Count of Wizards

Chapter 366: Combine magic items


Castilla’s staff hit the ground hard, and a blue hexagonal circle immediately appeared under Martina’s feet. Seeing this situation, Martina made a decision without hesitation. She sang in a low voice, and as she sang, a layer of ice crystals suddenly appeared within a radius of 30 meters centered on her.

The existence of this layer of ice crystals made the formation of the Castilla circle at the feet of Martina very slow. After doing all of this, Martina looked at Connor with a look of disgust, her white and delicate fingers. Gently tapping Connor in mid-air, Connor suddenly felt that an invisible shackle was tied to his body, suppressing his mental power and mana.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, Connor patted the Castilla staff in his hand, and suddenly a semicircular protective barrier emerged from the staff, protecting Connor in it, and at the same time Ma The condensing speed of Castilla's staff under Tina's feet also began to increase dramatically.

"This is... the second-tier top magical item?" Feeling the power of Castilla's staff, Martina's cold face finally showed a touch of solemnity, although it was at first At that time, she had realized that the wand held in Connor’s hand was a second-order enchanted item, and it was not an ordinary enchanted item, but if it weren’t for Connor’s counterattack, she had noticed Castilla. Martina couldn't believe the true power of the wand anyway. The quaint wand in Connor's hand turned out to be a second-order top magical item!

   Taking a deep breath, Martina also drew out two jade bracelets from her space ring, which were worn on the wrists of her own hands!

   "Combine magical items!"

Unlike Martina to judge the level of a demonized item, you also need to feel its power. As an alchemist, Connor recognized Martina’s jade jade bracelet now on his wrist with just a punch. identity of!

On the surface, each of these two jade bracelets is an ordinary enchanted item, one with ice attribute energy, and the other with lightning attribute energy. But if you put these two enchanted items, If you look at it together, you will find that these two second-level enchanted items with different attribute energies have become extremely complementary to each other, producing a chemical effect that one plus one is greater than two!

Demonized items like these two bracelets are called combined demonized items in the wizarding world. They are very rare. One of the combined demonized items may not be conspicuous when taken out alone, but all the components of the combined demonized item, If they are combined together, they will explode amazing energy. For these two bracelets, they were originally just two ordinary second-order enchanted items. One-on-one competition with Connor's top second-order enchanted item card The Staff of Stia was absolutely crushed, but when the two bracelets were combined, it seemed to suppress one end of the Staff of Castilla in terms of energy. As for the movement of Castilla's circle at the feet of Martina Cohesion was forcibly stopped in an instant! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

"··········Martina seems to be unable to move?" Connor squinted her eyes when she looked at the unfolding and still hadn’t shifted her position. He couldn't help but secretly guessed that Castilla's magic circle could not block Martina in it as he wished, so he would try other means to see if he could defeat Martina. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

An understatement of the palm is usually stroked from the space ring. Another second-order enchanted item in Connor's hand, the silver light pendant was taken out of the space ring and held in his hand, because the whole body was in the staff. Under the protection of the defensive enchantment, the invisible shackles of the mana and mental power that Martina exerted on Connor have been removed, so now Connor can use the silver light pendant to affect his mental power without being bound. Increased, launched a mental attack on Martina.

Although the conditions for performing a mental attack here were ripe, Connor did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, he stood in the protective barrier with his eyes squinted, because at this time Martina was wearing the piece on her left hand that was full of ice properties. The second-order magical item of energy is already locked to Connor’s protective barrier and Connor in the barrier prevents Connor from escaping, and the jade bracelet on Martina’s right hand is full of this lightning attribute, and the energy is also Become more violent, as if it could completely explode and give Connor a fatal blow at any time!


Martina's mouth uttered a clear Byzantine spell, and Connor immediately felt that he was in the Arctic Icefield, surrounded by ice for thousands of years, not to mention physical mana, mental power, even thinking. It was also frozen, and even though the whole person was in the defensive enchantment of the staff, he still felt that he could not move at all!

At this moment, Martina wore a jade jade bracelet that released lightning energy and slammed Connor. In an instant, more than a dozen arms of thunder and lightning were aimed at Connor’s protective barrier. !

   "Afraid of rubbing! Afraid of rubbing!·········"

This wave of thunder and lightning hit the protective and the protective barrier released by the staff suddenly sank, and the blue-black light that appeared on the protective barrier was completely dimmed. The protective enchantment looked embarrassed and miserable. Even Connor, who was protected by the enchantment in the protective enchantment, was struck by lightning, and a red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth to receive some emotional intelligence. However, although it was a bit miserable, the protective barrier still barely blocked Martina's first wave of lightning strikes!

Standing aside watching Connor was injured by her own lightning strike, Martina's cold face could not help but a touch of arrogance appeared. She raised her jade hand to prepare to cast a second wave of lightning strikes to kill this The last suspense of the competition!

"It's now!"

   Connor screamed in his heart, and his mental power was immediately increased by the silver pendant, and he directly released a mental shock to Martina!

Martina, who was still preparing for the second wave of lightning strikes, never thought that Connor, who was embarrassed, could even strike back. In addition, Connor, who was already a senior wizard apprentice, was under the increased spiritual power of the Silver Pendant. , His spiritual power is infinitely close to that of a formal wizard, and it is self-evident how powerful the spiritual impact supported by such a strong spiritual power is.

   Under the accidental attack by Connor’s mental arithmetic, Martina’s cold face was suddenly full of pain.

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