Count of Wizards

Chapter 353: Re-decide

The appearance of this voice immediately made Epstein's heart tense, and before he had any hesitation, Epstein directly urged the spell in his heart, but it was already a bit late at this time, the two who had been frozen by his spell. The skulls came out of the ice, and bit them severely on Epstein's shoulders.

Epstein reacted very quickly when he was bitten by a skull. With his white gloved right hand, he immediately pulled out the two skulls from his body and threw them out. The action of throwing the skulls went very smoothly. The skull was immediately thrown tens of meters away by Epstein, but although the skull left Epstein’s body, the two skulls left marks on Epstein’s body. Epstein’s The bite wounds on the left and right shoulders clearly produced two blue smoke that exuded a fishy smell. Not only that, Epstein's bearded face also showed an unnatural green!

Feeling the change in his body, Epstein's face was cold, his hand was about to wipe his space ring, and wanted to draw the healing potion from the space ring, but Mr. Issa would give him this opportunity, and his hand had already popped out. The Evil Blade that the Secret Society gave him, shot at Epstein.


The Evil Blade was more than ten meters away from Epstein, and it hit the ice shield summoned by Epstein. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Epstein proudly took out a tube of ice from the space ring. The blue potion, but he had just drunk half of it. The ice shield he displayed was completely pierced by the Evil Blade, and the Evil Blade aimed at his heart and shot it again.

A touch of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, but in the face of the evil demon blade containing the terrifying power, Epstein had no choice but to let go and was forced to abandon it, and to drink the remaining potion in the potion tube, he could only do his best again. , Once again displayed a thicker ice shield, blocking it in front of him.

In this gap, Mr. Issa, dressed in a black robe, still slammed in front of him, without any gimmicks, his left and right hands were tightly clenched into fists, just slamming against Epstein. Above the front ice shield, behind the ice shield, who originally wanted to struggle, Epstein, who had drunk the remaining half of the potion, was suddenly hit hard, and immediately shook slowly, as if drunk, even After pushing a few steps, the remaining half bottle of ice blue potion that was originally held in his hand was also spilled on the ground, and when it fell on the ground of the ice blue potion, a light blue layer of ice immediately appeared!

"team leader!"

"team leader!"


Seeing Epstein in such a tragic situation, the other three apprentices of the intermediate wizard who had been suppressed by the five men in black brought by Kuku Issa, they immediately cried out for help. Although all three of them were carrying powerful demons. The five demonized knights on the opposite side are not as powerful as their bodies, and they all carry demonic blades that are not under the demonized items in their hands. The three arbiters of three of them are naturally fearless, but three are five. It is still very difficult for them to be able to support it up to now, just waiting for Epstein to take the lead in getting the black man in front of the opponent, so that he can return to pull them back, but now Epstein’s situation is actually making them suck. Take a breath.

Under the huge impact of the two fists, Epstein barely stood firm, his eyes swept away when he heard the shouts. Under the siege of five demonized knights holding demons blades, everyone was hurt and red. With three companions, Epstein made a decisive decision and uttered a violent shout:

"After I was broken, the three of you immediately separated and fled! Go back and report to Master Langley what happened here!"

Hearing Epstein’s cry, under the siege of five men in black with evil devil blades, the three arbitrators, who had become more and more embarrassed, immediately awakened, looked at each other, and played a wave together very tacitly. The big move temporarily pushed back the five men in black who were besieging him, and then took this opportunity to disperse outside to break through.

"Epstein hand it over to me! You catch up! One will not stay!" Seeing his five men in black, after the three arbitrators under siege scattered and fled, they hesitated and didn't know if they were staying and besieging Love. Perstein, still chasing and killing the three arbiters who fled, Mr. Issa immediately issued an order and commanded:

The people in black who got the order of Mr. Issa immediately stopped hesitating and chased after the three arbiters who were running separately!

"The punch that the man in black struck just now...if I read it correctly, the scales that cover his fist are on top of it!" He is holding a telescope on the kilometer-high mountain. Connor, who was observing the situation under the thought silently in his heart;

Although the "binoculars" he refined the demonized item could not be like the mental power, so that he could hear the sound coming from below, but it could allow him to clearly see the battle situation underneath from a kilometer above. The two punches that the man in black hit on the ice shield in front of Epstein were fast, but in a flash, they were enough for Connor to see that they covered his fist, completely The small scales that are not human, combined with the feeling of deja vu at the beginning, immediately made Connor aware of what...

"The demonized knight? This leading man in black is obviously much stronger than the Hector and his like I met before. It is really unexpected that the secret society arranged them to deal with the four people of Epstein. ·····The organization behind these demonized knights is really deeply involved with the secret society!" Putting down the binoculars in his hand, Connor muttered to himself:

The breeze blew slowly, and Connor, who was standing on the top of the mountain, had a glimmer of light in his eyes. Then he immediately performed a light body technique at himself and ran down the mountain. The demonized knight appeared unexpectedly, which undoubtedly caused Taking Connor's interest, thinking about Connor just changed his original observation plan. He has to go down and observe closely to see if he can get more information that interests him.

I don’t know if someone is lurking down from the mountain peak. At this moment, he is in the thrill of retaliating. Two skulls and a demon blade are under his control, uninterrupted. The blast is on the ice shield of Epstein’s body, not giving Epstein any chance to breathe, while Mr. Issa, half human, stands in the right position and seals Epstein to death. Escape route.

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