Count of Wizards

Chapter 332: Space items in the safe

"Sa Sa Sa······Sa Sa Sa" lasted for about five seconds, and the strange sound erupted from guarding the secret warehouse suddenly stopped, but the next second was the attention of Connor’s murderous eyes Next, the seemingly indestructible protective circle at the upper left suddenly burst and opened a small hole for one person to pass through.

"It's now..." Connor yelled in his heart, using his speed to the extreme, rushing to the small hole, and after an instant he tried to grasp the opportunity he created. Connor discovered that two stunned people appeared in front of him, two unlucky guys who hadn't figured out what had happened, and the small hole behind him that only existed for a second was immediately closed.

With his eyes swept over these two unlucky ones, Connor, who wanted to seize the time and make a quick decision, naturally did his best. He didn't dare to keep his hands, and immediately activated the spiritual power increase of the silver light pendant, directed at these two people, one person. It is a mental shock.



The next moment after the mental shock was released, Connor heard only two screams. Among the two unlucky ones, the thin young man was already bleeding from his seven orifices, and he rolled around in pain and completely lost his combat effectiveness. The other had a big beard. The middle-aged person may be due to the deeper cultivation base and stronger mental power. Although it was also bleeding from the seven orifices, he still barely maintained a standing state, but before he recovered, he discovered in horror that a black horror was engulfed. The mysterious chain of arrogance hit his heart.

Feeling the fear in the depths of the soul, the bearded middle-aged man struggling to win, an ice shield immediately condensed in front of him, who was bleeding from the seven orifices, trying to block the progress of the mysterious chain, but all this is in the strength of Connor. There is no doubt that it was all in vain in front of absolute suppression. As soon as the talented spell Shadow Chain touched the ice shield, the ice shield broke in response, and then the bearded middle-aged man felt a heat in his chest, and his vitality was immediately It faded quickly, and at the last glance in his life, he saw that his companion's body became a mass of ashes that disappeared with the wind under the mysterious chain wrapped in the terrifying black arrogance... ····New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   After killing these two hapless guys, Connor couldn't help showing a lightness on his face. Up to now, all his actions have been very smooth, and he is proceeding completely according to his expectations.

   "Auxiliary chip, how long do I have?" Connor's mental power quickly checked this seemingly ordinary warehouse, while silently asking in his heart:

   "Dip! There is still one minute and twenty-one seconds before the shielding effect of the bead is lost." Connor issued a question, and his mind clearly sounded the cold female voice of the auxiliary chip.

When I heard that he only had a little more than a minute left, the ease that Connor’s expression had just surfaced immediately converged, and solemnly climbed onto his face again. He who did not dare to waste a second, immediately Laser shot towards a room in the warehouse. If his mental power test is correct, that place should be the control center of the secret warehouse protection circle.

Coming to this room, Connor looked up and saw a compass-like thing with white light, floating in the mid-air of the room. Concentrated and carefully looked at the compass with both eyes, Connor combined what he had learned. Knowledge of the circle and knowledge of alchemy, immediately recognized that this compass is the control hub of the secret warehouse protection circle. Controlling this compass undoubtedly means controlling the protection circle. Connor is aware of this. A gleam of light flashed in the middle, and then he chanted a spell in his mouth, and immediately hit the compass with his palm as he flipped it over.

Under the influence of Connor’s spell and magic, the white light of this compass floating in mid-air gradually dimmed. The compass that stopped emitting white light in the next second also slowly stopped from mid-air to the ground. With this The compass was closed. At this time, the protective circle that had been automatically opened in this secret warehouse was also closed. The closure of the protective circle made the entire warehouse look like normal.

After this, Connor’s nervous heart was temporarily put down, and he quickly wiped the sweat beads on his forehead. Connor once again took out a few pieces of turbid gray from his spatial ring. The crystals were placed in hidden places in the warehouse. After finishing all this, Connor immediately went to another room in the warehouse. He took out the key just found on the two hapless corpses and opened the room directly. In the huge safe.

"Zizzi····" Under the turning of the key, the safe erupted with a few small sounds, and then it was opened by Connor. The first appeared in front of Connor, including the Imperial Bank and the Kaman Bank~www and various bonds including the Kaman Empire government bonds. These accumulated bonds occupy two-thirds of the safe space.

Although these bonds together with a conservative estimate would cost tens of thousands of gold pounds, Connor did not devote his attention to this at all. He came here with only one goal, and that is Black Rock Grass. If you want money, use Connor. Cautious and cautious would never take such a big risk and choose to looting the secret warehouse of the Storm Church.

In addition to bonds, the safe contains scattered gold bars and silver dollars, the main jewelry and the like, not to mention the black rock grass that Connor is looking for, it is just something related to medicinal materials and plants, which I can’t see. of!

Faced with such a situation, Connor, with only a few tens of seconds left, still tried his best to maintain a calm state of mind, and his mental power carefully checked the pile of gold and silver jewelry in the safe. There is something in this world. Space objects, these space objects usually exist in the form of rings, belts, etc. various accessories, so that is to say, at this time, these gold and silver jewelry in the safe, among them A certain piece or pieces is likely to be the first release of a space item

   It's not that Connor doesn't want to directly buy all the gold and silver jewelry into himself, and then wait for him to leave, and then slowly screen out these space jewelry, so much trouble! If he doesn't do this, there is naturally a reason for not doing it! First of all, in the current cognition in the wizarding world, one space item cannot be put into another space item, 100% will cause a space explosion, so I am not sure whether there are any space items in these gold and silver jewelry. Next, Connor would never put these things in his spatial ring.


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