Count of Wizards

Chapter 381: Housing agency

This Meilinger real estate agency, although not the most housing information published in the housing information advertisement column, the quality of the information is very good and it is very professional. Obviously, the information will be displayed only after carefully selected. .

In addition, this Meilinger seems to be focusing on single-family houses and villas. Sixty percent of the house information they publish in the housing announcement column is of this type, and as the house to be used, it is clear that single-family houses are best choice.

"Hello sir! I'm Harland, the real estate agent of Meilinger Real Estate Agency!"

A gentle middle-aged man in the company who appeared to have completed a transaction and wearing gold-rimmed glasses noticed that Connor walked into the shop, and the corner of his eye was concealed when he raised his glass to drink. After looking at Connor, when he noticed Dow Connor's body, the purely hand-made, valuable privately-made clothes, his eyes under the lenses of his glasses immediately showed a gleam of light, and he immediately put down the water glass in his hand. , Sorted out his formal clothes, walked up to Connor with a smile, stretched out his hand and introduced himself:

"My name is Warren!" Shaking his hands gently with the house agent named Harland, Connor casually changed a pseudonym and said:

"Mr. Warren, what do you need? What kind of house do you want to buy?" I have to say that this house agent, Mr. Harland, is very good at observing words and colors. He simply scanned Connor and gave up immediately. After the plan to exchange greetings with Connor, he immediately said straightforwardly:

Glancing at this Mr. Harland with admiration, Connor did not hesitate, and directly stated the housing conditions that he wanted to be a safe house: "I want to buy a house. If the location is located, except for the East District, South District, Wailu It can be used in both the urban and rural areas. It must be a detached house, the surrounding security must be good, and the surrounding transportation must be very convenient. There must be at least five public carriage stations!

He took out the notebook in his pocket. The house agent Harland wrote down Connor’s requirements in his notebook. When Connor finished his request, he asked seriously: "Mr. In addition to these requirements, are there other requirements? For example, children go to school, shopping for food, etc.? And price requirements?"

"I don't have any other requirements for the house. As for the price of the house... I can accept it under 800 gold pounds!" Connor, who has always been accustomed to the lavish, originally wanted to say that there is no requirement for the price. But in order not to arouse other people's ideas, he still added an upper limit of eight hundred gold pounds.

Hearing the "Mr. Warren" in front of him said that he could consider anything under eight hundred gold pounds. Although there was nothing special on Harland's expression, the excitement in his eyes had already betrayed the true thoughts in his heart.

Close the notebook, the house agent, Mr. Harland, helped his gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said to Connor seriously: "Mr. Warren, I already know your requirements for the house. Now I need to ask You can introduce some of our company's charges. We will combine your requirements in our company's housing resource library and take you to see the house on the spot. If you do not choose to buy during the house inspection, we will treat you A series of services will be free!"

"If you choose to buy the house we provide you with information, we will charge an intermediary commission ranging from 3% to 5% according to the amount of the house you purchased! This is an intermediary contract, please read it carefully! If not If you have any questions, you can sign the contract!" After introducing Mr. Harland, he took out a contract from his desk and solemnly handed it to Connor.

I took over the intermediary contract from Mr. Harland and read this contract carefully. The content of the contract is very detailed. The charging situation is as described by Mr. Harland, and at the end of the contract, it is specially added. The bold font emphasizes that the customer needs to pay the intermediary company a fine of three times the commission if the customer escapes the order!

Connor had no objections to the terms of the contract. Coupled with being very satisfied with the professionalism of Melinger Real Estate Agency and Mr. Harland, Connor signed Warren's name on the contract without hesitation.

Seeing that Connor had signed the contract, Mr. Harland also signed his name in the position of the real estate agent on the contract, and also stamped the big seal of Melinge Real Estate Agency. So far this contract It is officially effective, and Connor and Meilinger Real Estate Agency have officially become an employment relationship.

"This sir, I can assure you that you will not regret choosing us. I dare not talk about all the housing agencies in the entire Hebrew Street. In the single-family house, this is the resource of our Meilinger housing agency. Absolutely first!" Mr. Harland said confidently:

"I hope so!" Connor said lightly:

"Mr. Warren, do you have time now? If you are free, I can now show you a few houses that meet your requirements!" Mr. Harland asked Connor :

"Yes!" Connor nodded.

Seeing Connor nodded, Mr. Harland didn't hesitate either. Putting on his coat, he drove Connor on the tour of the house in a carriage.

First, he took Connor to a single-door villa in a residential area in the north of Ruen. Mr. Harland took out the key to open the door of the villa and entered the villa for a tour.

"Mr. Warren, this villa basically meets your requirements perfectly. It is a detached house and is surrounded by residential areas. There is also a park nearby. The environment is very quiet. Most of the residential areas are workers, and there is basically no miscellaneous. People are waiting, plus it is only three blocks away from the Metropolitan Police Department in the North District. Public security is also guaranteed. As for traffic, when you came, you also saw a lot of public carriages around, definitely more than five stops! "

"The only drawback of this villa may be that it was built thirty years ago. Although the age of the house may be a bit older, the quality is very good. This villa is the manager of the construction company that built this residential area. Specially built for myself, all the materials used are the best!" Following Connor, Mr. Harland carefully introduced the general situation of the villa to Connor.

Connor silently squinted his eyes and checked the entire villa mentally. After a while, Connor nodded in his heart. This Mr. Harland is still honest, and he is right. The quality of the villa is very good. Well, the layout and structure of the house are also very reasonable, which seems to be in line with your requirements!

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