Count of Wizards

Chapter 516: The old butler of the Ferguson family (1)

| | |  -> ->   After leaving a note paper to the fat uncle who was found in the Renault drugstore, Connor, although he kept his own means and would not be discovered by the fat uncle, but just in case, Connor was still there After leaving chapter Street, he made a big circle outside of Ruen City, confirmed that he had no tail behind him, and then quietly returned to his Ferguson apartment at No.16 Rand Street, Ruen East District.

   But Connor was a little shocked that at the gate of his apartment, he saw people who surprised him.

   "Master Connor!" Seeing Connor's return, in front of the Ferguson apartment, an old man with white beard and hair, tall and thin, dressed in a solemn blue robe, excitedly shouted at Connor:

"Steward Martinez?" Looking at the old man in front of him, Connor was taken aback for a while, and then he realized the identity of the old man from his memory. Although he was very surprised by the old man's arrival, Connor quickly opened the apartment. The door of the old man welcomed the old man into the apartment.

   That's right! This sudden old man was the old butler of Martinez who taught Connor’s knight breathing method on behalf of Earl Ferguson after Connor Ferguson was a little boy. This old butler has served in the Ferguson family for decades, from Connor Ferguson. Counting from his grandfather’s generation, Martinez began to be the chief butler of the Ferguson family. He dedicated his entire life to the Ferguson family, and he has been trusted by the two generations of the Ferguson family as a hereditary earl. The family, the Ferguson family has not been completely defeated, largely because the old housekeeper has been struggling to support it.

   took out a glass of water from the kitchen and handed it to the Martinez housekeeper. Then Connor frowned and asked the old Ferguson housekeeper: "Housekeeper Martinez, how is your father's health?"

Connor vaguely remembered that the last time the butler Martinez came to write to him, he hinted to him that the old Ferguson's health was not very good, so that he would return to the city of Frosinone where the family is located as soon as possible to inherit the family. In fact, Connor is thinking now whether the arrival of the old butler Martinez is due to the physical changes of the old Ferguson, I am afraid...but in order not to leak the news, for the sake of safety, so Martinez, an old butler who is almost ninety years old, will come to Luen in person to find himself not far away!

"Thank you, young master!" The old butler sitting on the sofa heard Connor ask about his old Ferguson's physical condition. He seemed to think it was Connor's filial piety in his old eyes that there was a light of approval, and the old butler took it with both hands. Connor thanked Connor for the water glass he handed over, and then took a sip of water and introduced it to Connor.

"Master Connor, the physical condition of the master was not very optimistic. I have found a lot of doctors for the master, but the results are not very good. Therefore, both master and I hope that you can complete your studies at Green University as soon as possible. When Frosinone inherits the family and revitalizes the family!" Just as Connor was waiting very intently for the "but" that Martinez butler would say next, Martinez butler suddenly paused, his old face There was a touch of joy that could not be concealed, and then he looked at Connor and said with excitement:

"But three months ago, the imperial royal family was sympathetic to our Ferguson family. After learning about the Lord’s condition, it specially arranged for Academician Marotta of the Royal College of Medicine to treat him. After Academician Marotta provided him with a few bottles of medicine machines, Master’s current physical condition has improved a lot!"

Feeling the excitement in Martinez’s butler’s words, Connor also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. No matter what, the improvement of old Ferguson’s physical condition is definitely something to celebrate for Connor. , As long as the old Ferguson does not die for a day, then naturally the mess of the Ferguson family will naturally not be taken care of by Connor for a day.

Hearing that it was not the physical problem of old Ferguson, then Connor did not hesitate to support the Martinez butler to come to Run to find himself because he was very curious about what happened, and he pondered for a moment. Connor considered the language and tried to find himself. Martinez's old butler asked: "Old butler, since my father is in good health, why are you coming to Ruen to look for me this time because...?"

Hearing Connor’s question, Martinez’s butler looked solemn, and then looked left and right in the apartment. Seeing the old butler’s actions like this, Connor immediately understood what the old butler meant, and said in a deep voice: "Old housekeeper, I am very safe here. It doesn't matter what your old man has to say!"

   Hearing Connor's words, the old butler Martinez nodded, and then carefully took out a handkerchief that had been stacked several times from his arms.

As the handkerchief was taken out, Connor's eyes flashed when he sensed The attention was all focused on the handkerchief taken out by the old housekeeper, but the old housekeeper didn’t notice Connor’s eyes. The change is still very careful to open the handkerchief.

After a few seconds, the old butler Martinez opened his handkerchief completely, and showed Conner a dim ruby ​​ring in the middle of the handkerchief: "Master, this is the treasure of the town handed down from the ancestors of the Ferguson family. I am here this time on the orders of the master to give you this ring to the master!"

Seeing the ruby ​​ring, which was treated with seriousness by the old housekeeper and regarded as a treasure, Connor did not show anything on the face, but he was a little dumbfounded in his heart. The old housekeeper was so solemn, and Connor thought What kind of baby would it be? It seems that Connor is really disappointed now. This ruby ​​ring is actually a space ring, and in terms of workmanship and quality, it belongs to the very inferior kind of space ring. The Space Ring, when Connor was an apprentice to an intermediate wizard several years ago, could already be refined.

In addition, from the perspective of maintenance, this ruby ​​space ring has dimmed light like this. Basically, it can be concluded that this space ring has not been maintained for at least one or two hundred years, and it has not been maintained for such a long time, plus it is so crude. The craftsmanship and quality, if this space ring can be opened, it will definitely be the blessing of the goddess of luck!

Although he was a little disdainful of this space ring in his heart, Connor would never express his true emotions. He solemnly took over the space with this ruby ​​from Martinez’s old butler. The handkerchief of the ring, and then the gesture is to put it in the pocket.

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