Count of Wizards

Chapter 371: Make a plan (two)

Hidden behind the big tree, Connor, who turned into a red-haired man, was carefully looking at the manor in front of him against the drawings in his hand! Because Dr. Gulsi is now in the manor most likely to treat Ceballos, Connor did not use mental power to detect it, but to observe with the naked eye in order not to startle the snake.

The luxurious manor in front of him, covering an area of ​​about 1.5 hectares, is what Varga said, the place where Ceballos was rehabilitated and restored. This manor includes three villas, a small hunting ground, a swimming pool, and three warehouses. Ceballos lived in the middle of the three villas, and in that area Gulsi had not allowed the servants of the manor to enter.

Because Varga had already entered the manor and sent medicinal materials to Gulsi before, Varga relied on his memory to draw the plan of the manor and hand it to Connor. Connor, who has a very strong executive force, came here to survey the terrain today after learning what happened from Varga's mouth yesterday.

According to the records on the floor plan, Connor, who was looking into the distance, quickly locked his target location in the manor-the villa where Ceballos was located.

Yesterday, they decided to eliminate Gulsi’s goal. Connor and Varga carefully studied the entire elimination plan. First of all, the place of action must not be placed in the hospital. Second, although pharmacists are generally not very powerful, But Varga said that Gulsi has a strong second-order magic item in his hands, and a magic item that instantly increases speed and escapes. Therefore, in such a situation, how to smoothly kill Gulsi will be very difficult. of!

Connor and Varga negotiated and made a plan A. The so-called plan A is to use the magic circle to trap and kill Gulsi, and the place where the circle was set up was chosen to be where the Ceballos cultivation medicine pool is. Among the villas, I have to say that choosing this location is a very bold decision. First of all, the area of ​​Gulsi will inevitably set up restrictions and magic circles to prevent others from entering, and re-arrange the magic circles in that place. Killing Gulsi is a test of Connor's magic circle level.

Secondly, in order to better take care of Ceballos' recovery, Gulsi herself has lived in that villa for a long time. If she wants to set up a magic circle there, the first thing to do is to remove her from the villa!

Arranging the circle in the villa where Ceballos is located, although the risks are great, but the benefits are also great. Once the plan is successful, then Ceballos will undoubtedly be Connor’s hostage, with Dr. Gulsi The feeling of licking the forehead of Ceballos is likely to not abandon Ceballos and leave alone. In this way, she can only fight Connor to the end. In that case, Connor has only just broken through the senior wizard apprentice. Realm, but with the castilla staff and silver pendant in his hand, coupled with the sweeping formation beside Varga, Connor is still very sure to kill a fearful pharmacist!

After carefully looking at every corner and confirming that there was no problem with the infiltration route, Connor quietly withdrew from behind the tree. Gulsi gave Varga five days to consider whether to accept her request. Today is the fourth day. Binggui Shen Su Connor does not intend to drag on, he wants to do it tonight!

Varga will move Gulsi out of the villa around eleven o'clock in the evening, and that time is the time for Connor to sneak into the manor and set up the formation!

Withdrawing from the vicinity of the manor to the depths of the forest, Connor leaned against a rock for a short rest. He took out the blue spirit spring potion from the space ring and looked carefully. From the very beginning, he had a hunch that his mentor Reyes, as a professor at the secret society, might not have any good intentions to let himself become his student!

Connor didn’t believe that Victor, the old guy, gave him the Spirit Spring Potion and concealed the side effects of the Spirit Spring Potion from him. It was all he did. Without Reyes’ instructions, he was obviously a mentor. Such unscrupulous means really want to make himself a senior wizard apprentice, and hesitate to sacrifice the possibility of becoming an official wizard in the future, so when he becomes a senior wizard apprentice now, then he will definitely see it soon, right?

Thinking of this, Connor couldn't help falling into silence, and for a long time he took out a roll of parchment from his space ring.

"My alchemy, page 213, refine that thing, and then decide for yourself whether to leave Luen or go to the place of your dreams!"

Looking at the message left to himself on Reyes’ parchment, combined with his own conjecture, Connor couldn’t help but have another insight...

The message on the parchment, Connor did not understand the meaning of the second half of the message when I first read But looking at it now, can it be said that Reyes has expected it now, so Let yourself decide whether to leave Luen and go to the place of your dreams?


After pondering for a while, Connor cursed in a low voice. Although the ability Reyes showed in his eyes was omnipotent, Connor never believed that Reyes could count everything!

With the passing of time, the sky slowly darkened, and soon the dark night covered the earth, and there were still breeze in the sky.

Glancing at his pocket watch, it was eleven o'clock in a quarter of an hour. After Connor lurked back to the tree near the manor, he quietly waited for Gulsey to leave the manor as Varga said.


The minute hand in his arms had just passed eleven. Connor’s keen mental power was to discover that a woman in a robe had walked out of the manor. This woman was not someone else, who had a close relationship with him. The secret agency pharmacist is also Dr. Gulsi, Varga's teacher.

At this time, Dr. Gulsey is no longer there. He was domineering when he first saw it, and on his exquisitely well-maintained face, he was also very old. The whole person looked dozens of older than when he first saw it. Years old.

Dr. Guersey walked out of the villa in a hurry, and she was heading to the city of Ruen, which coincided with the plans of Varga and Connor.

Seeing Doctor Gulxi disappear into his sight, a sneer appeared at the corner of Connor's mouth. It was time for him to act. Without the slightest hesitation, Connor's figure flashed and he dived directly into the manor and walked along himself. The route that had been surveyed a long time ago, Connor came very smoothly, the area of ​​the villa where Ceballos was recuperating.

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