Count of Wizards

Chapter 289: Complex and bitter

"Welcome to my safe house!" Connor smiled and shrugged, introducing Varga:

"Connor, you actually built a safe house by yourself?" Varga's beautiful eyes burst out with a strange light, seeming to be very unbelievable that Connor actually owns his safe house.

"Yes, this is my safe house, but it can’t be compared with the secret society safe house we both took in the port of Sassuolo!" Connor shook his head and explained with a smile. He knew why Varga would be. It feels so incredible.

The Secret Agency’s safe house under the warehouse of the port of Sassuolo not only has a defensive circle, but also because of the expensive loss stone used in the construction. It can shield the exploration of the spiritual power below the official wizard, and because of financial resources The reason for this is that his safe house can only be simply protected, shielded, and hidden. According to Connor’s estimation, it can at most hide the spiritual power of the intermediate wizard apprentice. It is the senior apprentice who carefully investigates it. , His safety will undoubtedly be discovered!

Listening to Connor's narrative, Varga's mental power probed the safe house a little, and there was a suddenly realized expression on his face, knowing the gap between Connor's and the secret agency's safe house.

Connor clapped his hands lightly and activated the mechanism he set up in the safe house. A hidden ladder immediately appeared on the rough concrete floor. Connor smiled and waved at Varga to signal her. Follow yourself. ,

After walking a few steps along the dark ladder, Connor and Varga appeared in a basement. This basement is not small, about 100 square meters, but Noda has a basement, and only one is covered. A black cloth, a square iron cage with a diameter of two meters!

Although the iron cage was covered by black cloth, no movement in the iron cage could be seen, but in combination with the Odin Blood Tiger that Connor told him before, a bright light flashed in Varga’s beautiful eyes and turned to look towards him. Connor, although she didn't speak, the meaning of the questioning eyes was very obvious!

Connor smiled at Varga and nodded, indicating that she was right in her guess, and then stepped forward with a move of mind, and a Fajue hit the black cloth covered with the iron cage, and the black cloth instantly appeared with a gleam of light. Then Wufeng automatically broke away from the iron cage and fell into Connor's hands.

The black cloth flew to Le Conner’s hand, and the thing hidden in the iron cage was naturally exposed to Connor and Varga’s eyes. Only a cute little tiger with blood-red eyes and a white body was seen lying down. As if asleep in the iron cage, this little tiger was nothing but the cub of the Odin blood tiger that Connor had tried so hard to grab.

Seeing the cute appearance of the little blood tiger, although she was mentally prepared, Varga's eyes still burst out with surprise. She approached the iron cage, looked at the little tiger very lovingly, and observed for a while. Little Blood Tiger, Varga seemed to have discovered something. He hesitated and turned to look at Connor and said, "What spell does this little guy seem to have been cast?"

Hearing Varga’s questioning, Connor’s expression was not surprised. He smiled helplessly and said, “I’ve cast a spell on this little guy. Odin’s blood tiger is very intelligent. Don’t look at it now. The appearance of harmless humans and animals is actually very cunning. I was very well-behaved when I was there. When I was away, I wondered how to escape from this iron cage. Once I was really successful by this little thing. Had it not been for the circle of this safe house, I had carefully designed it, and this little thing was still a cub, I am afraid it would really have succeeded!"

"But you don't have to worry, the magic spell I put on it is very careful, and it will only make it sleepy, and will not affect its mind or consciousness!"

Obtaining an explanation from Connor, Varga nodded slightly, and returned his gaze to the little blood tiger. The jade hand stretched into the iron cage and fondly stroked the little blood tiger who had fallen into a lethargy.

Feeling the maternal brilliance in the eyes of Varga looking at the little blood tiger, Connor had a faint smile on his mouth, hugged Varga from behind, sniffing Varga’s familiar faint fragrance, Connor was in She whispered in her ear: "Do you like it?"

Varga did not hesitate at all, and nodded gently.

"Then let this little guy follow you as my birthday present to you!" Connor said with a smile in Varga's ear:

Hearing that Connor was going to give this little blood tiger as a birthday present to himself, Varga froze for a moment, turned around in Connor’s arms, looked at Connor’s eyes, shook his head and said, “I’m not Necessary, I learn pharmacy knowledge in the hospital every day and don't fight with others. This little guy will stay with Connor by your side, and the effect will be even greater!"

Gently pressed a kiss on Varga’s smooth forehead, Connor said with a smile: "Varga, don’t forget that I am an alchemist. I secretly tell you a secret. I have two second-level demons in my hands. To change things!"

After talking about Connor, his heart moved The Castilla Staff and Silver Pendant were suddenly displayed in front of Varga.

Feeling the powerful energy fluctuations emitted by the two powerful second-level enchanted items in Connor's hands, Varga seemed to be shocked. Not only was the star-like beautiful eyes widened, but also a pair of cherry mouths were slightly open. It became an "o" shape, and seeing the expression as he had expected, Connor's vanity seemed to be greatly satisfied, and he took the Castilla staff and silver pendant back.

Holding Varga in his arms again, Connor scraped his finger at the little Alice-nose Zunzun who was in his arms and exhorted: "In addition to these two demonized items, I have other means. In the middle-level wizard In the realm of apprenticeship, I can say that it’s hard to meet an adversary. Even if I run into a senior wizard apprentice, I’m not without the power of a battle. Even if I can’t win, I’m confident that I can slip away. It takes a long time for this little guy to grow up. For a while, it has only the strength of a junior wizard apprentice. Even if I encounter a strong enemy, it has no effect. It's better to stay by your side and grow up safely!"

"Yeah!" Seeing Connor had said so, the eyes of Varga who was nestling in Connor's arms were shining with happiness, and he did not refuse Connor's kindness and gave a soft reply, which was regarded as an agreement. But what Connor never sees is the complexity and bitterness hidden by Varga’s happy eyes

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