Count of Wizards

Chapter 345: The trouble is coming

Just when Connor was thinking hard about the purpose of old Victor, his face suddenly changed, and he felt a breath that he was very familiar with, which was silently attacking the back garden of his apartment. ······

"Margaret, why did she come?" Connor lowered his head and muttered to himself. Although I don't know why Margaret came from, there is no doubt that this breath is Margaret. of.

Taking out a new set of robes from the space ring, Connor flicked his fingers and changed the clothes he was wearing and put on a new long-distance running. Because he was refining the alchemy bomb, although the clothes he had on his body were still clean, but they were all tainted with the smell of sulfur. Wearing that suit to see Marguerite, the ghost knew that he was making it. Alchemy bomb.

After changing into a new long-distance run, Connor checked his body and found no smell of sulfur, and nodded with satisfaction. After receiving the spiritual fire, he took the alchemy furnace back into the space ring, got up and went downstairs to see that it had already appeared at this time. Margaret in the hall.

"Long time no see!" Connor smiled and said hello when he walked down the stairs and looked at Margaret, who was still graceful in a luxurious purple robe.

"Connor, are you still smiling now?" A glance at the smile on Connor's face, Margaret's alluring face suddenly showed a non-smiling expression.

Feeling Margaret's shocking tone, and seeing the expression on her face again, Connor shrugged a little disapprovingly and said, "How about it?"

"It looks like you still don't know what happened, good luck!" Seeing Connor's nonchalant attitude, Margaret sneered and got up to leave!

Seeing Marguerite’s extraordinary pie, Connor finally smelled a hint of danger from it. He took the lead, stopped Marguerite, frowned and asked: "What happened? ?"

"Get up!" Margaret seemed to be still angry with Connor. She ignored Connor at all. She still pretended to leave, but she said she was leaving, but Margaret no longer had any actual actions. Obviously, she was just talking about it, and she was still very honest physically.

"Hey, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, can't you?" Although I don't know what kind of nerves Margaret is, but in order to figure out what Margaret is going to say this time, Connor is still like coaxing Varga The same, coaxed Marguerite.

For Connor's set, Varga seemed to be very useful, and his expression eased a lot, and he sat back on the sofa in the apartment again after half pushing.

"One month ago, the church headquarters rejected Bishop Edel. For the nomination of the Ruen arbitrator, instead of selecting a candidate from the headquarters, he has full command of Ruen's entire arbitrator system and is responsible for protecting Ruen's safety! On the sofa in the lobby, Margaret considered the language and introduced to Connor in a deep voice:

Seeing Margaret talk about the appointment and removal of personnel within the church, Connor couldn't help but feel confused. Whoever is the leader of the arbitrator of Ruen and is responsible for Ruen's defense seems to have basically nothing to do with him. What did Margaret tell herself about this?

Just when Connor heard that he was puzzled, Margaret continued: “The headquarters’ rejection of Bishop Edel’s command of the Arbitrator of Ruen is a very obvious signal. The above does not want Ruen to fall into it. Under the control of Edel. Edel nominated the arbitrator to lead the candidate. Borja, who has just broken through from a senior wizard apprentice to a formal wizard, is a representative figure of the native Ruen arbitrator, and he also followed Edel. The ten-year old subordinates are far more loyal to Edel than to the church!"

"The fact that Borja became an official wizard was very unexpected within the Ruen Church. You must know that before this successful breakthrough, Borja, who was at the pinnacle of senior wizard apprenticeship, had tried to break through the official wizard twice, but two It failed unexpectedly every time, even Borja himself gave up the breakthrough, but he did not expect Borja to succeed in a very miraculous breakthrough this time!” Speaking of Margaret’s beautiful eyes, She couldn't help revealing a touch of doubt. It was obvious that Marguerite was one of the people she was surprised by.

“Because the new Ruen Arbitrator’s headquarters has not been finalized for a long time, it was previously led by the previous Ruen Arbitrator, who is also the current Bishop of Ruen, Edel. This time, if Edel nominated Bo Erha has assumed the role, and the Ruen arbitrator is in charge, so in reality, the Ruen arbitrator is still under the command of Edel!"

"But the headquarters has rejected as the nomination and recommendation of the Bishop of Ruen, Edel, and the outstanding Langley has been transferred from the headquarters to serve as the new leader of Ruen's arbiter!" Marg Little said with a serious face, and when she said the name Langley, she also deliberately increased her tone, suggesting that Connor is an important person.

Connor was aware of Margaret’s suggestion, but after listening to it for a long time, he was listening to Margaret’s introduction of the relationship between the characters in the Arbitrator of Loen, and he did not hear anything related to him. This made his patience exhausted. He looked at Marguerite and asked in a puzzled manner: "What does Marguerite have to do with me?"

"What's the matter? Did you know that you were involved in the factional struggle within the church?" Margaret sneered and asked categorically:

"I'm involved in the faction struggle within the church?" Margaret's words immediately made Connor's jaw-dropping. Margaret's words became more and more difficult for him to understand. How did he get involved in the church factions well In the middle of a fight, if the Church of the Storm wants to arrest him, it might be a good idea!

Without waiting for Connor to ask questions, Margaret asked again; ‘The explosion in the city of Ruen some time ago and the explosion in the secret warehouse of the Mallorca church a few days ago. Connor did you do it? ’

When Margaret talked about this, Connor nodded and whispered again in his heart. The old Victor let the alchemy bomb he refines and the explosives he used in the two explosions are highly similar in performance. From what Margaret said, how could this have anything to do with these two explosions?

Seeing Connor nodding her head, Margaret sighed, staring at Connor's eyes closely, and said one word at a time to Connor: "Connor, your big trouble is here!"

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