Count of Wizards

Chapter 340: Possession

Hearing that the waiter who called himself Williams said the name of Vivienne’s restaurant, Connor’s glasses couldn’t help squinting. Although he didn’t know the waiter, he still said the Vivienne restaurant in the mouth of the waiter. I understand that it is a restaurant near Green University. Because the food is clean, the taste is good, and the price is reasonable. It is very popular with Green University students. When I was at Green University, Varga helped Connor deal with the Cavaliers many times. Connor had repeatedly asked Varga to eat there in return for his trauma during training.

"Oh! I ordered it, you can bring the things in!" Connor thought quickly and asked the waiter Williams to take the things into his apartment. This food from Vivienne's restaurant There must be a problem. The Vivienne restaurant is located near Green University from his apartment, and it takes at least half an hour to take a public carriage. This distance is coupled with the connection between Vivienne Restaurant and himself and Varga. It's hard for Connor to think of Varga who hasn't appeared until now.

   "Okay!" At Connor's order, Williams picked up the huge lunch box and sent it into Connor's apartment.

Connor closed the door, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and his heart moved to activate the hidden magic circle he had set up in the apartment. He planned to directly perform contemplation on this Williams to see what was going on. However, his thoughts couldn't keep up with the change. Before Connor could start the Williams and put the lunch box in, after Connor's kitchen, he fainted and lay straight on the floor in Connor's apartment.

   Such a sudden situation immediately made Connor suddenly alert, and directly held Castilla's staff in his hand.

   Connor, holding the Castilla staff, looked serious and detected his mental power on Williams, who fell unconscious on the ground.

   At this time, Williams closed his eyes tightly, his face was ruddy, his breath was calm, his heartbeat and pulse were all very normal, and it didn't seem like something had happened to him.

   Connor’s eyes flashed a little doubt, his mental power test hadn’t found any energy fluctuations in Williams’ body just now!

   Just when Connor was puzzled and prepared to conduct further inspections on Williams, Williams opened his eyes again without warning and stood up from the ground.

Seeing such a strange situation erupted on Williams again, Connor's patience could not help being completely consumed. With a wave of Castilla's staff in his hand, he was ready to perform an attack. However, just one second before Connor's attack, William There was a clear and sweet voice that Connor was so familiar with from the man Moss.

   "Connor, it's me!"

   The familiar Varga's voice was heard in his ears, and Connor's eyes looked at Williams suddenly changed incomparably astonished, and the attack he was about to launch couldn't help but stop.

   "I can't get out of the hospital and come to your house because of something, so I use the body of this waiter to perform a possessive technique!" Williams spit out Varga's voice again,

Hearing the three words "possession", Connor's incomprehension in Connor's eyes eased, and he looked again at this time, although Williams was open, but he was very sluggish, like a little unconscious eyes and stiff limbs. , Connor nodded and retracted the Castilla Staff into the Space Ring.

"Possession technique can only last for three minutes, so what I want to say next, Connor, you must remember!" Varga's voice is full of solemn meaning, reminding Connor once again, Varga is not wasting Time, began to state: "In the first three days of this week, I refined the mystery potion, but for some reason, I couldn't go to your house and give it to you directly, so I put the potion in Sa The safe house in Port Solow is under, you can pick it up wherever you go."

"In the remaining four days, I devoted all my energy to the analysis of the Spirit Spring Potion. At the beginning of the period, I exhausted the conventional methods of analyzing the effects of the medicine, and I did not get it from the Spirit Spring. The answer, but when I made a desperate move to dilute the Spirit Spring by several times and then did a clinical trial for some ordinary people to take it, I discovered a huge secret of the Spirit Spring!" Speaking of this, Varga's crisp voice , Seemingly with some vibrato, she paused and continued:

"Those ordinary people who have been experimented by me and took Spirit Spring, in the twenty-four hours after taking it, they seem to have changed from ordinary people to monsters, and their spirits will be abnormally excited and sensitive, and their minds have also received a lot of attention. The big influence becomes very irritable and irrational, and tireless, without any pain, even some ordinary people who have no talent for wizards at all can awaken their mental It can be seen that the actual spirit in the Spring of Spirit Potion The spiritual vitality contained in it is definitely much stronger than what it shows!"

"After discovering this, I was very excited when I was going to conduct a more careful examination of these ordinary people to obtain more detailed data, but twenty-four hours later, these few people who took the Spirit Spring Medicine , All have gray hair, wrinkles, and other obvious signs of aging to varying degrees. Such signs do not make sense from a pharmacological point of view. From the perspective of this phenomenon, the reason why Spirit Spring can be so effective is very obvious. It may be at the cost of overdrafting vitality and judging from the performance of these ordinary people who currently take the Spirit Spring Potion, the mental and mental side effects caused by the Spirit Spring Potion are likely to be permanent and irreversible. of!"

Comparing Varga's narration, Connor's mouth gradually showed a sneer. It's a good one at the cost of overdrafting vitality. The mental and mental impact of side effects is permanent and irreversible. If it is not a coincidence, Varga's unintentional Let him be a little more afraid of the "Spiritual Spring" that can increase his success rate by 30% out of thin air to become a senior wizard apprentice. I am afraid he has already started taking this Spiritual Spring potion under the temptation of the "30% success rate" at this time. Try to break through the senior wizard apprentice!

"There is one more important thing, Connor, I think you must know that based on the clinical trials of the Spiritual Spring in my hands, this Spiritual Spring can treat Connor as a spiritual wizard like you. The 30% success rate of breaking through the advancement of advanced wizards is too conservative. I guess it should be around 50 to 70%."



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