Count of Wizards

Chapter 347: Inferential association

"It wasn't the Langley you said. He planned to take the two bombings I did. Did he start to crack down on Edel's WeChat?" Connor frowned, and asked inexplicably. Now a little confused by Margaret!

"That's right, these two bombings are the entry point he chose, but Connor, you have to know that he wants to arrest you, and he personally arrests you, are two concepts, okay?" Looked a little confused B Connor, Margaret said with a faint sarcasm at the corner of her mouth:

"At the secret meeting, the old woman Lena was the person in charge of the church’s intelligence agency in Ruen. Through the way you created the explosion, and the traces of energy from the circle you left at the explosion site, it was concluded that you were a Alchemist, and has a lot of knowledge in the circle, while Langley used the contract of Warcraft, and judged that you only have the cultivation level of the intermediate wizard apprentice! So this time for your search and capture, Lange Lai will not personally, but hand it over to several apprentice wizards sent by him from the church headquarters!"

"Margaret, just say directly, the people I want to face are of any strength!" After going around for a long time, Connor was really impatient, waved his hand, very directly and simply to Marguerite. Specially asked;

"Langley came to Luen from the headquarters this time, and brought four apprentice wizards. One of them was a senior wizard apprentice, and the other three were intermediate wizard apprentices. I only know the senior wizard apprentice leader among the four wizard apprentices. His name is Epstein, and the remaining four people are practising what kind of meditation and whether they have powerful magical objects in their hands. I don’t know about these! But from the general perspective of the wizards who came from the headquarters , This group of people will have good demonized items in their hands!" When talking about these serious things, Margaret also reduced the smile on her face and introduced Connor seriously;

"Epstein, one senior wizard apprentice, three intermediate wizard apprentices..." Connor muttered in a low voice and began to figure it out. His eyes sparkled from time to time. For him, even though he faced these four The personal situation is still very dangerous, but as long as he is not allowed to face any official wizard of Langley, there is still room for turning around!

"Hey, this person is Epstein!" Seeing the gleam in Connor's eyes, Margaret slammed her mouth and took out a scroll of oil painting from the space ring, and unfolded the oil painting. Yuzhi pointed to the burly middle-aged man with the iconic big beard and said to Connor:

After carefully looking at the bearded eyes on the oil painting, Connor nodded silently without speaking.

Seeing Connor not speaking, Margaret comforted him for an unprecedentedly unprecedented level: "Don't worry about these four people too much. Based on my understanding of Edel, although he may not have beaten Langley before, this old fox never Will allow Langley to be so arrogant, because of his so many years of hard work in Ruen and his cruel character, plus Lena, an old woman who controls the church in Ruen’s intelligence agency to help him, maybe By that time, the four people brought by Langley have not found you, they have been cleanly cleaned up by Edel. At that point, as long as Connor does not continue to commit crimes, Edel may not bother to care about you. Up!"



There was a white fish belly in the sky, and the hot sun slowly rose from the horizon. The first ray of sunlight in the morning passed through the window and hit Conner in the quiet room of the apartment at No. 16 Rand Street, East Ruen. In the quiet room, Connor's eyes were blood red, and his angular face looked very tired, but his eyes were gleaming, making it difficult to look directly at him.

Last night, after introducing Connor to the next situation that Connor was going to face, Margaret just left, but this was enough. Connor was grateful to Margaret and knew His collaborator will face a senior wizard apprentice and three intermediate wizard apprentices to search for and kill. Margaret will continue to ventilate herself and insurance is a big risk. If Margaret's is not available After this briefing, he may still have no idea what he will face next.

Taking out the alchemy furnace from the space ring, Connor looked at the black pill alchemy bomb in the alchemy furnace that had not been completely refined. His eyes became more cautious. After Marguerite left, he did nothing, just Sitting in this quiet room, began to calculate everything!

Before Margaret came, he was curious that the old Victor commissioned himself to refine an alchemy bomb that resembled the gray crystals he used in the two One thing that had originally puzzled him, Margaret's last unintentional move about Edel said to him, on the contrary, made Connor realize a shocking possibility!

As a student of Reyes, Connor asked himself that he still understood Reyes’ character. In the last turmoil in Roen, Reyes had paid so much, even if he did not hesitate to run, it seemed like something. I didn’t get it, and Connor had speculated about this. His mentor Reyes did this to support his inner ghost in the church, and this person became the bishop of the Ruen Church after the secret society turmoil. The probability of Edel is very high.

If it is assumed that Connor’s conjecture is valid, and that the bishop Edel of the Ruen Storm Church is the hidden son of the secret society professor, then the old Victor’s request for Connor to refine the alchemy bomb seems to be understandable!

The cardinal Hummels of the Storm Church arranged for his henchman Langley to become his confidant. The arbitrator of the Ruen Church led the view to get rid of Edel, who had discredited him. Langley chose to make two bombings by himself. The entry point to combat Edel's prestige in the Ruen Church, and exclude the people he brought from the church headquarters to arrest him.

Faced with the naked provocation of the foreign dragon, Edel, as a local snake, is naturally unwilling to wait for death like this. He must fight back. Although Connor does not know how Edel will fight back against Langley, he thinks After this, Connor believed that if Edel was really as he thought, was his mentor Reyes buried in Roen’s dark child, then Edel’s counterattack is likely to be refined by Connor Ferguson. The alchemy bomb has something to do with it!

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