Count of Wizards

Chapter 404: Speculate

"It seems that Connor, your relationship with Martina has improved?" Looking at Connor, the old Victor asked with interest;

   "Maybe!" Connor shook his head and gave a somewhat ambiguous answer.

In these twenty days, I have to say that Connor’s preparations were not unnecessary. Martina once asked Connor to solve the problems she encountered twice. Connor did not feel that Ma Tina really encountered a problem she could not solve by herself on the tempered metal bricks, and wanted to seek her own help, but wanted to learn more about mental micromanagement from the sidelines, but fortunately, , Martina is not stupid enough to want to secretly monitor Connor's small house, otherwise the gadgets Connor arranged will definitely make Martina have a good show.

"Master Southgate, did you agree to my request?" After Martina left, only Connor and Old Victor were left in the alchemy laboratory. Before Victor could speak, Connor did. Asked very simply.

   "Unfortunately, Lord Southgate rejected your request!" Connor asked simply, and Old Victor's answer was also very simple, without any sloppy meaning.

Connor did not have any surprises about the old Victor’s answer. When he made this request, he had not discovered the unusualness of metal bricks. After he discovered the value of metal bricks, Connor immediately understood. Victor promised that he would tell Southgate about his request, which may be a complete excuse, but even if the old Victor really told Southgate about his request, Southgate would probably not agree to it. .

   It has been nearly a month since I dealt with these metal bricks. Although Connor is not sure yet, what are these five metal bricks? What is the role? But Connor can be sure of two points. The first point is that the five metal bricks on which he depicts the runes are just a certain part of an alchemy item. The second point is that Southgate’s alchemy item, if it’s a demon If the item is transformed, it is at least a Tier 3 demonized item!

A Tier 3 enchanted item, although it can be refined for a great alchemist like Southgate, it is by no means easy, it can be refined casually, and a Tier 3 demon can be refined. To transform items, one or more secret techniques must be used, and for an alchemist, this kind of secret technique is obviously impossible for other alchemists to easily see.

"Then what can I get?" Connor asked the old Victor with his usual expression. He has been working here day and night for so long, and his own consumption is so large that he is not allowed to watch Southgate. For his refining process, he should be given some other compensation!

Passing two pamphlets to Connor, the old Victor said, "This is the secret society classics and alchemy materials that I can mobilize. You can choose three of them at will. Don’t worry, you can take them back and choose one carefully. Just give me the answer in a week. Just put the items you selected with these two brochures in the mailbox of the professor's villa at Green University, and I will arrange them to be delivered to your apartment! ’

"Okay!" Taking the two brochures from the old Victor, Connor glanced slightly and nodded in satisfaction. Although he didn't know what he would choose, the old Victor this brochure Each of the items listed in the list is of great value. If you can choose from three of them, it's really not in vain.

   "I'll let the carriage take you off!" There was no intention of being polite with Connor. Old Victor directly arranged Connor's departure.

Ten minutes later, Connor sat on the black carriage when he came and drove out of the manor slowly. He also wore the wristband that could interfere with his mental power, but he was in the carriage when he came. With Martina by his side, the carriage was now replaced by a large, seemingly heavy box.

Eyes swept across the big box, and Connor’s eyes flashed with a fleeting light. If he reads it correctly, the material of this big box is also an alloy, and in terms of the impression given to Connor, the big box used The alloy in the manor also looked somewhat similar to the metal brick on which the siphon rune was painted on it with the mental micromanipulation method in the alchemy laboratory in the manor.

   The carriage continued to move forward. Just as Connor was hesitating whether to inspect the big box, a cold voice of the auxiliary chip suddenly came into his mind:

   "Dip! The auxiliary chip has detected an abnormal energy in the space around the subject, which has increased several times the normal value! It is recommended that the subject be vigilant!"

   "Sure enough!" Hearing the reminder of the auxiliary chip, Connor's attention instantly shifted from the mysterious alloy box next to him, and he sneered in his heart and said secretly:

   Connor has always believed in one sentence ~ ~ Remove all impossibility, and the answer is the truth even if it is absurd.

After discovering that the place he was in was suspected to be Norwich Forest that day, although Connor could hardly believe that he was still in Ruen more than an hour ago, and he appeared more than 300 kilometers away from Ruen more than an hour later. Norwich Forest, but when he concluded that the vegetation and climate of Norwich Forest recorded in the auxiliary chip database is 89.7 percent similar to what he saw in the forest. , Connor had to start to believe that this black wagon of enchanted items really spanned a distance of three hundred kilometers in just a short amount of time!

After confirming the facts, Connor began to think about what this seemingly unobtrusive black horse-drawn carriage could do what the world’s fastest train, the Saint-Laur, with a speed of 20 kilometers per hour, could not do. ?

  Connor, as an alchemist, thought about it and thought that there was only one way to make the black carriage do this, and that was the space teleportation array!

Using the space teleportation array can greatly reduce the travel time. For destinations that can only be reached by trains in a few hours or even a few days, the space teleportation array may be able to transport you to the destination in one minute. The space teleportation array is good, but However, it is impossible to use it on a large scale. First, if you want to build a space teleportation array, the person in charge of building it must be a great alchemist who is very proficient in the field of formation and space. Can be completed in months. Secondly, the materials used to build the space teleportation circle are extremely cherished, and after hard work, if you want to use the space teleportation circle, it consumes a lot of magic stones!

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