fire? Celta teaches?

Thinking of this, Connor suddenly understood. If he remembers correctly, Celta, the evil **** Celta believes in, is in charge of flame, and therefore most of the wizards in Celta are fire. The attribute wizard has a high level of knowledge in everything related to fire attributes. If you follow this inference, then everything will be understood. This red ruby ​​is Ferguson’s ancestor, Step Ferguson, from Celta. Coming.

   Put the magnifying glass back into the space ring, Connor looked at the crystal ball in front of him for a while, then released his talented spell abyss chain, cautiously tentatively hitting the crystal ball.


The abyss chain came into contact with the crystal ball, and there was a muffled noise. However, there was no way to leave even a scratch on the surface of the crystal ball. Seeing this happening, even though he had already expected it in his heart, Kang Na still showed a wry smile, and it seemed that if he wanted to get the red ruby ​​in the crystal ball, it seemed that he would still need the prompt from Step Ferguson's letter.

The blood of the Ferguson family referred to by the word "blood" has broken through the first layer of crystal seal technique, so the soul of the word "soul" should almost be the soul of the Ferguson family, which can unlock the second layer of crystal seal technique. ?

  If this is the case, Connor’s eyes have a touch of worry, others don’t know, but he himself knows very well that his soul is not the original Connor Ferguson, he comes from the earth! If the word "soul" really refers to the soul of the Ferguson family, then it is very likely that he will not be able to pass this level. If he wants to crack the second layer of this crystal seal technique, he needs to find another way!

While Connor was thinking about how to crack the crystal ball in front of him, the other crystal ball in the Connor space ring admitted that the fist-sized crystal ball had an anomaly. It flashed a red light. This crystal ball was Kang. As the accessory equipment of the small bronze mirror placed in the guest room of Ferguson Apartment, the red light showed that the small bronze mirror had new discoveries.

Discovering this, Connor immediately put aside his thoughts and took out the crystal ball from the space ring. He was actually a little curious about the person who installed a sensing device in the trash can on the street to monitor his Ferguson apartment. who is it? What does it look like?

With the palm of his hand resting on the red crystal ball, Connor sinks his mental power into it, and the picture of Rand Street in the East End that he is very familiar with immediately appeared in front of him. However, Connor was a little surprised that in the front of the picture. The center is near the trash can on the street where the sensor is installed. It is not the Alex Sandro that Connor or other Celta wizards, from him Judging from the uniform he is wearing, he seems to be a middle-aged male sanitation worker in his forties?

Looking at the sanitation workers who seemed to be cleaning out the trash cans, Connor had a sense of doubt in his mind. Sanitation workers cleaning the trash cans on the street is not unusual. On the contrary, this is exactly what is repeated on Rand Street every day. In fact, Even the sanitation worker on the screen is not unfamiliar to Connor. This person seems to be the sanitation worker in charge of the sanitation on Rand Street...

   But I don’t know why, this is supposed to be a worthless picture, but Connor finally feels something is wrong. It seems that there is an invisible hand that is secretly manipulating all this!

   Just when Connor started to think secretly, the sanitation worker in the picture seemed to have packed the trash can, turned around and put a trash bag on the trolley next to him.

   At the moment when the sanitation worker turned around, Connor, who looked at the middle-aged male sanitation worker's face clearly, immediately understood the whole person. He finally knew why he always felt that the sanitation worker was wrong! The eyes of this sanitation worker were very dull and confused. The whole person did not seem to have any sense of autonomy, like a puppet being carried on a string! There may be only one such situation, that is, his soul is manipulated, and he will do what he will do if he is instructed by the wizard hiding in the dark.

   Aware of this situation, Connor's face became a little dignified. For wizards, manipulating ordinary people's souls and letting them perform various actions under their own instructions like puppets is not an easy task!


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