Count of Wizards

Chapter 361: Senior Wizard Apprentice (1)

Dementia could not find anything in the spirit of this demonized knight, but fortunately, in this guy's space ring, Connor found some information and knew that this demonized knight was called Issa. He is a small leader of the Skull and Bones Demonized Knights, leading the other demonized knights whose strength is equivalent to that of the Wizard’s Intermediate Wizard apprentice, and what caught Connor’s most attention was that this Issa was directly influenced by the Great Alchemist in the Skull and Bones. Southgate command leader! First release https://https://

   Perhaps it was because Connor was not good at this. In the process of dissection, Connor did not get much valuable information about the demonized knight from the demonized knight named Issa. Dissecting Issa’s body and dissecting the corpse of Warcraft are not different in Connor’s view. If Connor’s only gain during the dissection process is that he found it in the head of the enchanted knight Issa. A red and green crystal like the magic core of Warcraft.

Collected the burnt black ashes of the demonized knight Issa and sent it into the sewer. Connor, who had done everything, walked out of the safe house, re-disguised himself, and walked towards the train station in Ruen. This matter It's over, he is going to Tunguska now.



   Tunguska in three days.

In a very secret cave on the mountain outskirts of Tunguska, sitting on a blue-and-white silk, Connor stared at the surroundings of the cave. At this time, he painted tight runes on the four walls of the cave. , With the cave as the center and a radius of 100 meters, he also arranged the formation.

The reason why Connor is in this place where birds don’t shit, so much time and effort, is entirely because the position he is currently in is the place he carefully selected after he retreats and breaks through the senior wizard apprenticeship, although he is in Lu En’s safe house seems to be very safe at the moment, but Lu En is not at peace recently. He always gives Connor an indescribable feeling of undercurrents. In addition, Connor’s magic stones are used up. Then a batch of magic stones were re-extracted from the magic stone mine of Tunguska to use as a source of energy to assist in breaking through the magic circle, so Connor thought about it and decided that his breakthrough location this time was in Tunguska.

   Although the strength of the church in Tunguska is very weak, just in case, Connor did not choose to be in the more convenient city of Tunguska, but chose to be in the uninhabited mountains.

Confirming the formations inside and outside the cave, the runes did not have any flaws, Connor nodded slightly, and played a magic battle around the walls of the cave. The formations arranged by Connor in the cave immediately began to work, and it played a role in the formation. The five hundred magic stones arranged by Connor in the lower cave gradually released the purest energy particles, and at the same time, Connor’s hidden formations arranged on the periphery of the cave completely integrated everything that happened in the cave. Cover it up and block the energy particles inside the cave in the cave.

Feeling the rich energy particles in the cave that are about to condense into mist, Connor squinted his eyes and expressed his luxury in his heart. Just like this, the five hundred magic stones would be gone. If it weren’t for him, Connor had found a demon. Quarry, such an extravagant auxiliary breakthrough method, he couldn't even think of it!

Feeling the coolness brought by this piece of silk under him, Connor closed his eyes again and began to meditate in the sea of ​​Gods. He practiced the high-level meditation idea "The Secret Technique of the Abyss". He killed Epstein in the battle. In addition to confirming his own guesses and knowing a lot of news about the Skull and Bones, he also got a lot of benefits from the space ring of which Epstein and that Skull and Bones Demonized Knight. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

This includes the piece of silk under him. As an alchemist, when he first saw this piece of silk from Epstein’s space ring, Connor realized the difference in this piece of silk. , This piece of silk turned out to be an extremely rare demonized item in the wizarding world that can assist wizards in their cultivation!

Connor has not figured out the material and refining techniques of this piece of silk, but this does not prevent Connor from obtaining the effect of this piece of silk through actual testing. If he sits on this piece of silk and cultivates, his mind can reduce distracting thoughts. Keep the mind and body in a clear and calm state, so that the wizard can enter the deep meditation environment better and faster, which greatly improves the efficiency of cultivation, but what Connor values ​​most is this piece of silk to assist him. Break through to become a senior wizard apprentice.

As a very rare spiritual wizard in the wizarding world, Connor has tasted many of the benefits of spiritual wizards, such as keen inspiration and strong mental power. When fighting an enemy who has not fought against spiritual wizards, he can hit the opponent unexpectedly. ····Wait, but as the saying goes, "There is one advantage, there is one disadvantage". The strength of mental power is far beyond the same Inspiring spiritual wizards are easier to feel than other wizards in daily practice. When there is a mysterious and unknown existence whispering in his ears, it is good to say that Connor can overcome these difficulties with his tenacious willpower and the means recorded in the abyss secret law!

But breaking through the realm of cultivation is very important. Any detail is very important, but it’s different. With the experience of breaking through to become an intermediate wizard apprentice last time, Connor is very aware of the mystery emerging from the ears of the spiritual wizard breaking through. How deadly babbling is, it is completely two concepts from the mysterious babbling that emerges in the ears of daily practice.

   And the characteristics of this magical silk item found in Epstein's space ring can greatly improve Connor's ability to resist the mysterious babble that appears in his ears when he resists the breakthrough.

From the space ring, he took out the occult potion that Varga specially refined for himself. Connor drank it all and swallowed it all into his abdomen. After drinking the potion, Connor did not dare to stop for a moment, and immediately began to sit cross-legged. Go down and start to meditate and practice according to the high-level meditation method that he has cultivated.

Ten seconds after Connor’s entrance, the occult potion also played his role in Connor’s body. Connor felt that his body was full of energy, the mysterious chatter that could be heard in daily practice. At this time, it became clearer in Connor's soul.

Although with the experience of breaking through the apprenticeship of the intermediate wizard last time, Connor has already attached great importance to the mysterious babble that appeared when breaking through the bottleneck of the cultivation base, but this time the mysterious babble has struck, and Connor still has a short-term mystery in the soul. fantasy·····

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