Count of Wizards

Chapter 388: Emergency moment

According to Connor’s will, the mana in his body immediately began to circulate rapidly. In the quiet room, Connor’s entire head also began to form a faint black mist, and energy fluctuations were produced in his body. With the emergence of Connor's vision, Connor can clearly feel the evolution of the shadow chains in his body, and it has gradually accelerated. The evolution of the previous days can now be completed in a second or two.

However, it seems that Connor was also prepared. The flags he placed around the room suddenly showed a faint wave of light, covering up all the things that happened in the quiet room.

As his movements continued, Connor couldn't help but thicken the black fog that had condensed above his head. His face was also covered with a layer of black air, and his facial expression became a little distorted because of the pain.

"not good!"

Feeling the state of mana in his body, Connor said solemnly in his heart. After all, his most worried thing has appeared!

Although he performed many simulations on his own attempt in the auxiliary chip before this operation, and got a probability of success of more than 50 out of 100, the shadow chain that happened to him currently He hadn't waited until he became an official wizard, but a weird evolutionary situation had occurred. There was no record in the knowledge Reyes taught him the secret of the abyss.

The simulation calculation of the auxiliary chip is not made out of thin air, but requires a large amount of data to construct a model for calculation in the model. In other words, the more relevant information, the more accurate the simulation calculation of the auxiliary chip. The less the data, the higher the error rate of the simulation calculation of the auxiliary chip!

And this time because there is no record of this matter in the Abyssal Secret Technique, although it is judged that this evolution is going in a good direction based on the detection of the auxiliary chip, it can raise the power of the Shadow Chain to a new level, but in The data used in the simulation calculation is still the data of the previous practice of the abyss secret method, so it is inevitable that there will be errors in this!

Connor is now encountering the situation that this error is too large. In actual practice, it is much more difficult for him to artificially speed up the evolution of the shadow chain than his simulation experiment in the auxiliary chip!

At this time, Connor’s whole body’s mana has all fallen into the matter of pushing the evolution of the shadow chain, and what makes Connor feel the most chill is that the shadow chain seems to form a strange magnetic force, which can actually turn his mana Hold it firmly.

Connor, who discovered this unexpected situation, immediately wanted to stop the action, but it was too late at this time, the mana in his body was no longer under his own control, even if he wanted to stop now, stop pushing the shadow chain Evolution is also impossible. If this continues, the mana in his body will not last long, and it will be exhausted, completely exhausted, and a wizard's mana is exhausted, it is a terrible thing, there is no need Talk more, right?

"Auxiliary chip! Get it out for me! How long will this situation continue now?" A ruthless color flashed in his eyes, and he shouted in his heart: He has no way to block the flow of mana to the evolving shadow chain by conventional means. But he still has the opportunity to try a last resort method, perhaps to stop the mana to the shadow chain that is growing in evolution, but since it is a last resort method, even if Connor succeeds, he conservatively estimates that he He has to stay in bed for at least a year, and there may be some sequelae, so he wants to seek advice on the auxiliary chip before making the final decision.

The only thing Connor feels fortunate in the current crisis situation is that his cautiousness allowed him to ignite Myojin incense beforehand. With Myojin incense, at least he can still keep a clear head in this situation. , Otherwise, it is very possible that he has been consumed too much due to the rapid consumption of mana, and his mind and reason has been affected.

"Dip! According to the detection of the auxiliary chip, the subject only needs to hold on for ten seconds, and the evolution of the shadow chain will be completed!" Connor's voice in the Shenhai just fell, and the cold female voice of the auxiliary chip sounded in his ears.

"Ten seconds?"

Hearing the inference of the auxiliary chip, and feeling the speed of the evolution of the shadow chain on his body, Connor quickly decided in his heart. At the current speed of the mana, he can probably hold on for about 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, he will The mana will be sucked up by the evolving shadow chain, the worst will be violently killed on the spot, and the worst will be severely injured, leaving a lifetime sequelae.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, a touch of decisiveness appeared in Connor's eyes. He decided to believe in the auxiliary chip and continued to hold on for ten seconds! He can still hold on for twenty seconds After ten seconds, even if the Shadow Chain has not completed the evolution as the auxiliary chip speculates, then he can still use the last resort method to try to stop the body Connor’s mana is sent to the Shadow Chain. Although the success of doing it at that time will be lower than that of doing it now, Connor is really unwilling to accept failure like this!

"Ten, nine, eight,..." The countdown silently began in his heart, and Connor was ready to stop forcibly at any time. If after ten seconds, the shadow chain still does not appear as the auxiliary chip said, Stop inhaling the mana from his body and complete this very strange evolution, then no matter how unwilling he is in his heart, Connor will not hesitate to take measures to try to forcibly end the transmission of his mana to the chain of shadows.

"········Three, two," he counted silently to "two." Connor found that the absorption of his mana by the Shadow Chain was still continuing and there was no sign of abating, which made him extremely disappointed. Under such an atmosphere, Connor said "one" with disappointment in his eyes.

Connor was about to make up his mind just after counting the number of "One". When it stopped all of this, a miracle happened, and the chain of shadows completely stopped the absorption of mana from his body and completed his own evolution.


There was a breathtaking ecstasy, which directly caused Connor to explode a foul language! After wiping the sweat on his forehead, Connor only felt that there was a chill from his back. It turned out that he did not know when his back was completely wet with sweat.

With a wry smile, he changed himself into a set of clean clothes. Connor, who was calm, focused his attention on the shadow chains in his body. He wanted to see if he risked his death on the spot and pushed for completion. What's the change between Jin's Shadow Chain and before!

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