Count of Wizards

Chapter 314: 1 trigger

Although Old Victor said that he came here to protect his safety, but in fact, only he knows that. When thinking of the third possibility, Connor, who has always been cautious and cautious, had a problem with the sudden old Wei. Kedo inevitably has more of the heart of the embankment, and there is also more temptation in his words!

   Old Victor may not have realized that Connor was testing himself. He pondered a little and said, "This matter will end here, they won't be attacking you!"

Hearing Old Victor’s promise as if it were an order, Connor’s original doubts about what Margaret had just said to him also disappeared. Now that Old Victor said so, the meaning in the words was already clear. Yes, Margaret is right. The mysterious organization of the experimental demonized knight is related to the secret society! And the old Victor Xiran also knew who the other party was, otherwise he wouldn't end up here, they wouldn't be attacking you such bullshit!

   A look of anger gradually appeared on Connor's face, and he asked the old Victor back: "Butler Victor, what are you talking about? Stop here? Stop here? Stop talking to me?"

   "Do you want me to repeat it?" Feeling the dissatisfaction in Connor's words, the face of old Victor, who was squatting, also became cold.

"Is this your attitude? Or the mentor’s attitude? If it’s the mentor’s, Connor, as a student, must obey, but if it’s you, then" Connor’s tone didn’t want to be said at the end, so respectful at first, even vaguely. There is still a sense of sarcasm in it.

   "How come you become an apprentice to an intermediate wizard, did Master Connor make you so presumptuous?" Old Victor flicked back at Connor's mockery with a cold face, his tone full of disdain.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha!" Connor laughed loudly in the apartment as if he had heard a funny joke. After a long laugh, Connor raised his head and stared at the old Victor butler. After a while, he said: "Victor Butler, I hope you can understand that I respect you very much! But you have to know, if my Temo is less lucky today, it is me who died today! You will not have the chance to be here. What **** told me in this apartment that ends here!"

"If you die, the organization will avenge you, but you are still alive, so this thing ends here! Do you know, Connor Ferguson, I will tell you one last time!" The Victor butler did not tell Connor. The words came into his heart, his eyes fixed on Connor like a falcon, and the last words were threatening!

"In that case, there is nothing to say, Victor butler, please!" Connor was too lazy to talk nonsense to Victor, and pointed to the door of the room to "see off" old Victor. With a move in his heart, the Staff of Castilla stood by in his space ring at any time!

"Connor Ferguson, you are looking for death!" Connor's attitude really passed through the old Victor. After the old butler finished speaking grimly, his old hand like a ghost claw waved in front of him, and two flashes The handprint with the dark green light slapped Connor.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that the old Victor chose to do it after all, Connor, who had been prepared for a long time, sneered. The Castilla staff in the ring of space was immediately there, and the knot attached to the staff was displayed by him. Jie was immediately protected by Connor's body!

   "Boom! Bang!"

Old Victor made two dark green handprints on the protective barrier protecting Connor, and made two muffled noises. The light flowing on the protective barrier only flickered twice, which is to combine these two. The power of the dark green handprints was all digested.

"Huh?" Seeing the dark green handprints that he expected to make Connor's memory and the understatement of Connor so lightly dispelled, the old Victor let out a surprised voice, but he didn't know. However, he was amazed when he recognized that the Castilla Staff in Connor's hand was a Tier 2 top-level enchanted item, or because Connor's strength exceeded his imagination.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Connor did not hesitate. Under the spiritual power increase of the silver light pendant, he directly locked the old Victor, and then directly released three mental shocks in a row. At the same time, Connor was still in his hands. With a wave, some mechanism in the apartment seemed to be triggered, and a wall behind the old Victor immediately shot out three steel needles shining strangely blue at the old Victor's arm!

It is not Connor Ferguson’s philosophy to be beaten, not to mention that this is his turf. He has countless agency restrictions here. Connor is confident that he is in his apartment, even facing the old Victor. Invincible

Although the old Victor's cultivation base is completely higher than Connor's level, and his strength is completely above Connor, he didn't seem to have expected that Connor would have the courage to fight and he too Unexpectedly, after the increase in the silver light pendant, Connor's mental shock was so strong. After taking the three mental shocks of Connor, he let out a muffled hum, and it seemed that he had suffered some small losses!

But even so, the experienced Victor Butler immediately reacted. Facing the steel needles that had hit him in front of the lasing shot, Victor Butler's eyes flashed with light, and his palm seemed to drive away mosquitoes. With the same random wave, all the three steel needles that flashed with weird and faint blue were all broken into two pieces and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

His eyes swept across the steel needles that had been folded in half on the ground, and Connor flashed an imperceptible shock in his eyes. This steel needle was one of the most powerful mechanisms he had set up in this apartment. The above has already reached the standard of enchanted items in terms of hardness, not only that the reason why the steel needle shimmers with a blue luster, but also because Connor smeared a blood-stained warcraft venom on the steel needle. .

In order not to completely anger old Victor and make his fight with him uncontrollable, Connor did not control three poisonous needles to shoot at the back of the old Victor's head. Instead, he chose Victor's. Arm, but old Victor's easy response made Connor realize that this old guy is much stronger than he thought!

After a short match, both Connor and Old Victor realized that the strength of the opponent has completely exceeded expectations, especially for the old Victor. Connor’s surprise to him completely exceeded his expectations. This made him, who hadn't seen Connor much, now he looked at Connor with a hint of caution!

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