Count of Wizards

Chapter 379: condition

After a while, he digested the energy in the medicine. Connor immediately finished his cultivation, opened his eyes, and felt that after digesting the energy of the medicine, the energy backlash injury on his body was relieved, but Connor's eyebrows were wrinkled. stand up.

The medicine he just took was called Luca Aura Elixir, which is a branch of the famous healing potion in the wizarding world. It was created by pharmacist Luca and named after his own name, according to Connor to himself The estimation of recovery from the injury, considering the resistance, he needs to rest for at least three months and take twelve bottles of Luca's Aura to heal within these three months, but the reality is that Connor currently has only three bottles of this space ring. This medicine is only enough for him to heal his injuries for one month.

As usual, Connor doesn’t worry about not having any medicine in his hands. As long as he tells Varga, Varga will naturally prepare it for him, but now the bad pages are broken at this point. Connor and Varga are two of them. There was a contradiction between them. In any case, Connor couldn't pull his face down like before, as the Luca Lingyun Elixir that Varga wanted to heal his injuries!



"Connor, what's the matter with you?"

A month later, in an abandoned factory warehouse on the outskirts of Ruen South District, Margaret looked at her pale Connor with some worry.

Connor did not speak to Margaret’s concern, but waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, and then took out ten lengths of about one meter from the space ring, and placed the metal alchemy puppet on Margaret’s. before!

"Have you refined the alchemy puppet?" Looking at the puppet in front of her, Margaret asked Connor in surprise:

Connor smiled and nodded, pointing to the introduction of these alchemy puppets and said: "The reason why I have invited you to meet here this time is to tell you that I have finished refining these ten alchemy puppets, and I can challenge the Tunguska area at any time. The magic stone mine has started large-scale mining!"

"These alchemy puppets, according to my estimate, can support one and a half years in the radiation environment of the magic stone mine, and only need to replace their core components after one and a half years. In terms of energy consumption, every 100 magic stones are mined. The stone original mine, the alchemy puppet only consumes ten refined magic stones, and an alchemy puppet can mine five to 20 magic stone raw ore in one day!"

After listening to Connor's introduction, Margarita nodded in satisfaction, her eyes were brilliant, and the jade hand couldn't help touching the metal shell of the alchemy puppet.

Seeing that Margaret was very satisfied with the alchemy puppets he refined, Connor couldn't help but a touch of arrogance appeared in his eyes. Connor was also very satisfied with his first alchemy puppet work, as long as these ten alchemy puppets After investing in the mining of the magic stone mine, Connor felt that he would not be short of magic stone at least for a long time!

"Margaret, I want to discuss something with you!" When Margaret recovered from her love for alchemy puppets, Connor pondered and said to Margaret:

Seeing that Connor was finally about to talk to herself about today’s topic, Margaret glanced at Connor with a smile. She knew that Connor had asked her here, so she must not just tell her that he The alchemy puppet used to dig the magic stone mine was refined and nothing more.

Seeing Margaret not speaking, Connor continued to count against his scalp: "At the beginning, you and I agreed that the magic stone mined from the Tunguska magic stone mine was divided into five to five, but I want the alchemy puppet to get from the magic stone mine in the first three months. I will give you all the magic stones mined!"

"What do you want to change from me?" Margaret did not hesitate, and asked directly. As soon as Connor took the initiative to give up thousands of magic stones to herself, Margaret naturally knew that Connor could not do this. The big benefit was given to himself for nothing, and Connor must have wanted to change something from himself.

After pondering for a while, Connor decided to tell Margaret the truth. He watched Margaret and said: "I have suffered some injuries due to energy backlash. I want to get some Luca aura medicine to treat my injuries. If Without Luca's Lingyun Potion, it is possible to get some healing potions with similar effects!"

"How many Luca Lingyun potions do you need to completely heal your wounds?" After hearing Connor's condition, Margaret immediately observed Connor's body, and it took a long time before she replied:

"Eight bottles!" Connor said:

Connor’s tone was a bit helpless. It is conservatively estimated that all ten alchemy puppets in three months can mine five thousand magic stones from the magic stone mine, and it is divided into fifty-five. That is to say, Connor estimates that it can be divided into 2,500 magic stones , And the market price of a bottle of Luca Aura Elixir is almost between fifty magic stones and a hundred magic stones. Even if eight bottles of Luca Aura Elixir are the highest price in the market, only eight hundred magic stones are needed~www Exchange two thousand magic stones for a potion worth 800 magic stones. Connor did not get lost. This is his helpless move. Luca Lingyun potion is a special treatment for energy backlash injuries. It is said that the original intention of the pharmacist Luca to study the refining of this medicine was to commemorate his nephew who died because of energy backlash.

Energy backlash is not very common in the practice of wizards, so even the Luca aura potion that specializes in treating energy backlash is not very common in the wizarding world. It is also the kind in the market for healing. For the injuries on his body, during this time Connor did not go to the gathering of many Ruen underground wizards in the Meazza Manor and the Mönching Club, but he always found nothing for the potions that can heal energy backlash!

Seeing the injury on his body, because there is no medicine, recovery is indefinite, and there is still a risk of the root of the disease. Connor can only hit his idea on Margaret who is in the Church of the Storm, and wants to make someone home. Help, naturally, must be driven by benefits and give others a bit of sweetness!

"You are willing to pay for it!" Margaret said with a smile, who understood the account, "I can do this for you. It just so happens that the church headquarters has distributed a large number of medicines to Luen, and I will check it. Check to see if there is any medicine in it that can treat energy backlash injuries!"

"But I want the magic stone ore, which is of no use! Why not, let's change our division method, I will bear the loss of refining the magic stone ore, and give Connor an extra 10%, and Connor, you will refine it. It’s okay to share the magic stone for me with three achievements, Connor, if you agree, this time the potion will be equivalent to me giving you, and you don’t need to use the three-month share to exchange it, how about?" Let Connor Somewhat unexpectedly, Margaret actually offered her terms.

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