Count of Wizards

Chapter 368: Overcome difficulties

Knowing that Connor, who is the heir of the spiritual wizard of Professor Reyes, is very likely to be very good at searching for souls, Martina did not hesitate to set out to Connor’s apartment to rescue Arcado. Arcado is a secret agency. The wizard responsible for stalking and stalking, Shenhai knows many secrets that are extremely important to the secret society. Although these secrets are in the Shenhai of Arcado, there are prohibitions and protections, but Martina, who has seen Reyes’ magical methods, doesn’t I dare to bet how much Connor, as a student of Reyes, has inherited his mentor in searching for souls.

Martina, who rushed to Connor’s apartment, discovered that Connor, who was an intermediate wizard apprentice when she met herself in the Bruges bistro a month ago, has now become a senior wizard apprentice like herself, although A little surprised, but not too surprised.

After all, Connor’s cultivation level had reached the pinnacle of an intermediate wizard apprentice when we met Connor last time, and he was in a state where he could break through to become a senior wizard apprentice at any time. In addition, Connor was a student of Professor Reyes. Reyes’ strength and his power in the secret society, as his disciple, Connor Ferguson will inevitably be inclined to the secret society’s breakthrough resources when he breaks through, and successfully break through to become a senior wizard apprentice in about a month. In theory, although It's a bit exaggerated, but it's not impossible!

After talking with Connor on the issue of surrendering Acador, Martina chose to challenge Connor to try this extreme method. First of all, her purpose was to transfer Connor from the apartment. Come out, let Arcado have a chance to escape, Martina who knows Arcado very well, knows that Arcado has this ability. Secondly, Martina intends to take this opportunity to teach Connor a good lesson!

Last time I met in a Bruges pub, Martina, who knew that Connor was a student of Reyes, had originally thought of making friends with Connor, but she didn’t expect that she had a hot face and a cold butt. This cold reception made Martina, who has always been cold and arrogant, a sigh of anger in her heart, and she wanted to teach Connor a lesson. This is also the root cause of the stench of Martina's attitude after coming to Connor's apartment.

Martina was originally confident that she had broken through to become a senior wizard apprentice earlier than Connor, and the cultivation mana was naturally deeper than Connor. In addition, she had a combination of magical items that are rare in the wizarding world and gave it to Connor. A memorable fiasco of the guy who has just become a senior wizard apprentice is definitely not difficult.

Because I know that Connor’s mentor, Professor Reyes, is a spiritual wizard, Martina has been prepared for Connor’s mental attack as a student of Reyes, and has prepared a defensive mental attack. Enchanted items, this is where Connor's advantage in her heart lies. When Connor's mental shock was first encountered, Martina was able to respond so quickly because of the existence of this enchanted item that can defend against mental attacks. .

Being attacked by mental power, there was nothing serious that made Martina's self-confidence soar. She thought that Connor was nothing more than that. She was so confident that she began to let go of her hands and feet and began to prepare for a big fight. The battle situation was originally according to her thoughts. Like that, after she took out the combination of magical items, she broke Connor and gradually took the upper hand in the battle, but what he never expected was that Connor was taken away by Connor before her victory. Much stronger than at the beginning, the weird mental shock came back.

Up until now, Martina still keeps reminiscences in her mind. Connor’s last mental shock was terrifying. Looking back, Martina thinks that although the mental shock is strong, it is not strong enough to be a real blow. Can defeat her, and the reason why she would lose so horribly is mainly because she was too confident in her demonized items for defense against mental attacks, and she too underestimated Kang, who is a spiritual wizard. The power of Na’s mental attack.

In addition, the timing of Connor’s mental power attack was also very good. At that time, when she was about to release the second wave of thunder and lightning and was about to completely end Connor, she expected that she had been injured by herself. Connor, can still release such a terrifying mental shock.

Thinking of this, Martina’s white palms could not help but squeeze into a pink fist. If time can reverse her back to just now, or in the future, she will have the opportunity to fight Connor again. Martina believes that as long as Prepare yourself, even if Connor can still send out such a terrifying mental shock, she will definitely be able to handle it!

"Dip! The simulation test is over. The alchemy puppet mines the magic stone for one year in the simulated environment. It only needs to replace the components once. The energy consumption is For every 100 magic stone ore mined, the alchemy puppet only needs ten A refined magic stone"

   "Hahaha Hartmo's I finally succeeded!"

   I don’t know that Martina is still thinking about her Connor. In the alchemy laboratory of her apartment, she heard the cold girl from the auxiliary chip in her mind, and her face suddenly showed a satisfied smile!

He has discovered the magic stone mine in Tunguska for a year. Until now, the magic stone mine has not formed a large-scale mining because Connor has not researched a suitable alchemy puppet. This has become Connor’s heart disease, Connor overcomes the first two of the three difficulties in refining alchemy golems, mana runes, and alchemy golem energy consumption, but he has not overcome the third difficulty, puppet resistance to magic stone energy. The problem of radiation.

Now he has become a senior wizard apprentice. Connor’s level of alchemy that was originally restricted due to his cultivation has also increased a lot. Therefore, in this case, the third path of alchemy puppet resistance to refining that has been plagued by Connor. The energy radiation problem of the difficult magic stone mine is naturally solved!

Under the simulation conditions established by the auxiliary chip, the test is successful, and he can officially start the production of alchemy puppets in the next step. At most three months, he can complete only ten alchemy puppets. At that time, all the alchemy puppets can be invested in the magic. The quarry is under mining, and his space ring will be filled with magic stones!

   When Connor thought about this, the smile on Connor's face couldn't help being brighter, but before Connor was happy, Connor felt a very familiar petite figure gradually approaching his apartment.



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